Archive for October, 2008

LOST Thoughts (and video) : Sawyer Nickname Origin # 27

In Confidence Man (Season One), Sawyer tells Kate that he was just tortured by a spinal surgeon and “a jen-yoo-wine Iraqi ” .

Now, genuine typically signifies “real , authentic, sincere, legitimate” . And that is what is the case here. Sayid …actually from Iraq. Sawyer’s just put a Bit O’ Flare on it, going for the funny (as Sawyer is prone to do ) 🙂

But then there is the “jen-yoo-wine” that is used in advertising that is a bit more “non-descript” , for lack of a better word 😉 : Genuine leather…genuine gold leaf…genuine Elvis fragrances (?) .

Here’s a video of one of the best “jen-yoo-wine” products of the 80’s . I got one of these for a present a while back….but I didn’t get the bamboo steamer with it 😦 .

(Posted by Fuzzy Memories TV)

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LOST Poll : Most Shocking Moment on LOST

Lost has had its fill of gasp worthy moments. Here’s a poll highlighting a few. Which one made your jaw drop the farthest?

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LOST Video : The Family Feud : LOST Style

Top 8 answers up on the board for this question ” Name a character on LOST with parental issues?”
Survey SAYS!!! (Made for youtube by PollyEster1)

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LOST Thought : Flat on Their Backs

May mean something…may mean nothing. But rewatching the “Carry On Wayward Son” video got me thinking. There is an obvious focus on the fact that Jack is laying on his back in the jungle in the very first frames of the series. But Locke is in the same position, post crash. But this isn’t really shown until the third episode (or fourth, depending how you look at it) “Walkabout” ,where there seems a “separation” of sorts, as to not immediately associate the simularities.

I’ve heard some say that they saw Smokey in Jack’s eye in the opening scene, assuming that the monster placed him there. And we also know (from the last mobisode) that Jack ” has work to do”. Did this happen to Locke because “he has work” as well? Was it Smokey that put them there that way? I don’t know 🙂 . But while everyone is caught up in the aftermath of the crash all around them, this is how we are introduced to these two characters: still and separate. Only difference…one is in the darkness of the jungle, the other the lightness of the sun and white sands.

Whatever the ultimate reasoning for Jack and Locke’s “placement” after the crash, for me, just makes an even stronger case that this accident was no accident. 😉

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LOST Video : Carry On Wayward Son

(IMO) Great show…great song…great editing….. 8) (Made for youtube by TruthisBeauty2007, Song: “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas)

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LOST Thoughts: Some LOST Podcasts News

Heath Centazzo, host of the Lost Revisited podcast is having a Lost trivia contest this month until Nov 1st . The October 4th , 2008 podcast episode (“The LOST/OCEAN’S 7-11 Contest Officially Begins” – L.R.N. PODCAST) has all the contest rules and trivia questions to be eligible to enter. I encourage you, while you are there, to check out his other Lost Revisited/Lost Revisited NOW podcasts.

Update: Heath has extended the Trivia Contest until December 15.

The LOST Community Podcast Book Club with David A. Dein and Melissa Lossa has started up again. IMO it is a excellent cast that “dissects” the literature that is shown on LOST. They have just finished The Tempest and will be talking about “On the Road” in their next podcast. And there is an archieve of several book discussions, starting with (of course) “Watership Down”. 🙂

LOST Unlocked is doing “LOCKEtoberfest” on their show in their next podcast. If you have something to say about, theory, poem, story, puppet show, interpretive dance (ok, that might be problematic) etc. etc. centered on John Locke/Jeremy Bentham , I’ll bet that Brian and Chris would love to hear it and might even use it on the show. 🙂

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LOST Poll : Alter Ego Storyline

Just remembering another thing that I want to know before the show ends (and it will be manuvered into “The List” ) “Why is Hugo’s nickname “Hurley” ?, I have decided to conduct this poll…..

