Posts tagged Hurley

LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep 15 – Across the Sea or Symboling Rivalry

Wow…this was quite an episode. Might go down as the most talked about in the series history. So, I might as well talk about it here too. 🙂

( If you want to hear more thoughts, stop by the Lost Revisited Now podcast Episode 107 for the Initial Reaction show for ” Across the Sea”. )

Two Babies, Two Sides
: Mother seemed to want to hold the BIB. Claudia only asked for “him” , first born Jacob , not “them”. “Are you ‘him’?” = Desmond’s question to who he thought was to be his “replacement”, John Locke. Mother looking for a “replacement”. It turned out to be Jacob. Jacob is looking for his “replacement” in the candidate. Or (as Wray suggested in “comments” last week) could the candidate be for something else entirely?

What’s in a Name?
: In some traditions, like Judaism, there is a spiritual connotation to naming a child- that it would be telling of who they are , “their essence”, and would grow to be by the significance of the names chosen for them. In Hopi legend, it is several years and many names given to a child until what seems to best suit who he/she is , personality-wise, that a final name is selected. In Rome, where Claudia was most likely from, the father, not the mother, would decide the name, about eight days later after birth…and that’s if he decided the child would live or not! Where in ancient Egypt, of where we have seen a lot of reference to that culture on the show, the parents would waste not time in naming the baby after their birth, often siting a physical characteristic of the infant. But here…we have no name still for Man in Black. Is he the powerful but not forgiving Henry Gale’s boss “Him”, much like the pure evil figure from The PowerPuff Girls? Will a name be insufficient, at this point? At this point, I don’t mind it remaining a mystery.

Bad Twin! Baaaad! : There are so many stories of twin sagas gone wrong: Jacob and Esau of the Old Testament, Osiris and Set from Egyptian lore, Apollo and Artemis from Greek mythology, Romulus and Remus from Roman mythology ( who’s mother was a princess and father the god of war, Mars, who were raised by a she wolf and only one of them could be king, ending in Romulus killing Remus) .So, what’s one more! 😉

One set of twin from where we get the Gemini constellation, are Castor and Pollux, of Greek/Roman mythology. According to Wiki…

“In the myth the twins shared the same mother but had different fathers which meant that Pollux was immortal and Castor was mortal. When Castor died, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together and they were transformed into the Gemini constellation. The pair were regarded as the patrons of sailors, to whom they appeared as St. Elmo’s fire.”

(Well, there have been a few vessels that tend to drop by…or on, the Island.)

Is this what happens with Mother/Jacob, Jacob/Richard MIB/Locke and Sayid, exchanges…even possibly what happens, to some extent, when you become an Other, like Ben- the sharing of immortality? But the “rules” may somehow make immortality…flexible?

Oh, Grow Up!: It’s curious that MIB “saw” his birth mother ( or was it the image “Mother” wanted him to see?) when he was 13 years old. According to Jewish tradition, this is the age of Bar Mitzvah, when a boy becomes a man and becomes responsible for his own understanding of the law, tradition, as well as becoming accountable to morals and ethics. Among the Aborigines of Australia… they send them on … a Walkabout. In some Native American tradition, the rite of passage called Smudge that involves… a sweat lodge. No wonder John Locke was a “custom fit” for the MIB.

Bring Out Your Dead!
: So, MIB could see “Claudia”? Hurley can see the deceased too. And apparently Sawyer…and Desmond, at least as far as mini Jacob is concerned. Is this tied into being “Special”? Mother said that Jacob couldn’t lie and that MIB could because he was “special”… or at least, inferred as such. Hurley is a horrible liar. Sawyer excels at it and is one of the reasons MIB wanted him on his side. So, just because Mother said Jacob couldn’t “see” Claudia” because she was dead…doesn’t mean it was true. Jacob just happened not to be there.

I Wanna Big Wheel, Mom!: We get to at least see the starting of the Donkey Wheel’s presence on the Island. Even if MIB actually got it to work, would he have been able to have left? Would it have shifted time, like it did before? And maybe this is why the Egyptian statue and hieroglyphics show up “later” in the show? MIB taking it for a test run?

Wake Up , Sleepyhead!: Mother disturbs Jacob’s slumber to tell him ” It’s time.” This is where she takes him to the cave, has him drink the wine as the initiation of becoming ” Protector” of the whatever is emanating from it. “You and I are the same now”. Will we see something very similar between Desmond and Ms. Hawking/Mrs.Widmore or even Charles, when he finally “ready” ?

Now You See Me… Now You Don’t: MIB has been looking for that cavern of light for 30 years. Mother can show her “sons” at a moment’s notice. Is it like Jack finally seeing the Lighthouse? It might be that you need to have a certain level of “faith”? And interestingly, in the same way, how was Hurley the only one to find Jacob’s Cabin, despite it moving locations… and he wasn’t looking for it at all?

Tunnel Vision: Looking at that glowing cave, I had to figure there were some kind of references to caves in literary and other “sources”. There are many. I found a fantastic compilation of them here at the site It was quite an interesting and enlightening read …and, for me, made the reveal more “accessible”.

See-ms Like Old Times: The way that MIB was left at the end of the river was very reminiscent of Boone’s vision of Shannon’s death by Smokey in the Season One Episode “Hearts and Minds” . In this episode, there is also a talk between Locke and Jack that is similar to Jacob and MIB in Season Five finale ” The Incident”. MIB ‘s body was entangled in the tree, like how we saw the pilot in The Pilot, after the Smoke Monster actually killed him. Also, his body was tossed aside by the black smoke but we’ve seen Brother since then, just like John Locke is now. In “Hearts and Minds” Locke said to Boone ” What did it make you see?”. Is it the Island? The Smokey Monster? The wacky paste John put on Boone’s head? We still don’t know! Is seeing here like the concept of seeing/showing that Charlie and now Desmond have been utilizing? And is seeing going to be what bridges the gap between what’s real, what’s an illusion and both of Lost’s “worlds?

” You Haven’t Aged a Bit!” : Now, I figure that we are just supposed to chalk up Jack thinking Adam and Eve were only there 40 to 50 years, instead of a couple millennium, because he’s not exactly an expert ( as I know that I talk about stuff I don’t know about all the time…so I can . But what came to mind was the story of Moses and the Israelites wandering the desert for 40 years and God preserving their clothes so they never fell apart.
Hey, Locke said the Island was a place where miracles happened…so it could work?! 🙂

And lastly, I think I may have solved a major mystery. The cave that contains life, death, rebirth… Mother called ” The Heart of the Island” . The MIB , as far as we know, is a man without a name. In the southernmost part of the United States in Boerne TX, there is a National Park that features The Cave Without a Name. So, does this mean ” The stars at night are big and bright *clap clap clap clap* DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!

Sorry… I couldn’t resist. 🙂

Now, time to set sail across the sea… to land on Episode 16.

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep14- The Candidate or The Island’s Submarine Ballot

Here’s a few extra thoughts about ” The Candidate”. If you would like to hear more about this episode, check out The LOST Revisited Now podcast, Episode #106. 🙂

Interestingly, the word “candidate” comes from the word “candida” in Latin ( “The language of the enlightened”) is the word for “white”. Jacob’s light side, signified by the white stone … these are ( or were) his “chosen”. Another little footnote, “Candida” was the song by Three Dog Night ,that Jerry and Rosie danced to in the Season 5 episode ” LaFleur”.

Sun had Charlie’s ring and she is gone now. Desmond went into the water with the ” Greatest Hits” note. Are Charlie’s sentiments and legacy supposed to be “buried” with him, underwater? Water seems to be associated with Jacob. Is this why Charlie, Sun and Jin died drowning? If MIB is associated with fire, is this why Sayid blew up? But then, what about Ilana? Oh, I don’t know…lol. But I’m curious to see why/how these elements play further into the story.

On the subject of water, with MIB being thrown into it by Jack, how does it affect him? I read/heard someone mention that maybe it just keeps him from changing into the Smoke Monster. I just had a thought. With all the mechanical sounds that it makes, even all the way back in ” Ab Aeterno” times, does water throw off its internal “works”, so to speak?

With Locke and Jack ( one in FS, one in OTL) have flying experience, will this become a factor in them getting off the Island… or tricking MIB?

We see the Apollo bar again when Jack buys it and offers it to his half sister ( in both time-lines), Claire. She refuses ( And like Leslie on Keys To LOST podcast pointed out, is it because she’s on the “dark side” now?) Apollo, in Greek and Roman mythology, was the god of light and the sun, truth and prophesy. He also had a twin sister, Artemis, a hunteress ( twin and hunter…hmm). Apollo was known for being a healer, often with the help of his son, Asclepius. The rod that Asclepius carried has entwined snakes and is used as the symbol caduceus, like on the medical hatch ( I wonder if this is why Jack’s son, David has emerged in the FS time-line. Will he play a role in the “healing”, either physically or with the time-lines?) . But Apollo could bring sickness with him, as well. Apollo was a leader over his people and was a defender and keeper of herds and flocks ( like a shepherd/Shephard?) . He also was connected with music (the Shephard’s proclivity for piano?) I wonder if Grandpa Ray was part of Apollo candy and/or the buying of the company by the Dharma Initiative, in someway, back in the sixties? The family business may not just be in medicine.

If Sayid, in his last moments, came back from the dark side , like Hurley suspected that he could, will we see that happen for Claire? Will she leave on that helicopter with Aaron? Did Charles Widmore have the last of the Oceanic Six behind another double-locked door, next to the sub’s Pylons R’ Us Warehouse? 🙂

With Sun and Jin gone, Claire staying with MIB and Kate shot, Jack not leaving the Island, Desmond being a “sacrifice” of some sort, etc. is this making more and more room for the children of the Losties to play a more forefront role in the end game? It seems like many of our Losties were “orphaned” in a way, – in actuality like James, through neglect, abandonment, separation, etc. It looks like the children are following a similar path. Or is this where “It only ends once…” . I believe it is most likely the latter but I hope that we get to still find out why, especially Walt and Aaron, are “special”.

And finally, R.I.P. to Frank, Jin, Sayid and Sun.

