LOST Thoughts: S6/Episode 13 – The Last Recruit or Uncle Smocke Wants YOU!

This episode gave us a nice multicentric mix in the flash-sideways. Just going to hit on some points for each of the main players. If you would like to hear more about the The Last Recruit, head on over to The LOST Revisited Now site and listen to podcast episode # 104 .

Jack: ” You look just like him” … very reminiscent of Harper to Juliet ” You look just like her”. At first, I thought it was maybe because of time travel and that Juliet is herself from the Seventies that Ben may have “loved” because she was his doctor when Sayid shot him. But now, I wonder if Harper, who showed up with the Whispers, was talking about the vision of Ben’s mother, Emily. She didn’t die on the Island, so was Ben scanned at another time…or even Roger Linus was, and that’s how Smocke was able to

Smocke: He said that he was “trapped” by Jacob. He said that they were all “trapped” by him, at one point, including himself. But he claims that Dr. Shephard and the rest are no longer because of Jacob’s death. Does “trapped” mean “commitment” to MIB? If it is, he’s talking to the wrong guy. And Smocke should have known that, considering he said he was Jack’s dad, Christian, after the crash. And if that is the case, then MIB would know that “Commitment…is what makes you tick,Jack”.

Claire: If she was under the impression in Jacob’s cabin that she was with Christian, then was this who was “trapped” with the ash, aka MIB? I wonder how he got out then, to hold Aaron, then leave him there and lured her back to the cabin? Hurley saw Christian in the cabin before this…but he saw someone else too. And we still don’t know who. Will we ever ?

Ben: In the FS, he didn’t know that Locke’s name was John. On the Island, does he know what MIB’s name is but is assumed he doesn’t because he has yet to speak it out loud? Does anyone else that is still alive? Will it be John, just like Locke and was why it was so important to name him that? John in Hebrew means “God’s grace”. Jacob in Hebrew means ” One who supplants” ie uses trickery or underhandedness to usurp someone’s place of standing. Are the naming of these two steeped in irony or are they revealing what is already there?

Sun: She “recognizes” John Locke in FS, in a very terrified way. Will we see that they have had a previous run in in the FS still or is this bleed-through, from the other time-line? She spoke to Jin as if he would know who he is, either way.

Ilana: Verdansky is her name in the FS . I wonder if it is the same as in the OTL? Most peoples’ names are the same, with the Widmore family’s being the most “flexible”. With her connection with Jacob. Knowing her surname, I wonder if Mikhail was her counterbalance in the part of the world that she was from? That he was MIB’s man in the field? Going back to the cabin, I always thought that the eye that popped out right after we see “Christian Shephard” was Mikhail. He was almost indestructible, the Island’s own Rasputin. But in the FS… mmm not so much.

Desmond: Is he more like Jacob or a Matthew Abbadon type figure? Either way, reading Claire’s name from the sign in sheet then following her to the elevator: strong contender for “Most Creepy Moment, Act 3″ 😉 See what happens when you get the fast-track, Cliff Notes version of ” Course Correction” , curiosity of Charles Widmore… you totally bypass the etiquette portion.

Well, now it’s time to march over to Episode 14 .

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