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LOST Thoughts : Desmond/Juliet Time Connection

desmond-t1 Desmond said that he was on the Island for three years, pushing the button. Juliet mentioned to Jack that she was on the Island for three years ,as well, when she asked him to finish Ben’s surgery.

Small theory: What if Desmond, while racing around the world, was in the vicinity of the submarine (or whatever transported Juliet, Richard, Ethan …and all the rest) when it “found” the Island, having the correct coordinates? That “bumpy ride” that Jules needed to drink spiked OJ for, may have involved the “storm” Des was caught in. Desmond was then accidently (or course correctionally, depending on perspective) “caught up” with the “sub” in a mini version of the Island’s ” vanishing”, much like Hydra Island and, most likely, the Zodiac boat, featuring danielfaraday-t Daniel and the Redshirts. 🙂

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LOST Cartoon Art : Jacob’s “Press Secretary”

Christian Shephard (played by John Terry)

I don’t know why… but all of a sudden I have this nagging feeling that I ” just don’t have what it takes.” *sniff* 😦

Happy LOST Thought of the Day : Sawyer finally letting Jack know that he ran into “some guy in Australia”.

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LOST Thoughts (and Video) The Official ABC LOST Season 5 Promo

I found this on both the Long Live Locke and LOST Media today. It is the new official ABC Season 5 promo for LOST (Thanks E and LOSTmedia! 🙂 ) . I wanted to put it on here as well. It is….AWESOME!

There are some mild “spoilery” things on it because there is footage from the new season. But it is worth the watch.

February cannot come soon enough!


(Put on youtube by Guily82)

108 days on the island? Interesting….. 8)

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LOST Video : SpongeCharlie LostPants

” The Spongebob Squarepants Movie” trailer and LOST are tossed together in this silly funfest of a video.

(Made by Lostfever for youtube)

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LOST Thoughts : Red Files and Rabbit Holes

In Season One’s “Deus Ex Machina”, John Locke decided that he wants to meet his father, Anthony Cooper. This is provocated by the bizarre arrival of his long lost mother, Emily, back into his life. She is convinced that her son was “immaculately concieved”. Locke is obviously not and the search is on for his dad. He hires a private investigator who hands him a manilla envelope with Emily’s entire history. The PI “lifted some hairs from her car and matched it with your DNA sample. 99.9% certain ” (of her maternity). He tells Locke how she was institutionalized several times for schizophrenia (at Hurley’s Santa Rosa Institute) but is fine if she is on her meds.

Locke : “What about my father?”
P.I. : (deep sigh) ” Here’s the thing. Your mother sought you out, so she’s “fair game”. But THIS guy? Maybe he doesn’t even know you exist? I’ve done this enough times to know. This stuff isn’t meant to be , even thought it may FEEL that way. This probably won’t have a happy ending. So, (slapping red file) do you want it or not?”
Locke: ” I want it.”

As we know, it was just as the P.I. said, to say the least, in the short and long term.

Move ahead several years. Locke is in a dilemma. After Anthony Cooper shows up in the “box” , Locke is told that he must, according to Ben , murder his own father if he was truly “special”. He balks and walks, openly humiliated by Ben for being “not who we thought he was”. (Another question for the list: What’s with all the patricide?)

The next day, Richard approaches Locke with more information that will help John “bypass” the whole “kill your dad” on a technicality: of a one James “Sawyer” Ford . It’s the whole ugly history of Sawyer’s past, including the name of the man who sparked the murder/suicide of his parents: Anthony Cooper. (The Brig, Season Three) Richard is the catalyst for Locke’s journey to finding out his “purpose” and his being “special” , much like Emily. “And to do that, your father HAS to go, John” . And it all rests inside a what? A little red file.