I’ve got a bad feeling it’s not going to get any easier from here. But still going to dive into the next episode #15.

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep12 – Everybody Loves Hugo or Still (Not) Crazy After All These Years

IMO, a very enjoyable Hurleycentric episode, despite a couple of bumps in the road. Some quick thoughts…

A ltruistic Hugo getting an honorary dinner, hosted by a “youthful” (?) Dr. Pierre Chang

B ook in Ilana’s tent: Dostoevsky’s “Notes From the Underground”… second book by him on the show, the first “The Brothers Karamazov”.

C lumsy Ilana! Never toss around a bag full of nitro-sweating dynamite when you’ve got candidates to babysit ( I mean, that’s right out of the Worst Case Scenario Handbook).

D esmond sees no reason to be scared… and that doesn’t sit well with MIB.

E xperimental Farm is part of the Mr. Clucks franchise. I wonder if there’s a Room 23 for the chickens?

F orty two is Desmond’s number for his chicken order at Mr. Clucks and four sticks of dynamite in Ilana’s bag.

G rampa Tito may still around but David Reyes is nowhere to be found in Hugo’s FS. Could he have been on the Island when it sunk or was he always “destined” to take off.

H ugo… everybody loves him. “You know who doesn’t love you… a WOMAN!” A (hopefully not) last nugget of comic gold from Carmine Reyes.

I lana’s bag was taken by Hurley. I assumed that it was Jacob’s ash…but it made a weird, clanging sound. Are the black and white stones in there? Or just Jacob’s keys that fell out of his pocket when MIB kicked him into the fire pit? We shall see…

J ack was willing to go with Hugo’s plan, despite knowing that Jacob’s never told him to go see MIB/Locke. Will it mean their end or somehow work in their favor?

K id in the jungle appears to be getting bigger… and appears to continue to get under MIB’s skin. Des sees him, just like Sawyer. Is it because he’s an unknown candidate? Or from being “special”?
L ibby ( Cynthia Watros) was wonderful in this episode. Glad she had a chance to “come back” into Hurley’s life.

M ournful Ben talking about the seeming futility of Ilana’s calling…”I guess the Island was done with her” … and wonders what it will do to the rest of them when it’s “done” with them too. But was that the case with her or just a casualty of carelessness?

N umber obsessed Lenny wasn’t at Santa Rosa ( at least, we didn’t see him). Is it because the Island sunk so he never heard The Numbers, which triggered his insanity?

O ff to destroy the plane: Ben, Richard and Miles. Heading towards MIB’s camp: Jack, Hurley, Sun ( the rest of the candidates) and Frank ( the pilot). Advantage: MIB… at least, for now.

P ush me down a well, will ya?! I’ll just run you over with my rental car in the other time line, Brutha!” Was that Des’s reasoning… or was this just his way of helping John Locke to “see”?

Q uestioning MIB about the stick he was whittling, Sawyer wants to know what it will be. MIB says it will tell him. More "Locke" is creeping in. Will it be like Eko's stick? Will it be a weapon? A walking stick? Love to hear your thoughts?

R oselita stood up poor Hugo… but it worked out for the best. Roselita, Rose (who is employed by Hugo), Rosie ( made an appearance during 77′ Dharma days, which Hugo was a part of) and Santa Rosa ( the mental institution he stayed at). Also red roses in Catholicism, which is Hugo’s and family’s faith, are symbolic of the Virgin Mary.

S panish Johnny’s was the restaurant that Hugo was eating. I wonder if in this time line, Hugo and Johnny are still friends and that he helped him start his own business? We may never know… but it sounds like something he would do, so I’m going with it…lol.

T he Black Rock is gone…long live The Black Rock.

U nhesitatingly, Desmond tells Ben that his son’s name is Charlie. Was it because he remembers his actual son from the other time line or because the names Charlie Pace and/or Charles Widmore were fresh in his mind?

” V ery old” is what that well is… and it’s not the only one on the Island. Will there be another donkey wheel at the bottom of it? Christian Shephard? Or something we haven’t seen yet?

W hispers explaination: Works for some instances, not for others (Frank Duckett, as one example) Will we get more? I’m guessing, most likely not.

X time line gave us that picnic that Hurley and Libby didn’t get to take…awww. 🙂

“Y es it does” says MIB to Desmond about the Island “having it in for all of them”. Does the Island hold a grudge… or is it just getting them all to where they need to be?

Z apping Hurley memory of the other time line so he could “see”… a sweet kiss from Libby. For Locke, kissing the pavement after Desmond hit him… or will it happen somewhere else because of it…say a hospital, perhaps?

Next stop…. Episode 13… 🙂

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep11 Happily Ever After or Once Upon a Time Travel…

If you would like to hear more thoughts about the episode, check out The LOST Revisited Now podcast ( Episodes #100 and #101) .

One thing that is still on my mind this week from this terrific Desmond-centric episode is the Charlie/Desmond interaction. It was very reminiscent of the episode “Dave” from Season Two.

In it, Hurley’s imaginary friend, Dave told him that none of what was happening on the Island was real. That Hugo was still in Santa Rosa Mental Institution and that he was in a catatonic state again, like he was after the deck collapsed and two people died. That Dave was actually the part of Hugo that needed to “wake up”. Dave tells him this before he jumps off a cliff into the ocean and disappears. But Hugo said he was not going to follow him.

Hurley : “I don’t want to kill myself.”

Dave: “Who said anything about killing yourself, man? This is going to bring you back to life. The only way for you to bust out is to tell your mind that you don’t believe any of this.”

Hurley: “So if I?” he looks over the cliff. “All of this will be gone? I’ll wake up?”

Dave: “That’s right. And when you do wake up, come find me.”

And here is a bit from Charlie and Desmond, just prior to them crashing Des’ car into the ocean.

Charlie: “I feel sorry for you, mate. You think you’re happy. You think you’ve got it all. This, your life.”

Desmond: “Why, because none of it’s real?”

Then we have the pairing of Charlie with Hugo in the Season 4 premiere ” The Beginning of the End”.

Hurley: “I may be in a mental hospital, but I know you’re dead and I’m not having an imaginary conversation with you.”

Charlie: “I am dead. But I’m also here.

Hurley: “Okay, prove it.”

Charlie slaps him

These instances are interactive. Dave hits Hurley several times. Charlie slaps Hugo. Charlie crashes Desmond’s car. One takes place on the Island, the others, off. Is it that the dead in one location are alive in another? Is all of it in someone’s mind? If this is the case, how are these “illusions” making physical contact? Is it in that thin veil between life and dead that “seeing” happens? Or are we witnessing completely different things? Dave= Hallucination, Charlie/Des= time travel, Charlie/Hugo= Standing on the precipice of life&death?

In the “Beginning of the End” episode, there was a vision of Charlie underwater with ” They need you” written on his hand, speaking to Hugo. Do these “pieces” have to be the same for all who “see”? Hugo didn’t know about the handwriting. We know why it was relevant to Desmond, but there was no point of origin for Hugo.

In the Season One Kate-centric episode, “Born to Run”, Kate is going to see her mother, Diane, in the hospital. Diane is waiting the hallway in the hospital. When she sees Kate, Diane starts yelling and Kate takes off. During this scene, Kate passes by a sign that reads ” Magnetic Resonance IMAGINING” not imaging. Desmond was asked if he was having hallucinations before he received his MRI. He had a hard time answering that question. Is this what is going on? Hallucinations can be “felt” and “seen” by the individual. What was important for Charlie and Desmond is that they “felt ” the love that they came in contact with ( either by a vision of Claire or Penny) and that they “see” it.

So, it this a mass hallucination? Is the “war” taking place on the battlefield of the mind? Is the existence only as good as the memory? Oh, boy… I hope not…lol. But despite the past presence of Eric Laneurville (formally of ” St. Elsewhere”) on LOST(The Other Woman,The Brig,Tricia Tanaka Is Dead, S.O.S. and The Other 48 Days), I think that they’ve shown that the “snow globe” has been cracked.

Next…episode #12.

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep10 – The Package or It’s Not a What…It’s a (Dr.) Who

This week, we were treated to a Jin/Sun extravaganza called “The Package.

Here are some additional thoughts that I’ve been mulling over since it aired. If you would like to hear more, you can check out ” The LOST Revisited Now”podcast, Episode #99.

If Mr. Paik was having Jin “rubbed out” by Keamy in this X time line, was he going to do the same thing in the original? Is there a “whatever happened, happened” sort of thing going on? If that is the case, what would be Paik reasoning for Jin’s execution? I’m thinking that he didn’t give the complete “message” to the guy who was the auto inspector. That was bad enough. But when Jin couldn’t “finish the job” by killing Jae Lee, the man who was sleeping with his wife, Paik may have deemed him useless, at that point, and would have ordered the hit.

Now, the watch itself. I don’t think that it was for Keamy. We know that at one point in the original time line, Martin worked for Widmore. Widmore and Paik were business associates, even playing golf together. So, I’m guessing that watch was most likely going to Charles in this time line, as well as the original.
The inscription on the original watch read ( in Korean) Congratulations…mutual cooperation…business development… Mr. Paik . That would seem to apply. I’m still wondering who got the first watch in Australia in Season One…and if there was another watch in this time line?

More symbolism with the fruit ( granted, it was from a vine, not a tree) that was offered to Sun by Jack. Jack saying ” I guess it wasn’t told it was supposed to die” with the stubborn tomato symbolizing Sun. This could be a play on ” Ye shall not surely die” said by the serpent to Eve ( even though Adam was told they would if they ate the fruit) . Also, what has been one of Sun and Jin’s biggest obstacles? Fertility issues or ” being fruitful and multiplying”. I have a feeling that their “reunion” may end up taking place in a cave. 😦

The tomato in Italian is called “pomodoro” or “golden apple”. In Greek mythology, the golden apple was known as “the apple of discord” because it was inscribed with the words” to the prettiest one”. This did not sit well with the many goddesses that considered themselves to be the one the golden apple was for. This small squabble is what eventually lead to the Trojan War. And like a wise man once said… a war is coming…and it’s already here.

This week’s mirror images was, first, Sun in the hall mirror ( almost looking like she was seeing something she couldn’t comprehend…even looking through, perhaps). The other, Jin’s, was a side by side image of him from the freezer ( thanks Anna for that one 😉 ) . He is “parallel” to it. Speaking of mirrors, Jin and Sun are standing in front of one the first time she, and the audience, find out what kind of “work” Jin is doing for Mr. Paik, as he is washing away the blood from his hands.

Thought it was funny how Ben was so concerned with Sun’s head injury and if she was ok when not to long ago, Sun whacked him in the noggin with an oar. Oh, how things have changed 😉

I have another lame theory about the plane. Richard said that they need to destroy it. But that is not an easy task without getting caught. And seeing MIB can loosen shackles, can he fix airplanes too. But what if you can’t fly what isn’t there? Maybe Jacob will finally give Ben an actual order, that will require a sacrifice on his part. What if he turns the donkey wheel one last time, causing them to move back in time and the plane “disappearing”. Before, Smokey was just that and wasn’t effected. But this time, he is stuck as “Locke” and has to travel back with them. And the war will take place at the “beginning” of when Widmore and that group first came to be. This would also explain Jack saying the clothes on “Adam and Eve” were about 40-50 years deteriorated. It could be “them” , as Hurley said in “Lighthouse”… and still be aged like that, in 2004. Most likely wrong…but when else can I put it out there. 🙂

Now that Smocke may or may not “need” certain people, will Claire kill Kate? Or will we see her leaving the Island in a helicopter with Aaron (like Desmond saw), quelling Claire’s anger? But how can this happen? I’m thinking there might be more than one “double locked room” on that sub ( but he’d most likely had to share it with several pylons).

Speaking of Desmond, aka The Package…why is he called that? Yes, it paralleled Jin having to deliver a package to Keamy in the flash-sideways. But it just seemed so strange to call him that. So, I decided to see if there was something about packages involving time travel, science, etc. Sure enough, there is. A physics package is the actual working parts of a nuclear or thermonuclear device. ( Interestingly, the Swan device was one of the first nuclear devices made by the US in 1956, the year Richard went to see Locke be born and the name of the Hatch where Des turned the fail safe key). Hmm… didn’t we have the core of the Jughead setting things off for time travel last season? Is this how Desmond is “uniquely and miraculously special”? Can he, in a sense, act as a “bomb”, capable of affecting time, personally and on a whole?

And last but not least… Frank misses bacon. 🙂

Now, onto unwrapping the gift that is this week’s new episode…#11.

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep6 Sundown or Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Temple

After this episode, there’s something that has kind of stayed with me. It just keeps playing over and over in my head…like some kind of creepy little tune . However, I will try to ignore it and focus on a few thoughts/questions that have come to mind.

Charles Widmore was “banished” from the Island. Sayid was “banished” from the Temple until he was asked to come back because something changed ( the rules maybe?) So, will Widmore eventually be asked back to the Island?

Ash around the Temple…Claire could pass over it. Just more confirmation the infected are not affected. But that is not true of Smocke. What is in that ash that can keep him at bay?

Talking and Smocke : Is there "power" in his words? He said he would only kill those "who wouldn't listen". Or is this merely figurative? It was important enough for Sayid to lie to Dogen about stabbing Smocke first and then he spoke.

Claire could order Dogen to speak English, just like Hurley ordered him out of the Temple hall. Benefits of being a past/present candidate or something else?

Hugo and Jack’s names were mentioned together by Ilana and Sawyer’s separately. Is this because she’s away of the potential “sides” they may occupy… or just me reading too much into it again? 😉

Again the word “safe” or some variation of it in this episode. I counted 5 times. What is the overall importance of the frequency of the use of it, if any?

For his son’s life, Dogen left for the Island forever to do a new”job”. What was this work and the ability that he had to keep Smocke from entering the Temple ( and that he had to be killed over it)?

Another mystery box… a wooden one ( Hi Nancy Drew! 😉 ) . Could what these boxes contain be weapons of some sort that have the potential of killing Smocke? Do they contain other important Island related artifacts? Or are they just fancy containers to hold pencils in? You decide!

Let out of airport jail only to be thrown into a restaurant cooler! Was Keamy who Jin was supposed to deliver the watch to… or someone Martin worked for?

Looks like Smocke and Jacob both used similar bargaining techniques. But Jacob’s deal with Dogen required him commit an act of self-sacrifice for love. Smocke’s required an act of sacrifice of others ( in this case , actual Others) for it. But in the FS, Sayid did something similar to what Dogen did for Nadia. Is this just Island story mirroring or a clue?

Ilana finds the same symbol on the Temple wall that Hugo found earlier that Jacob led him to. It appears to be the Omega, which is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Behind it was a “panic room” of sorts. Was Jacob showing Hugo where this was because if Jack wouldn’t leave, it would have been the only way to get out when the “end’ (Omega) comes?

Nadia’s picture: Why did they use this picture that the FBI used to get Sayid to catch his friend that was part of an attempted bombing and not the one that Nadia gave him when he helped her escape in Iraq? Was Sayid still involved in stopping his friend and Nadia still a student? Error or another clue?

Getting her first look at the new “Locke”, Kate is understandably dumbfounded. But his look back at her seemed to me of more of a ” I’m not quite sure what you’re about”. As if he is almost being “shielded” from who she might be. If that is the case, then why?

Sayid said the Others put needles into him. Claire claimed that they did the same thing to her. Is this what happened or is she recalling what Ethan did? And do these needles that both of them experienced have any involvement of the 481516342 serum , like what was in the Swan Hatch?

The brother of Sayid, Omar, said that he paid Keamy off and that he keeps wanting interest. Keamy was an extortioner but denied hurting Omar, even seemed indignant about it. So, is it possible that Omar hurt himself because what he originally wanted was Sayid to kill Keamy and his henchmen? Maybe he had it set up, knowing that if Nadia and the kids could be in danger, he would react exactly how he did? Far-fetched … or yet another “long con”? At this point, will we ever really know…lol?

A frightened Ben approached Sayid with means of escape…but is “too far gone”. Is Ben now going to play on Jacob’s team , for real this time, now that he found out he was used by Smocke? Or will Ben be a Wild Card, doing whatever works for him, at the time?

Rain falls after Sayid agrees on the deal he has made with Smocke. Rain often accompanies the Smoke Monster, especially notably in Season One. Jacob was burned up with fire and Ilana took the ash, most likely for more protection.

Let’s see fire made the ash and Smokey brings rain. Fire + Water. Does that mean I have to go back and watch that Charlie episode to figure this out?

That’s all for now. I’m eggcited for Episode 7 this week ( Sorry for that pun. Guess Claire’s not the only confused girl). 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : 6/1 – LA X or The Temporal Triple Lutz ( Part Two)

Turn 2 : The Swan Hatch/The Temple

I’m going to keep this simple , like the ankh list. To sum up…

Kate – First to wake from flash/blast ( in a tree!) like Charlie was the first to leave the imploded hatch and also couldn’t hear. First to meet up with someone by falling on them ( Miles, just like she did with Charlie after running from Smokey for the first time) . First to find out where/when they were. First chooses to help unconscious Jack then unconscious Sawyer. First to go into the tunnels ( just like the Hatch in S2)
Jack – Broken man who just can’t seem to “fix” anyone, at least right now.
Sawyer – Broken man who wants to kill someone ( namely, Jack) but changes his mind. Rather watch him suffer in this life. From the look on Jack’s face, I think it’s working.

Juliet – Thought was dead but is alive. She said to Sawyer ” It didn’t work” , then talked about going dutch sometime for coffee. She wants to tell him something very important, then dies yet again… or at least, felt like it 😦
Miles- Knows what that very important message Juliet was going to say, now that she’s dead… ” It worked!”. Was she glancing (flash) sideways?
Jacob – Speaks to Hurley because he’s dead now. Old friend murdered him an hour ago. Some friend…
Hurley – Sees/Hears Jacob because he’s dead now. Knows how to ” fix” Sayid and knows what’s in the case but not what was in what was in the case ( Nama…wha? ).
Jin – Knew what Hurley was talking about when he was asked about the ” Hole in the Wall” ( at The Temple not Butch Cassidy’s gang) .
Sayid – Was dying, repented, drowned ( or was it “baptized” ? ), attempted to be revived, no use… no wait…he’s fine!

Some things that happened…
They were back at the Swan Hatch, circa 2004..ish. Whatever happened, happened… at least, here it did…somewhat.
We saw more of the tunnels
We heard more of the Whispers
We saw The Temple
We saw more of The Others ( dressed a lot like The Sheriff, Isabelle in SIASL)
We saw Others Cindy with a groovy headband, Zach and Emma
We saw what was in the guitar case. “It’s a giant ankh! Wow! I wonder how that plays into the mysterious worship practices of The Oth…NO! Wait…don’t do THAT *crack* … oh. Well, at least Jacob’s list faired better than Charlies’ Greatest Hits. ”
We saw a spring and a darkened, bloody pool. And how it doesn’t heal anymore. And a super-sized eggtimer. Did this help/hurt Sayid?
We saw that this Others leader doesn’t like our scrawny, New Yorker teen -like Losties, the taste of English on his tongue but digs trimming little trees. But it looks like the “warming up” stage is going to go awfully quick now that Jacob’s dead, the ash scattered and the warning flare’s been launched. And Smocke’s coming to “Sweep the leg!” of our Losties.

Which will bring us to Turn 3 : The Island/The Foot … To be continued. 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : S6, Ep1 – LA X or The Temporal Triple Lutz ( Part One)

While we are so close to the Winter Olympics, I thought I throw in a little nod to it. 🙂

Similar to what is considered to be the most difficult maneuver in figure skating, LOST has given us an ambitious and impressive new mode of storytelling, the concept of “flash-sideways”, introduced in the Season 6 premiere “LA X” ( or was it …dun, dun, duuuun! 😉 ) .

I’m going to talk about the episode in the three parts, or rotations, that it executed.