In the 1999 movie “The Matrix” , Keanu Reeve’s character “Mr. Anderson” is confronted by the mysterious Morphius (his eventual friend and mentor) with the question of whether he wants to know what is “truth”. He has the option of taking two pills. One is blue and he will end his journey right then, despite his inexplicable feeling that there is more than what he “sees” in this world. But if he takes the red pill, he is taken down the “rabbit hole” and show what is “The Matrix” and to fulfill what “fate” has for him as Neo their “savior” . The choice, like Locke “wanting” what was in the red file, was only his to make. Of course, Keanu takes the red pill (We wouldn’t have a story if he didn’t 😉 ) .

Are these red files Locke’s “pills” toward his “destiny”? Is he the Island’s “Neo”? And is that why he didn’t mind “going down the rabbit hole” with the smoke monster in Season One finale, Exodus? And if that is the case, of the P.I. or Mr. Alpert, who is acting as the ” Smith” , the Matrix’s evil henchman, and who is the “Morphius” ? Or are they both playing from the same side, initially using Locke’s “Don’t tell me what I can’t do” signature “philosophy” against him? Was it Anthony Cooper that was like “Smith” , inadvertantly sending Locke on a path to the place/people that would help him find his “destiny” in an attempt to destroy him. Perhaps Locke is the “mentor” and someone like Aaron or Jack is the “Neo”? And ultimately, which “side” do all these people “play” for, in the grander scheme?

Locke “failed” Richard’s test at the tender age of five and wanted nothing to do with Mittlelos Science Camp as a teenager. It seems it wasn’t until he was presented with the red file of “daddy issues” did his quest truly begin.

It’s either that or the props department got a great deal on crimson folders at Staples. 🙂

* Update (1/13/09) (In the midst of a Season 4 rewatch) Guess what Ben gave to Locke ,along with the recorded over Red Sox tape of Charles beating up one of Ben’s “field agents”? It was everything Locke needed to know about Mr. Widmore…all in a little red file.

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LOST Poll : Ben’s Creepiest Moment

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LOST Thoughts: Sawyer Nickname Origin #26

After taking a breather from Jack & Sayid’s torture, Island style, Sawyer has a little chit chat with Kate as he is “tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery”.

“Jungle of Mystery” is almost an understatement, at this point (but still really funny 🙂 ) . Let’s see what we’ve had so far:

A smoke monster that can pick you up and “pick your brain”
Danielle and her 16 year old distress call
The Sickness
The “dead” walking around
Polar bears
Boars with vendettas
A man living in an underground hatch (among others over several years, or so we’re told) who may have crashed their plane
Some kidnapping Others
A “Hurley” bird
A computer, attached to a giant magnet, that has a series of numbers (that Hurley knew prior to the Island) that must be pushed every 108 minutes ” savin’ the world”.
The Whispers
A food “drop” , seemingly from a long disbanded group, but not a rescue ( Charlie and Sawyer discuss how no one saw an aircraft)
An invisable dude and his moving cabin
“Dr. Ray” showing up dead on the Island before they actually die
Women and their babies dying prior to delivery if conception occured on the Island
A four toed statue
The Dharma Initiative
Many healed of incurable diseases, paralysis and even death
Big purple light and hatch implosion that made the island “visible” for rescue
Walt, in various states of height and moisture, speaking cryptic messages both forwards and backwards
The turning of a subterranean frozen donkey wheel that made the Island “disappear”

I’m sure there are some I missed and I know that more are on the way (I can’t WAIT! 🙂 )
What are some of your favorite puzzles that have been “solved” and ones that haven’t?
You can write me at or leave them in comments. Thanks! 🙂

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LOST Thoughts: I Can Add LOST Polls Now. Sweet!

To my surprise, I discovered today that WordPress has added a feature that you can put polls on your blog. I’m not sure how often I’ll use these. But I thought I’d give it a shot. 🙂 Thanks, WordPress! 8)

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LOST Parody : Tarps

Another big quandary amongst the many LOST podcasts, blogs and message boards: “Where did all the tarps come from?”. Not just a handful from possible plane cargo wreckage… but scads and scads of them! This is a parodical acknowledgement to their welcome , yet curiously overwhelming, presence.