Turn 1 : The Plane/Airport

Jack : ” Lookin’ around like he’d been there before” ( see ” Tarps” under LOST Parodies for that reference. 😉 )
This time, Rose is consoling him. She doesn’t have the ring on her necklace. But she actually didn’t either in The Pilot.
Cindy hands him one bottle of liquor instead of two. No back gash this time that needs sterilizing, perhaps?
As the turbulence passes, Jack looks down to where the Island should have been. And it was…but it was underwater this time! How did it get there on the bottom of the ocean, if was truly an island? Was whatever was” holding it up ” cut off? By what? The Jughead? The War? Volcano? Whatever caused this appears to have ” changed the rules”. 😉
Fresh wound on his neck. Could it be he became a proxy because he carried out Daniel Faraday’s life’s work , so he has the “reminder” of his bullet wound or from something we haven’t seen yet.. like ” The War that’s to come”?
Told he wasn’t supposed to save Charlie by Charlie. Suicidal or course correction? Either way, Charlie levels the blame onto him.
It’s been confirmed…pens save lives…or at least, they could, if given half a chance! 🙂
Christian’s body is missing…again. Or is it just his coffin this time?
His cellphone…when is it from this time ( Through the Looking Glass) ?
This time, he knows John is in a wheelchair. He’s even willing to “fix” him. Will he ? ” Nothing is irreversible”.

Kate: Back with Marshall Mars again. Has to eat her in flight meal without utensils. Glad we didn’t have to witness the lasagna eating contest .
Pick pockets Dr. Jack for that very valuable, life saving pen. Just like she did to him with the key from the Haliburton case in Season One and again with the satellite phone in Season Four.
Edward calls her ” Kiddo”. Still think there more to LOST’s most requently used nickname by multiple characters than meets the ear.
She escapes captivity .. at least for now, by trying to pick the handcuff lock with the pick pocketed pen. Edward gets the same smack to the forehead, from a bathroom counter, that he got from the Haliburton case, on the original flight.
She gets a bit of help escaping from Sawyer, who was the first to know about her handcuffs, this time. Is it because he’s a fellow lawbreaker or thinks she’s cute and might somehow meet up later? Most likely, a bit of both.
Before she gets nabbed by the police who have spotted her, she jumps into a cab occupied by none other than Claire! Will she be there to deliver Aaron again?

Locke: This time, got to read that air-safety pamphlet he dropped in The Pilot. Hope it was just as informative.
So, he got to go on his Walkabout this time. Take THAT , Randy Nations ( either that or he’s lying 😦 ) !
Sitting next to Frogurt. I guess it is still Neil Time… no matter the time we’re in. 8)
Exiting the plane, not looking happy to go back to the daily grind at the box factory..if that’s where he’s going.
The airport lost his Box O’ Knives. (Jack) ” Oh, are you some kind of salesman? ” ( Locke) ” Something like that. ” Was it because he was “selling” his story of being a Hunter to everyone, including himself. Or did he go on the Walkabout, in training for his job “selling” to people in hopes of “getting them to where they need to go”?

Hurley: Is now the luckiest guy in the world. And still wins the Lottery. Was it with the numbers we know? Did he still hear them from Lenny? Did Lenny hear them?
Will he get tricked out of his money like he was warned on the plane? Or will he actually make a true friend from this streetwise “stranger”?
Outside the airport, waiting for a cab, was on the phone yelling about someone keeping him from doing business “Does this guy own the whole Outback!?” I wonder who this could be? Obviously, someone with a lot of pull, power and cash. Now, who do we know that could be described that way? Rhymes with Bidwore? That is, if Charles was off the Island before it sank…whenever that was.

Jin: He still has a watch to deliver. Still want to know who he delivered the first watch to in Australia. Could it be the same guy that is giving Hurley a hard time setting up his chicken franchise there?
Still wants Sun to button her sweater. Why doesn’t he just buy her a pullover and give them both a break! 😉
Has a boatload of American cash hidden in his suitcase. Was he planing to take off and live in the US or was this part of the “gift”, along with the watch, for this other business acquaintance of Mr. Paik’s?
Now in airport jail, will he be released to carry out his “mission” for Mr. Paik or be sent back? And will he be alone?

Sun: Likes looking at happy couples on the plane, like Rose and Bernard. (Are they happy because she isn’t sick anymore? On their honeymoon? )
At first, said ” I” then changed it to ” They look so happy”. Is she thinking about a relationship that she might have waiting for her in America, as well? Perhaps with someone who frequented there, even was going to marry a woman who went to Harvard?
Miss Paik?! Whaaat? Not married? Engaged? Kept her maiden name on her passport so it made it easier to disappear once they got to America?

Sawyer: Is he Sawyer still…or ever was? Is he a conman who lost his parents in a murder/suicide? Seems awfully chipper for someone who just killed the wrong man and was kicked out of a continent/country.

Sayid: Going to see Nadia again. Will he get to, this time? Did he have to help the FBI this time or was this under other circumstances?
Kicking in the airplane’s bathroom door to get Charlie out. Sayid’s feet are like a Swiss Army Knife…so very versatile!

Frank: He’s a no show. Seth Norris flying this bird, yet again. So, what happened that he’s supposed to be the pilot of Oceanic 815?

Boone: Seems happy. Shannon didn’t go back with him. Hope he still ” runs a business!!!”. Would still follow Locke.

Charlie: Not nervous about getting caught like the first time we saw him. Seemed more annoyed. Blames Jack for saving him. ” Should have let it happen, man. I was supposed to die. ” Was he suicidal though? If he wanted to OD, way didn’t he snort the heroine? Perhaps he was just trying to smuggle it by swallowing the bag, instead of flushing it? But as he was doing it, the turbulence happened and he choked on it instead?
If he was trying to kill himself, was it because of Liam rejecting the band getting back together or does he somehow aware that his death was necessary for “course correction”?
” Am I alive?” His first words after Jack got the bag out of his throat. The same words written on Dom’s hand at ComicCon.

Desmond: Why is he on the plane????? Can only Jack see him? He claims he’s never seen Jack before. Is he being truthful? Is Jack like Hurley and can see him because he “sees dead people”? Is he traveling like he was in ” The Contstant” and after the turning of the fail safe key? Did he ever actually go to the Island, since it is now underwater? Or did he go to the Island before it “sank” ? Is he with Penny? Is there a little Charlie still?
Said he spoke to the stewardess about moving his seat because the guy next to him was snoring. Was it Cindy and did she know what was going on? Or is the “disappearance” just him going back to his original seat because it had better lighting to read his book: Salman Rushdie’s “Haroun and the Sea of Stories”. 😉

Coming soon..Turn 2 : The Swan Hatch/The Temple. 🙂

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LOST Parody : My Favorite LOST Things

I wanted to do something for Thanksgiving and because LOST has been pushed back to February. But chin up… LOST will be here soon. In the meantime, some things to be thankful for… 🙂 ( My apologies, and total respect, to both Julie Andrews and Anna in Indiana.) 😉

(If you would like to listen to more LOST parodies, click here). 🙂


Raindrops on wreckage and whiskers on surgeons
Young rock stars kicking their heroin addictions
Locke telling Eko they’re puppets on strings
These are a few of my favorite LOST things

Cream colored jumpsuits and crisp Sawyer nicknames
Buttons and timers and Benjamin’s mind games
Wild Hurley Bird with the sun on its wings
These are a few of my favorite LOST things

Girls who knock boys out with just elbow smashes
Snowflake-like logos and subsequent hatches
Silver haired Ellie and Course Correcting
These are a few of my favorite LOST Things

Talk of end dates
And hiatus
Make me feel so sad
But I simply remember my favorite LOST things
And then I don’t feel so bad

Raindrops on wreckage and whiskers on surgeons
Young rock stars kicking their heroin addictions
Locke telling Eko they’re puppets on strings
These are a few of my favorite LOST things

Cream colored jumpsuits and crisp Sawyer nicknames
Buttons and timers and Benjamin’s mind games
Wild Hurley Bird with the sun on its wings
These are a few of my favorite LOST things

Girls who knock boys out with just elbow smashes
Snowflake-like logos and subsequent hatches
Silver haired Ellie with Course Correcting
These are a few of my favorite LOST Things

Talk of end dates
And hiatus
Make me feel so sad
But I simply remember my favorite LOST things
And then I don’t feel so bad

(Parody of the song “My Favorite Things” Written by Rodgers and Hammerstein II, 1959, for the Broadway Musical”The Sound of Music” . New lyrics by Wendy Lincoln, 2009)

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LOST Thoughts : It’ll Come Back Around

mswendygravitar8 I was staying up way too late the other night and caught the Season 3 episode ” The Brig” on HD ( Why do I do this? I own all the seasons and can watch them at anytime! I guess there’s just something special about stumbling onto a program. ) Maybe because of the hour I started deducing this theory that can account for its ridiculousness. And yet, here I am, writing about it anyway.

In this episode, lost-sawyer-t1Sawyer finally does in the elusive “original recipe” Sawyer, Anthony Cooper… the man he sees as the one who ruined his life, by strangling him with a chain. This is because Cooper’s son, John Locke, cannot. But it’s assumed, Locke would if he could. ben-t13Benjamin Linus, kills Mr. Cooper’s son, lost-locke-t1John Locke… the man he perceives who ruined his life, in a similar manner with an extension cord ( Season 5, ” The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham”) . In turn, will Ben die, like Roger Linus, in an incident much like ” The Purge” ?

In the Season 3 finale, lost-jack-t2Jack Shephard is just about to make a suicidal move by throwing himself off a bridge in a drunken stupor, when he is stopped short by an accident on the road behind him. christianshephard-tChristian Shephard, died in a suicidal drunken binge and threw himself into a fight he probably knew he couldn’t win (or at least, that’s what we were told).

So, this got me thinking… is this how things will end for the Losties? Will each of their demises ( if they take place) mirror those of their fathers/parents? Will Sawyer end up in a murder/suicide, possibly with lost-kate-t1Kate as his wife ? And will she die the same way as she killed her father i.e. in some kind of premeditated explosion?

There is another side to this scenario…

We saw lost-charlie-t1Charlie’s mom in one episode but in ” Greatest Hits” she wasn’t there, especially noticeable absence during The Paces holiday/swimming lesson. Liam named his baby girl after Charlie and his mom in ” Fire + Water”. The way they spoke it sounded like she was no longer alive. Had Megan Pace given her life, possibly even in a sacrificial way, for her son(s) ? ( This is purely speculative…but it would be cool if we found that to be true somehow in Season Six).

David and Carmen are still around. So, does this bode well for lost-hurley-tHugo?

Pierre Chang sent his son and wife away knowing that they would despise him, if it would save their lives. miles-tMiles finds out who his dad is and what he did for him. Miles, in turn, puts himself in a place of rejection by telling Pierre he is a time traveler to save his life ( and later, physically does rescue his father).

Does this work in reverse? Will Eloise get shot like she shot danielfaraday-tDaniel?

In this respect, is it fate or living by example?

I know… I know… I need to get more sleep. 😉

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LOST Thoughts ( and video) : Locke, I Am Your Father! (?)


I was listening to Alex’s LOST Hiatus podcast and he was briefly mentioning his theory about the Smoke Monster. That Smokey at one point was a living being, possibly even a spiritual entity of some sort (Cerebus?) But then perhaps something happened that made it necessary to “harness” it and it is now partially mechanical ( Very interesting theory, by the way Alex 🙂 ) .

Disclaimer: I fully admit, the following theory is pretty “out there” and I’m not even sure where it’s going entirely…. but I decided to put it up anyway. 🙂

This got me thinking about the mixing of these two elements (organic and metallic) and of LOST writers admiration of ( yes, I know, again) “Star Wars”… and this scene came to mind ( I have a feeling that lost-hurley-tHurley probably wouldn’t have stayed conscious watching this 😉 ) .

( ” Darth Vader in the Making” from ” Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” Posted by melv4 on youtube)

In LOST, Season One, there is a Lockecentric episode titled ” Deus Ex Machina” which means ” God from the machine”. This is a term used for writers/playwrights who write themselves into a corner and can’t find a plausible way to end their story. So, they would tack on “God/an angel swoops down and saves the day! The End.” In this episode, Anthony Cooper told Locke that he must be “God” if he was his father, since he was “immaculately conceived”, according to Emily. We find out though that it was really Cooper that thought of the conception story for the con to steal John’s kidney.

But what if what Cooper/Emily were saying was actually true? And what if “Deus Ex Machina” is in the literal sense in LOST’s story line ? That there is an immortal being that resides within a machine. That this title might be a clue as to what Smokey is.

Maybe the first time we actually see Locke meet his dad wasn’t in a ” Deus Ex Machina” flashback but on Island in ” Walkabout”?

( Posted by LightSmokeMonster on youtube)

And is this the reason for John’s choice of subject for his drawing at a very young age?

( “Richard Alpert Visits John Locke “, Posted by gt2007tv on youtube)

With all the talk of Destiny and the uniqueness of his paternity, will we see a similar scene involving lost-locke-t1 “Colonel ” Locke ? 😉

( “Darth Vader: The Musical” : A Parody of Star Wars/Phantom of the Opera, Posted by oniontaker for youtube)

One more Locke connection : Watching this video reminded me that Luke Skywalker… was a farmer. 🙂

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LOST Thoughts (and video) : Contemplating Kings and Conversational Korean

mswendygravitar8 The other day, spending some time at the library, I played a few games of chess. It’s been a long time since I’ve played chess. A very loooong time. And to show how far back it has been since I’ve played, my considerably younger opponent needed to reminded me that ” A king can’t take out another king”. Also according to the rules, a King can not be captured or removed from the board like other pieces. Which got me thinking about LOST, of course… and this scene…

( Ben Confronts Widmore, LOST Season 4, The Shape of Things to Come, Posted by edshrinker on youtube)

And maybe because of this rule, a “King” of a certain game cannot truly be banished or “taken off the board”. Maybe that’s why Ben was able to make it back. Maybe that’s why Widmore believes the Island ( the board”) is his. In their game… they are the “leaders”. But it appears, a much larger competition is being played out.

Which brought me to this scene…

( Jacob and ? on the beach, Season 5’s “The Incident”, Posted by CTUBauerUK on youtube)

And then , my thoughts went to richard-t7Richard telling , who he thought was lost-locke-t1Locke, that two leaders (Kings?) cannot go into the Temple with Jacob ( another King?) But Ben had been stripped of …or voluntarily stepped down, from his position as leader ( King) once he thought that John was raised from the dead. So, technically, Ben became just another piece in the game. In this case, a King wasn’t attacked by another King ( Ben killing Jacob) … hence the loophole.

Another thought has come to mind since Season Five has ended. Jacob visited sun-tSun and lost-jin-tJin at their wedding. A blond ‘American ” man who speaks perfect Korean, offering a blessing upon their marriage. But in Season One, another blond “American” man who speaks perfect Korean, shows up in the bathroom of the airport in Sydney. He tells Jin that he works for Sun’s father and that they can’t escape to America or he will lose his wife. This man is wearing a black Hawaiian shirt with large white flowers. Could this be … the MIB? (possibly representing his darkness surrounding their relationship, since their love is symbolized with a white flower)

* ComicCon spoiler. Don’t read any further if you don’t want to know* 🙂

Damon said at ComicCon that Jacob has never appeared as anyone but himself. But we know that his nemesis has at least once (as Locke) . So… was this man Jacob’s enemy? Unlike Jacob giving a “blessing” , this man was, in a sense, was giving a “curse” over their marriage. That The Kwons would be separated permanently.

And we never did find out why charlotte-tCharlotte spoke fluent Korean. Did Jin teach her in The Seventies when she was little so she could tell him what was going on in the future? Did she learn it as part of her studies because she was told she was “supposed” to? lost-hurley-t Hurley also spoke Korean in a dream in ” Everybody Hates Hugo”. Will we ever find out the significance of all of this? Probably not…lol. But then again, it may prove more relevant in Season Six. Somehow, I don’t think they showed us the Paik/Widmore connection for nothing. 😉

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LOST Video : Michael Emerson as Hurley?

mswendygravitar8 Jorge Garcia and Michael Emerson debate about the source of the obvious longtime “friction” between them, that came to a boiling point at the San Diego ComicCom 2009. No spoilers…just funny. 🙂

(Posted by LostSawyer840 on youtube)

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LOST Thoughts : The Incident, Part Two


(This is quite a bit longer than the first part. But once the theories start rolling around… it gets tougher to be brief. 🙂 )

Origin of ” Five Seconds for Fear ” in next scene. It’s so funny how lost-jack-t2Jack acts like he thought of
it in the Pilot episode. It was christianshephard-tChristian who told him how to handle the pressure. That if younger Shephard could not take Christian’s advice… Dad will just have to step in. No harm, no foul. Gives Jack a ” Hey, Kiddo” out in the hall, trying to take the edge off a tense situation. ( “Kiddo” is Christian’s favorite nickname for Jack, and others) Jack , who said he was initially humiliated by it, eventually relays the story as a much more singular and heroic tale later, to Kate. How big was that fish you caught, Dr. Jack? 😉

Jack’s apollo bar is stuck . Jacob comes back to “assist” . ” I guess it just needed a little push “(the candy machine/ Jack by Christian?) says Jacob to Jack. It reminds me of the desmond-t1Desmond/Jack meeting at the stadium in MOSMOF, Season 2. ” Ya gotta lift it up….Your ankle!” ( another double meaning.)

From five seconds to five minutes…out in the jungle for lost-sawyer-t1James and Jack. Sawyer ” A man does what he does cuz he wants something for himself. What do you want?” One, Jack wants to fulfill what Locke was saying was his “destiny”. And two, to be with lost-kate-t1Kate. At least, that is what we are to assume from the slight affirmation when Sawyer mentions her name. Jack blurts out the phrase ” I lost her” but he says it’s too late, despite her being by the van. He never actually says it’s Kate. Maybe he is lamenting all the women in his life he lost : Kate, Sarah, Gabriella, juliet-tJuliet, Bai Ling. 🙂 Perhaps he realized there is nothing for him on the Island, just like there wasn’t anything for him in “real world”. But what the Losties are about to do, and what he has learned through this experience, might afford Jack a second chance.

Sawyer opens up about what happened to his parents… and subsequently, himself. (This is like the pre- raft launch “revelation” he gave to Jack about his own father, Christian. ) James explains that he had the opportunity for a second chance himself. Why didn’t he get on the sub and stop what happened? ” What’s done is done” same advice he was given at his folks funeral. For James, I think the Island was that second chance.

Ironically, they both have the same ” Done is done” outlook but polarizing solutions in what to do next.
Peace summit didn’t go so well. Jack and Sawyer fight….long time coming. Sawyer beating Jack is like Jack beating Ben in the Season 3 finale , ” Through the Looking Glass”. Sawyer is just as frustrated and confused about Jack wanting to blow up Jughead as Jack was over why he shouldn’t call the Freighter for rescue.

Juliet stops Sawyer from beating Jack into a fine powder, saying the doctor is right. That they have to do this. That she’s changed her mind. ( Does that ” It’s a woman’s prerogative” thing really still apply when deciding the fate of an H-bomb?) 🙂

Flashback to a tweenish Juliet and her older sister, Rachel, sitting on opposing sides of their parents in their living room. It is supposed to be The 80’s but the clothes and decor look a lot less “dated”. There is a book on the coffee table : “Mysteries of the Ancient Americas”, published by Reader’s Digest Association, 1986.
(Thank you, Scotty6, for the info). 🙂 Probably some curious hints in that read.

Juliet is very upset that her parents are getting a divorce. Her mother tries to tell her that ” Just because you love someone doesn’t mean they’re supposed to be together.” This does not console young Juliet and she runs off. This phrase is a lot like Kate to Jack on Ajira 316 ” Just because we’re on the same plane doesn’t mean we’re together” . And it is this same reason Juliet gives James that their relationship can’t continue that she got from her parents and their impending split.