(If you’d like to hear more LOST Parodies, click the link or find them under “LOST Parodies” under “Catergories” in the Blogroll)


Jack laid alone on the jungle floor
Lookin’ around like he’d been there before
He ran to the beach, seeing a messed up plane
But my first thought was “What if it rains?”

There’s tarps! There’s tarps!
They’re watertight
There’s tarps! There’s tarps! There’s tarps!
They’re on this flight

Tarps are the Losties new best friends
Their usefulness, well, it never seems to end
Good for hidin’ all of Sawyer’s junk
Better than the caves or The Hatch’s cushy bunks

They’re tarps! They’re tarps!
They crunch alot
They’re tarps! They’re tarps! They’re tarps!
Shade when it’s hot

Big and rectangular, in inordinate amounts
They’ve got so many, I think we’ve all lost count
One was taken by a boar to go campin’
They’re perfect for Island home design revampin’

They’re tarps! They’re tarps!
They’re really blue
They’re tarps! They’re tarps! They’re tarps!
Not parachutes

Was Oceanic thinkin’ ahead? I think so!
Did Oceanic leave ’em for dead? I think so!
Was Oceanic thinkin’ ahead? I think so!
Now, excuse me. It’s gonna rain once again

Tarps.mp3 by Ms. Wendy
(Parody of “Lump” by The Presidents of the United States,Songwriters: Ballew, Christopher Weldo; Dederer, David Michael; Finn, Jason S; Copyright 1995, Columbia Records. New lyrics by Wendy Lincoln, 2007)

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LOST Video : Jack’s Not Crying

Some take issue with the frequency of Dr. Shephard’s saline outbursts. Still others find them to be just another salty yet glistening thread in the tapestry that is LOST. Either way, here is a hilarious video highlighting a portion of his best “non-cries” . (Made for youtube by Larfalot1, “I’m Not Crying” from Flight of the Concords)

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LOST Thoughts: Sawyer Nickname Origin #25

After a little bit of torture by Jack and Sayid that helped Sawyer “clear up his sinuses” , Kate or “Baby”, tries to take the more gentle and yet equally ineffective approach with the Island’s Confidence Man: Bargaining.

The name “baby” here is yet another sign of affection Sawyer directs toward Ms. Austen. So far in the series, he has called her “Freckles”, “Sweetheart” and now, “Baby”. I have a sneaking suspicion that Sawyer may possibly be attracted to Kate. Either that or he was running out of “nickname ammo” and recently discovered some of those NECCO Candy Hearts in his Stash O’ Stuff 😉

Next step in the plan: The “trump card” of ALL candy hearts….”Kiss Me”

( Ben used this trick on Juliet. In his trademark sneaky Ben “way”, he was able to change “Be Mine” to “You’re Mine!” Sorry Jules, no way out of it now. It is a well known “fact” that the exchanging of candy hearts are a legal and binding contract. So, you better “Lawyer up”, Ms. Burke! 😉 )

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LOST Video : Lost Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride

Video of bloopers, casual shots and other assorted silliness of the cast of LOST, set to a tune from one of my favorite animated features, “Lilo and Stitch”.

(Made for youtube by Freckles2185)

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LOST Thoughts: What I’d Like to See in Seasons 5 & 6

In a few months, we’ll be delving into the final third of LOST. To know it is ending soon is both exhilarating and heartbreaking.

I’m fairly certain that we’ll get the answers to questions like ” What is the Island?”, “What is the Smoke Monster?” and ” What went wrong after the O6 left?” But before LOST “closes its doors forever”, here is a “shopping list” of some goodies ( in various levels of “importance”) I hope I can pick up on the way out. (These are in no particular order.)

1. The Red Shirt Episode : Not “Nikki and Paulo” but actual extras , folks like “Log Carrying Guy”, “Blue Stripped Half-Shirt Girl” and “Bald Guy That Looks Like Lance Kerwin“. They crashed on the Island as well, and as Arzt said “We’re people too”. I think it would be cool to see some humorous, but significant, connections to the other Losties and the Island that would explain their “longevity” .

2. The Vincent episode : If this one actually sees the light of day, I suspect it will be near, if not THE, very end. That dog’s up to something…I can FEEL it! 🙂

3. The Black Rock Episode: Big ship in the middle of the Island that is of interest to Widmore…Yeah, needs some airtime.

And just a few ” impulse items” 8)

4. What is the “danger” that surrounds Aaron
5. Why there is a “Hurley Bird” * and why Hugo is called “Hurley”
6. Finding out what was ” The Tampa Job”
7. Knowing who’s the 26 year old woman with 70 year old reproductive organs and how they got that way
8. Was Hurley’s lottery winning rigged by Sawyer’s lotto girl and “person to be named later”
9. Who is Dexter Straton
10. Who are Desmond’s biological brothers and Brother Campbell’s connection to Ms. Hawking*
11. Who is Sarah Shephard’s man
12. Ben’s actual role in The Purge
13. Who is Jacob
14. Who is Annie and where is she
15. How old is Richard
16. What is the rest of the 4 toed statue
17. Who was/is Radzinsky
18. Who were the two watches , that Jin had from Mr. Paik, intended
19. What happened in Bozrah with Sayid , who is his father and *who is ” The Economist”
20. Why there is a hamster in the portrait of the woman in Ben’s house
21. Why Locke was wet i.e. did he actually blow up the submarine
22. Who are “Adam and Eve” and what are the black and white stones
23. What being “special” really means
24. What is in Daniel’s notebook
25. Why Walt was wet and talking backwards
26. What was the signifigance of the changing picture frames in the house(as well as who’s house it is) that Miles went to “ghostbust”…and if that is what he was actually doing
27. Who Jack is not supposed to “raise”
28. Why Marvin Candle and various side characters lost appendages
29. Where the Smoke Monster wanted to take Locke
30. What happened to Kelvin’s body
31. Was Libby a spy or a patient at Santa Rosa and what is her last name
32. Who was the woman Jae Lee was going to marry, that went to Harvard and lived in America
33. What two people died in Hurley’s accident and was one of them “Dave”
34. Did David Reyes crack the odometer of the camaro to “gaslight” Hurley for his money or was it “The Island” ‘s doing
35. Why is Hurley considered a “warrior” back home
36. Is Locke an actual military man (special ops?) , considering he could “check” a box of knives and had a geiger counter in his bedroom
37. Will Walt get that $83,000 in backgammon winnings from Hurley
38. Who Ben “is”, who was “Henry Gale” that Ben pretended to be, and does Ben have 3.2 million dollars or was that a “code” for something else
39. Was it Walt or The Others “talking” to Michael on the Swan Hatch computer
40. Why Jack’s mother wasn’t at Jack’s wedding
41. The meaning of the symbol on the tree and Juliet’s mark
42. Why Jack wasn’t on Jacob’s list and what it means to be on his list
43. What’s with all the orange
44. Why Ben can’t kill Widmore
45. What are ” The Rules”
46. Who were Karl’s parents
47. Why Seth ,and not Frank , was the pilot of Oceanic 815
48. How the food drop happened and who dropped it *or if it was “dropped” at all (i.e. The Others)
49. That Christian Shephard is dead or alive
50. Why there was a new washer and dryer in the Swan Hatch
51. Who are Geronimo Jackson
52. What was in the jars in Jacob’s cabin
53. How Jacob’s cabin can move around ,and Jacob seemingly “disappear”, if the ash was to act as a “containment”
54. Why there was a Bible (with portions of the Swan Hatch film), a glass eye and two way radio in the Arrow Station and who put them there
55. Why Christian Shephard can speak on Jacob’s behalf and tell people when their “work” is done
56. Why Jack does not have an appendix scar
57. How Dr. Ray showed up dead on the Island before Keamy killed him
58. Why Claire would leave Aaron
59. What are the whispers
60. Where all the dolls laying around the Island came from *(and what dolls “mean” in the overall story)
61. How the polar bear made it to Tunisia
62. What was ” The Incident”
63. What and where is ” The Temple”