KC of the superb blog, ” LOST Tidbits” posted some intriguing screen shots from this scene, pointing out that Juliet’s father’s appearance is strikingly similar to Kate’s father, Wayne (albeit about a dozen years older) KC proposed that perhaps Juliet’s dad might have left Juliet’s mom for Diane Austen soon after this scene. This got me to theorizing. If this is true… then Kate and Juliet are half sisters. And the reason for Juliet “changing her mind” is because she believes that Sawyer doesn’t love her the way he loves Kate, after that glance over her way at Rose and Bernard’s cabana. And pointed out by Heath on our podcast ( The LOST Revisited Now) , Juliet was touching her stomach…possibly signifying that she was pregnant (and maybe that’s what Bernard noticed when he offered Juliet to stay for tea). Who knows? Maybe in this upcoming season, we’ll see a scene, like we saw of the DriveShaft ring, of some Dharma people cleaning out LeFleur’s house…and happening upon a positive pregnancy test ? 😦

There has been much talk about how the story of Jacob from the Bible relates to LOST. Another aspect of it is that Jacob was in love with a beautiful girl named Rachel. He worked for 7 years for Rachel’s father to be able to marry her. ( Having to work for wife’s father also a part of sun-tThe Kwons lost-jin-tstory) When the 7 years had passed, Jacob was allowed to marry Rachel… but he didn’t end up doing that. Rachel’s father, Laban got Jacob intoxicated prior to the nuptials and was joined in holy matrimony to her older sister, Leah. Jacob was so angry and sad at his new circumstances. He was deceived… but he did a little deceiving himself to his own brother. So, he agreed to work another 7 years to marry Rachel. And Jacob was able to do that…but then, he had to work for another 7 years after that for her father. Jacob, after 21 years was free of his father-in-law, became prosperous and added two new wives to the family. But it was still Rachel that he really loved.

Could what Juliet be feeling is like she is the “Leah” of the story? Sawyer loved Kate, he grew to love Juliet…but that look was all it took. ( And this applied to her relationship with Jack too) This would make Kate ” Rachel”. And if the screen shots are any indication, it’s more than figuratively. And for Juliet to have a sister named Rachel… well, maybe that’s just another clue, pointing to Juliet and Kate’s “connection”.
Is it true? Maybe not. Just a theory…for now. 🙂

Another point about Jacob and Juliet… we did not see them together. Is this a clue? Hmmm…

Radzinski and the Dharma crew at the site of the future home of the Swan Hatch. They just found the pocket of energy from drilling. Up walks Dr. Chang in his light colored jacket to reason with a dark jumpsuited Stewart about the dangers of trying to finish what they started at the Swan site. Pierre Chang tries to warn him “If we keep drilling and hit that pocket, all hell is going to break loose.” Remembering what Damon and Carlton said on the Season 2 extras that the hatch represents something along the lines of concentrated evil…. Pierre might be onto more with that statement than even he realizes.

Kate changes her mind too about setting off Jughead… and possibly her relationship with Jack. Her goal was supposed to be to find Claireclaire-t and reunite her with her son, Aaron. Jack claims that detonating the H-bomb is the only way that can ever happen. Nothing in his life has felt so right as what they are about to do. Kate is concerned if they go back to pre- Flight 815, Claire might just give Aaron up for adoption. Jack says that they can’t be sure about that… but if Claire did, it would be her choice ( Jacob-like statement) . I wonder if this does actually work the way they think, perhaps Claire will give up Aaron for adoption to that nice couple in LA…and it will be Kate and Jack, only permanently this time?

lost-hurley-tHurley is getting out of jail for the murders he did not commit… no matter how hard he tries to stay. 🙂 This is very reminiscent of desmond-t1Desmond’s release from prison in Season 2’s finale, “Live Together, Die Alone”. Except instead of the dramatic implications of the possession of Desmond’s book ” Our Mutual Friend” by Charles Dickens being the last thing he ever reads before he dies… Hurley is issued back a cherry flavored Fruit Roll Up. ( Just …brilliant! )
Another nod to Des and LTDA, Hurley is met outside of the prison gates by someone. Charles Widmore was waiting for Desmond, with money for a bribe to leave his daughter, Penny. The other a box of Desmond’s letters to her. Hurley is seated in a cab with none other than Jacob. He assures Hugo that he is not crazy, that he himself ( Jacob) is not dead ( is he “alive” in an immortal sense?) and that he is should consider that he is not cursed…but blessed. Jacob touches Hurley before he exits the cab, leaving the guitar case that is wedged between them. ” It’s not my guitar” said Jacob. Does he mean it’s some one else’s guitar? Is it Jacob’s case but it doesn’t contain a guitar? Season 6 will let us know for sure.

Hurley is trying to reassure a dying lost-sayid-t1Sayid that he’ll be ok once” Jack changes the future or the past…one of those”. miles-tMiles isn’t to sure. lost-jin-tJin is convinced Sayid will be fine ( I suspect he will be too somehow.) But Sayid is convinced nothing can save him, despite Jack’s telling him it will. I believe it is pretty clear that Sayid is talking about his soul more than his body. Sayid tells Jack that he rigged it so Jughead would go off on impact.

Back at the four toed statue, lost-locke-t1“Locke” is getting impatient and wants to speak to Jacob. richard-t7Richard tells him that if he’d wait a little longer, he was sure that Jacob would eventually summon John. Well, that’s just not going to cut it.
sun-tSun asks ben-t13Ben if he knew what happened to the statue. He says that it was like that when he got here..but questions Sun about whether she believes him or not…and doesn’t expect her to…lol. ( It just hit me now that maybe he did have something to do with the statue falling apart. His answer ” It was like that when I got here”…almost like a kid trying to skirt blame when they know they were responsible for messing up the house or breaking something.) 🙂
Locke wants to bring Ben with him. Richard tries to tell him that this is a breech in protocol. Only the leader can have an audience with Jacob and there can only one leader at a time on the Island. ( Is Ben still considered a “leader” by the Others then?) Locke hands Ben the knife and promises that “things will change once Jacob is gone”. However, just because there is change…doesn’t always mean it’s for the better.

Speaking of the four toed statue, my good friend Donald from the hilarious and insightful ” Donald is LOST” podcast & blog, asked me recently to look at some screen caps of the statue. Were there any differences ? Guess what? There most definitely were. ( I had a feeling that Sayid making the statement about ” hiding in plain sight” would have more meaning. 🙂 ) In Season Two, the foot was light in color and the base was deteriorating on one side…and the foot is a left foot. In Season Five, the statue was darker in color, the base was more intact…and it is a right foot. What is going on here? Scott, who does the art here for the site, suggested that if there are two sides, why not two statues : One for Jacob and one for his Enemy?

It’s 1977 again and Sawyer has shed the LeFleur alias as Miles points out what the Losties have been omitting from the discussion : That what they are all about to do may actually be The Incident?
Phil’s on his way to the Swan, most likely to kill Jack. The Losties decide to ” Live Together, Die Alone” and will act as the line of defense to make sure Jack carries out what appears to be their “destiny”.
Radzinski is glad to see Phil. Pierre is not. He thinks that they need to evacuate the area. Stewart will have no part in that. Then they get a glimpse of Jack on a mission… and the bullets start to fly between the Losties and Dharma. The Losties somehow get the upper hand, knock of Radzinski and grab Phil. Chang tries to stop the drill but something is pulling it down ( magnetism or fate?) Jack drops the bomb…and…nothing.
But all of a sudden, stuff starts flying around, drawn in by the pull ( much like in the Swan Hatch in LTDA)
Pierre’s arm gets caught, Miles frees him..but not without some severe injury ( Will he still lose the arm later?) Radzinsky awakens and tries to flee with some of his men in a no avail…and they run. Phil is about to shot Sawyer…but instead gets shish kabobed by some metal poles.
Juliet is wrapped up in chains and dragged into the hole being drilled for the Swan. Sawyer, with the help of Kate, attempt to save Juliet. Sadly, the pull was too strong and she lets go of James’ hand and plunges to her death…or so we thought. ( Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell… Would someone please just give them some kind of award. ( IMO) Both are long overdue. )

Back at the beach, 2007, Ilana and the gang make an appearance. She asks “Ricardus” what lies in the shadow of the statue… and he knows! The answer is in Latin. I’ve read ” He who will protect us all” , ” He who serves us all” and ” He who liberates us all” and ” He who will save us all” . Sayid spoke of nothing can save him. Charlie back in Season One said that if there was anyone who could save them all (on the Island) it was John Locke. I heard this theory from a contributor to the fantastic and funny LOST Unlocked podcast with Chris and Brian. After Ilana shows Richard was is in the metal crate… John Locke’s body dumped out on the beach, he is …lying ( laying) in the shadow of the statue. Does it point to John Locke…the real one…still going to “save” them all? Perhaps Jack is right about not giving up on John?

It is then that Sun wonders aloud if that is Locke on the ground…who is that in the statue? Why it’s Jacob’s Enemy…loophole found. Jacob is sitting in a rocking chair like the one from the Cabin ( Christian sat in as well), speaking about how making the “thread” is the hardest part of the tapestry. Thread… Is this pointing back to the string/street time theory that danielfaraday-tDaniel was talking about in Season 5’s first episode, “Because You Left”? “Locke” and Jacob exchange “pleasantries” as Ben slowly approaches. Mr. Linus is distraught at how for 35 years, he did what he was told, sight unseen. Well, what was so wrong with him? Why is Locke, a virtual stranger to the Island, in Ben’s eyes, given the privilege of Jacob’s company ” as if he were Moses!” It is very likely Jacob knew why Ben was there and what he was about to do. But he told him that he had the choice to either listen to “Locke” or not. After Ben’s ” What About Me” speech and a ” What about you” right back from Jacob, Ben chooses death…stabbing Jacob in the heart, with “Locke” finishing the job, kicking his lifeless body into the fire. But not before Jacob informs him ” They’re coming”. Who? The Losties from 1977? Ilana’s team and The Hostiles? Those who are like them that are even scarier, like was spoken of on the way to Jacob’s cabin? And was Ben playing the “Judas” role, spurred on by “Locke” in their earlier conversation about what “Jacob” didn’t do for Mr. Linus, despite his loyal service…fueled by Ben’s resentment of his own biased perception of the way thing should have gone i.e. Ben coming into power?

I alluded to this in the first part of the review. That there were other biblical connections. That scene on the beach , between Jacob and his enemy, is much like the dialog of God and Satan in the first chapter of the book of Job. The devil claims that man is pretty much corrupt and will always do wrong. God offers up Job’s name as an example of a “perfect” or righteous , man. The devil accuses, saying that Job is only faithful because of God’s kindness towards him. If God allowed Satan to ruin all that he has, including his health just short of death, he would curse God. God makes room for the devil to do what he chooses to Job’s life : Poverty, deaths of children, cattle, lose of home, sickness in his body, etc. Long story short, God was correct. Job remained faithful. And in turn, Job got back more than what he lost.

The mention of Moses by Ben also got me to thinking about something else. In the Old Testament, it says that Moses died when he went into the mountains alone at the age of 120. However, no body was ever found. In the New Testament, there is a passage in the book of Jude ( Jude 1:9) that states that the archangel Michael and Satan fought ( or strong petition before God) for control for the body of Moses. It probably was so that Moses’ remains would not become something to be worshiped like an idol for the Israelite people. But I wonder if it was also so the devil could not possess it , making Moses appear resurrected, and deceive the nation, as well? Is this what we are seeing with the “Locke” we met in this episode, a “possession” of John’s identity?

In LOST, it seems like they are borrowing from both of these stories. So, is this symbolic of the battle between God and the Devil? Between the archangel and the fallen angel? Neither? An amalgamation of the two accounts with players that are merely depicted as “dark” and “light”? Are Jacob and his enemy more akin to something found in Egyptology, like Set and Horus ? Roman ( Latin code words) or Greek mythology ( Inscription on the tapestry) ? Is it just some new brand of symbolism, introduced by the writers who’ve been “inspired” by these themes ? None of the above? Season Six… why aren’t you here yet?! 😉

In an April 21, 2009 interview with Variety ( I found linked at Izi’s outstanding blog, “Not Confused, Just LOST” ) this is a quote from Darlton that gives us ” The Short List” on “research materials” to help us in our quest for ” What is going on?!” … i.e. some of their biggest “influences” in writing LOST.

( Carlton Cuse) For both Damon and me Stephen King’s “The Stand” was the most influential model for “Lost.” Because “Lost” is not the tenth carbon copy of a medical, legal or cop show there wasn’t a clear roadmap for how to make it work for 100 episodes by looking at other TV shows. So instead we turned to “The Stand,” a 1,000-page novel with a high-concept idea at the core: most of the world’s inhabitants have been killed by a super flu. What we loved about the book was that what sustains the 1,000 pages is not the mythology of the super flu but the stories of the characters. The mystery of what was happening on this island had to be secondary to the mystery of “who are these people?” In terms of creative inspiration we owe a debt to many other sources: the Bible, “Twin Peaks,” “The Prisoner,” the Narnia Chronicles, and of course “Star Wars” and all of its mythological antecedents, Kurt Vonnegut and Flannery O’Connor.”

And last but by no means least, Jack and Kate try to extract a grieving and broken Sawyer away from the hole as more debris flies into it. Surprisingly, Juliet, though bloody and pinned beneath heavy wreckage, she rolls over and sees the unexploded Jughead. With what little strength she has left, picks up a rock to try and set it off ( hitting it 8 times). In what I like to refer to as the ” Jaws” style ending , like Brody shooting at the shark’s mouth to blow up the oxygen tank/ similar phrase spoke by both the Chief and Juliet right before the explosion… the screen fades to white…and the LOST logo inverts.

Did Jughead do what it was supposed to? Are they in 2004 at LAX? Another parallel time line? Did they all just die, with the rest of the story told in flashbacks? Will we come back, Season 6, to a paint covered Desmond?

Whatever the answer ( and I am in tremendous anticipation to find out) … Bravo, LOST! Thank you Team Darlton for another amazing season.

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LOST Thoughts : The Incident , Part One


My mind is still twirling from ” The Incident”. In the fine LOST tradition, I’m assuming that this title holds more than one meaning. I’m sure that throughout this hiatus, I’ll be chipping away at what we’ve witnessed this season and how it relates to the previous four… and the last, arriving some time early next year. In the meantime, I’m going to touch on some of the highlights.

The Incident Part One

The very thing I thought would be stalled until the last few minutes of the show ( and maybe even the series) is delivered with the first few minutes… the reveal of Jacob. Again, writers…you win! 🙂
Jacob has white shirt.. but black pants ( Is this signifying a duel nature?)
Jacob’s enemy dark shirt…but light gray pants. He called Jacob “my friend” ( a common phrase of Ilana, Bram and Caesar. But was also used by danielfaraday-tDaniel and miles-tMiles. )
Clothes very similar to richard-t7Richard’s outfit when he met little ben-t13Benjamin Linus. Are these two just dressing the part so they will “blend in” with the shipmates that are on the horizon?
The red fish Jacob is cooking is not appear to be a herring… but do they want us to think what we are watching is?
Jacob enemy is being referred to as ” Esau” , as in Jacob and Esau, twin brothers of the Bible’s account in Genesis. But I think there is another interesting biblical reference that may apply that I’ll discuss later in Part Two. 🙂
IMO…This scene was even more magnetic than the Swan Hatch.

What are the many things that Richard has seen but can’t explain? Can’t wait to find out.
franklapidus-tFrank a candidate? Candidate for what? Locke was described in his psych profile as a “candidate for coercion ( Further Instructions, Season 3) . Is this all part of how ” Jacob’s Enemy” tricked Locke… and how Jacob’s followers will “recruit” Frank. Or will Mr. Lapidus’ roll be more ” voluntary” ?

lost-kate-t1 Tween Kate, Tom Brennan stealing the lunchbox/time capsule. This held all of Kate and Tom’s memories… including the toy airplane that led to capture… and to the Island. The clerk to Jacob : ” Well ,as long as somebody pays for it, I guess there’s no harm done. ” Jacob “paying” for someone else’s wrongdoing… Yeah, this might be important later. 😉

lost-sawyer-t1 Young Sawyer given a pen by Jacob for revenge letter…the letter that was his true “ticket” to the Island. Look alike pens from when claire-tClaire was going to sign the adoption papers for Aaron and when christianshephard-tChristian talked lost-jack-t2Jack into initially signing a letter to back up elder Shephard’s testimony in a malpractice suit. I read this on a board. Was the other man who talked to James about ” What’s done is done” is he the uncle that got the brain tumor he told Jack about prior to his eye test ( Season One) ?

“See you on the other side”- what was said after the sedatives were handed out on the submarine. Another loaded, repeated phrase throughout the series.
juliet-tJuliet, Sawyer and Kate commander the sub and “persuade” the captain to let them off at the Island.
Richard didn’t think lost-locke-t1Locke was “particularly special” from what he had witnessed , at this point. Jack tells him ” I wouldn’t give up on him.” I think there’s more behind this statement, despite the finale’s outcome.

Locke physically stops Ben, looking incredulously at him when Ben tells him where/when “Alex ” showed up : Below the temple when he got judged. Locke seems off guard. Like he had no idea that that happened. And it was then that he realized Ben would do whatever he said without question. So, I could be wrong but Smokey and “Locke” may not be the same “being”. Perhaps “Locke” showed up as Alex and Ben assumed it was the Smoke Monster, throwing off suspicion of who it really was. And Locke” seemed awfully happy and relieved about this “enlightenment” he just stumbled upon.

lost-sayid-t1Sayid was touched on shoulder by Jacob right after Nadia was hit by the car. Was he just preventing Sayid’s death or facilitating Mr. Jarrah’s ultimate “mission”? Jacob touched Kate’s nose and Sawyer’s hand, giving him the pen. Transference? Blessing? “Marking” them?

Ellie is the leader. She is pregnant. And Richard hits her in the head to protect her. ( About an out cold Eloise) ” I’m taking her out the way we came in ” . Richard said the same thing about moving Jughead below the Temple.

Backpack Jack… taking on the responsibility of carrying the explosives… whether anyone else likes it or not…reminiscent of Season One finale.

Sayid is wearing Horace’s jumpsuit? Where is Horace during all this anyway?
Roger Linus shoots Sayid just like Sayid shot Ben. I wonder if little Ben ever finds that out?
lost-hurley-tHero Hurley and his microbus saving the day once again, rescuing Jack and a wounded Sayid, with lost-jin-tJin and Miles along for the ride. Jack told Jin he thinks he can get him back to his wife. “Locke” told sun-tSun he can get her back to her husband. Will either/both be right?

Sawyer, Juliet and Kate got off the sub and happen upon a wagging , happy vincent-t1Vincent. In turn, disrupting a slightly perturbed Rose and Bernard. The Nadlers are “retired” from it all. Rose and Bernard don’t mind dying as long as they are together ( Another possibility for “Adam and Eve”) Juliet looks at James…James looks at Kate…Ouch. Bernard asks Juliet if she wants to stay for if he knew something was going to happen

Ilana met with Jacob. She had been waiting for him. He was told of her “condition” but he wanted to see her anyway. With all the bandages and a warning by the nurse of Ilana’s ailment, could she have had leprosy? Did Jacob heal her too, seating her loyalty?

Someone other than Jacob had been using the cabin. They get this indication, partially anyways, because of a portion of a tapestry with the image of an Egyptian god ( Sobek?) stuck to the wall with a knife ( very “piratey” …Black Rock nod?) So they burn it. I wonder for how long someone else was occupying the cabin. And I thought you had to be “special” to see it? Maybe not. Maybe they’re all “special” Or maybe because of this “intruder” that requirement became null and void? Ben tells “Locke” in the finale that he was faking that he could communicate with Jacob when they were at the cabin in ” The Man from Tallahassee”. But the stuff flying around and “Helllllp Meeeeee !” was whoever was in there with them. Jacob? His ememy? Someone else?