64. Were Charlotte’s parents from Dharma
65. Who the baby was in the Pierre Chang video
66. Who the cameraman/cameramen was/were in the Pierre Chang and all the Dharma Station videos
67. Did Richard orchestrate Edmund’s bus hit or did Juliet
68. How they got all those Dharma microbuses on the Island
69. If Jin is dead or alive
70. Who Ben meant when he told Jack they “all” had to go back
71. Will Ben be able to go back to the Island
72. If Danielle was who she said she was and if what happened to her science team was true
73. Why the O6 can’t (or just won’t) speak Jeremy Bentham/John Locke’s name
74. If Sarah Shephard/Adam Rutherford’s , as well as Claire and her mother’s accident, was in care of Richard Alpert
75. If the watch that Christian gave Jack before his wedding to Sarah similar to the watches Jin had (mobisode)
76. Who was writing notes in the notebooks from the Pearl Hatch
77. What were The Others shooting at Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley to paralyze them and who designed them
78. Did Thomas abandon Claire and Aaron because someone “got to him” on just on his own
79. Where are the twins that were on Tom’s boat when The Others took Walt
80. If Kate saw everything during the crash, what was it that she saw
81. Who raised Sawyer after his family tragedy
82. Who the man was that fell by the window when Hurley was talking to his financial advisor and why
83. Did Walt cause his mother’s illness
84. Why Walt can be in places he shouldn’t be and where he has been
85. Who programmed ” Good Vibrations” at the Looking Glass Station
86. Was Kate talking to her “father” or just a dilusional Sawyer
87. Does the intercom system work at the Hydra Station
88. Was Ben born near Portland, Oregon or another Portland, considering the summerlike weather in December, or did his dad lie to him when he was really born
89. What/who killed Locke
90. Was Locke paralyzed again once he left the Island
91. Why Locke chose the alias ” Jeremy Bentham”
92. Who’s dog was the painting of in Jacob’s cabin and who painted it
93. Who’s “branches” are connected on a finished Lost family tree
94. Why all the hairbrushes were gone and where did they go
95. Who was Libby’s husband, David
96. What pushed Lenny “over the edge” and what “box” did Hurley open that he shouldn’t have opened
97. Who arranged Locke/Bentham’s funeral
98. If any/all of other O6ers had a hand in Sun’s ability to get controlling interest in Paik Industries
99. Who that scruffy dude was and what he said to Kate as she was trying to get to the courtroom for her trial
100. Who is HIM and why he is great and brilliant but not a forgiving man
101. If Charlie’s piano, that Liam sold , is the same one that Jack and Ben are playing on the Island
102. Will Desmond be seen reading ” Our Mutual Friend” by the end of the series 😦
103. Why Juliet’s sister, Rachel’s medical records that Ben showed her, were of a man and that she didn’t notice
104. Why Sawyer’s records that Richard gave Locke were in French and how Locke was able to read them
105. Who is the owner/driver of the gold sedan that hit Michael, Locke and Kate’s childhood buddy, Tom Brennan’s car
106. Who the priest was in the confessional at Eko church the day he took food for his brother
107. Why Richard was so mad when Locke picked the knife and why it terminated their meeting
108. Was the ham that Ben baked for Juliet one of those fancy, spirally ones 🙂

Well, those are a few off the top of my head 😉 Many more I’m sure will come up as others are being answered as the countdown commences*. I’d love to know what are some of your LOST “requests”. You can write me at or just leave them in ” Comments”. Thanks! 🙂

* I’ll probably make (and have made) “tweaks” here and there to the list as certain things occur to me and/or brought to my attention and might need a change. And thanks to all who have brought up or inspired new additions/perspectives, to the list 😉

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