Jacob is reading Flannery O’Connor’s . Everything That Rises Must Converge when Locke lands behind him, just falling 8 stories. Touches Locke’s shoulder. He wakes up. Did Jacob just revive Locke …or resurrect him? Jacob is sorry what happened to him ( now or in general) Didn’t Ben make the similar apology to him in Season 4’s finale about making Locke’s life so miserable? ( In O’Connor’s short story ETRMC, there is a mention of Saint Sebastian who was run through with arrows: Ben shot with an arrow (Season 2) , flaming arrows this season and St. Sebastian is the name of the hospital both Christian and Jack Shephard worked at. )

Locke on the beach with Ben. Locke knows that the quarantine door… the place where they first met. How did ” Locke” know this? Is he retaining John’s memories? Was he watching Ben and Locke from the Pearl Station?

Ben tells ” Locke” that he’s a Pieces. But he was born December 19th…. again, lying. 🙂

Sun finds the DriveShaft ring…*tear*. lost-charlie-t1

Sun and Jin promise to never be apart at their wedding, just like Rose and Bernard. Another Adam and Eve candidate. I noticed that Sun and Jin are not wearing the same clothing that they were in Season One. Memphis did as well and wrote a very interesting theory about it on their wonderful blog, Memphish is LOST ( Title: So What Happened During The Incident? ” ) 8)

Jacob knew Korean very well ( I wonder if he taught charlotte-tCharlotte ? ) Dressed in black, Same suit as Sawyer’s parents’ funeral. Another blond man that knew Korean was the one warning Jin not to try and stay in the US. Wonder what he was about? Was he just a man working for Mr. Paik… or Jacob’s Enemy?

Charlie’s Angels style standoff by Kate, Sawyer and Juliet in front of Hurley’s rescue van.

Four toed statue… turns out to be Jacob’s house.

Jack is asked to have a five minute talk by Sawyer.

(End of Part One. Part Two to soon follow. 🙂 )

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LOST Thoughts : Follow the Leader ( or Locke’s Gonna Do WHAT Now? )


lost-jack-tJack: You like to play games, John?
lost-locke-t1Locke: Absolutely!

Exodus, Season One

Rules to Follow the Leader

“First a leader or “head of the line” is chosen, then the children all line up behind the leader. The leader then moves around and all the children have to mimic the leader’s actions. Any players who mess up or do not do what the leader does are out of the game. The last person standing other than the leader is now the new leader.” ( Wikipedia)

ben-t13Ben and richard-t7Richard seem very leery of their new “Leader” , Mr. John Locke. Something is “different” about him…as in maybe not quite “right”. Locke enters the camp with a boar around his neck, just like in Season One’s Walkabout (Originally, the boar was to be around Locke’s neck like this time but it looked fake. So, they had TOQ drag it into the scene. 🙂 ) The last time Locke came into a camp in this manner… soon afterward , he tells Jack ” I looked into the eye of the Island…and what I saw…was beautiful”. Did he see it again… or was his possible re-encounter more “internalized”? sun-t Sun is focused on getting back to lost-jin-t“Team Jin” and Locke will use that if it keeps her ” in the line”… the one that leads to Jacob.

Capture the Flag

These “teams” have been not only separated by time and space but by their ideology and loyalties. lost-kate-t1Kate and Jack can’t agree on whether the crash was actually a blessing in disguise … or a tragic error. miles-tMiles just wants to survive but lost-hurley-tHurley wants to go back to his friends… who eventually sell them out so they can start over again in ” The Real World”. Eloise believes what is danielfaraday-tDaniel’s notebook in 1977, but changes her mind in the future. What is the deciding factor in her turnaround?

Duck, Duck, Goose

It’s not a pat on the head but the stomach . Charles appears concerned about Eloise’s tunnel swim underneath Team Dharma’s village to retrieve Jughead and saying out of earshot ” Not in your condition” . Was it little Daniel in there? Did she know it was him because she wanted to name her baby Daniel or did she decide to after she shot him? Would he be younger than charlotte-tCharlotte? Could this be Penelope and they were separated like Luke and Leia for their protection (or just a “parting of the ways”) : Charles raising Penny, Eloise raising Dan?

Hide and Seek

Miles, Jin and Hurley do there best at “hide” but Pierre Chang (wearing a snazzy Dharma jacket) is doing the “seeking” and finds out that Miles is his son *tear* and that they are in major danger on this Island. And Sayid has come out of “hiding” with a shot… to save the day for Kate. But he finds out his shooting of little Ben… didn’t save anything.

Red Light, Green Light

It looks like “the race is on” in who will get the information out of lost-sawyer-t1LeFleur and his girl. Horace? Nope, his engine is stalled. Radzinsky was blowing through some “green lights” until he saw red when James said ” I want my lawyer”. It looks like Phil “took the lead” by giving juliet-tJuliet a hearty slap. But I have a feeling , like Tom in TTLG ( Season 3 finale) somehow Sawyer’s going to be waiting for Phil at this season’s “finish line”.

Stalking the Drum

I have an odd theory. Daniel was able to know within hours, maybe less, of when things were going to occur… some of which that happened AFTER his own death. So how could he do that? Well, maybe he had some things that were already written by his mother in what was the past but would become his future. (?)
But down to the hours, maybe minutes? Then I was thinking about the metronome in ” The Variable”. He was able to tell his mother exactly how many beats had occurred instantaneously when she inquired. He said that he could “make time”. What if he could calculate, from the information and time periods of events, the near exact moments when they would take place? Like he was following beats and measures in music? As he “listened to the drumbeat”, he was able to find his “destiny”?

Button, Button

It seems like Richard is getting progressively more confused and the answers are more out of reach with each encounter with the Losties. And this season , he’s wearing glasses. Is this a sign of his time coming to an end? Or is it just natural progression of things from all the squinting from incredulity and model ship building lo these many years ( how many is anyone’s guess) ? 🙂

Red Hands

How appropriate that Sawyer’s hands were so visibly red last week. The Island is “slapping” the Losties pretty quickly since the arrival of their long absent friends. Well, he is stinging back with a “Good riddance” and plans for him and his lady love, Juliet, to rake it in off Island with a 78′ Cowboys win and futures in Microsoft. But it looks like ” Destiny” is getting the last slap as Kate is now along for the ride. Ouch!

Simon Says

Or is it ” Ellie Says” …swim behind Richard through the underwater tunnels, Jack. This will take you to where the Jughead has been “laying low” since 1954, beneath the newly constructed Dharmaville. How will they get that out of there. The same way they got it down there… and it wasn’t by swimming with it though the tunnels, according to Richard. So…how did they get it there? Smokey?

Red Rover

Kate and Jack “break the chain” and go their separate ways. Kate can’t be with people who think shooting kids and blowing up bombs is ok ( How about shooting accomplices and blowing up dads? 😉 ) So, what does this mean for her quest to find Aaron’s mom, claire-tClaire? And if she is on that sub, how does Richard “watch her (and the others in the “Nama..wha” picture) die”, like he told Sun? Prediction: That sub ain’t goin’ nowhere! 🙂


As the moms are taking their children off Island for their safety, Miles watches his father sternly tell his mother to get out of here… because it was the only way to save the wife and son he loves. And we see little Charlotte and her mom getting ready to leave. But who didn’t we see? Amy and Ethan… hmmm.

Hot Lava

( IMO) One of the funniest scenes this season…and possibly in the history of the show… Hurley try to “step lightly” on the hot topic of NOT being from the future without getting “burned” by Pierre Chang’s line of questioning. ” Who’s the president of the United States?” 🙂

Keep Away

Ben is now the “one in the middle” with the Island and Locke keeping it way over his head. How did John know when to send Richard out to take the bullet out of his leg and the exchange of the compass? Ben says that he has decided to do what Locke says and walk along with him where ever John is going. And I suspect that it is much easier to eventually knock whatever is being “kept away” out of Locke’s hands, if you’re standing next to him. 😉

Blind Man’s Bluff

Has “Jacob” been “hiding in plain sight” all along? Is Locke “Jacob” and has to “kill” himself to be “set free” , much like Luke Skywalker “killing” Darth Vader during his training in ” The Empire Strikes Back” , only to reveal under the mask was the face of himself. To “kill” that dark side of himself… and later on finds out DV is …*(Star Wars spoiler)* his father. And as we know , patricide was a “necessity” for Locke. ( I know, more SW references…but it just “fit”)

I Spy

I spy… Jughead … I spy… groups that need to be united…I spy… danger at the Swan Hatch site…I spy… the beginnings of a war… I spy … Season Five finale goodness… just a few short days away. 8)

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LOST Thoughts : Part Deux of The Variable ( or Tie Die )


First poetry now prose..ish, for these thoughts on the episode ” The Variable”.

danielfaraday-tDaniel is now the half brother of Penny Widmore… or was… or is…We’ll find out soon enough if he’s Temple bound.

Where did lost-hurley-tHurley and lost-jin-tJin go when things started going downhill when Radzinsky and the boys showed up? My best guess… to go find miles-tMiles … to go find his dad, Pierre Chang. He’s the only one who might listen to them, if Miles tells him the truth.

Wow, Ms. Hawking! Such offense at the idea of ben-t13Ben Linus being your son. He pretty much had The Island running like clockwork until the Freighter Folks showed up. There gratitude for ya! 😉

Penny and desmond-t1Des… sounds like their might be a cave in there future.

No Jughead in the Swan… but there will be , if lost-jack-t2Jack ,lost-kate-t1 Kate , and maybe richard-t7Ricard , finish what Daniel started.

Was it just me or when lost-sawyer-t1Sawyer and juliet-tJuliet held hands, his looked very red? Is he working on a project “behind the scenes” , much like Juliet’s former (or is that later) “boyfriend”, Goodwin? Lefleur , is …or was, in the ” Circle of Trust” , after all.

Was Ms. Hawking adamant against Daniel having any romantic relationships not just because they were distractions to his ” destiny” but that the women he chose were… related to each other (another reason they may get “hurt”)? charlotte-tCharlotte was the oldest of three sisters. Possible sisters for Charlotte: Teresa and Abigail Spencer . Or was her mother, who was in the Dharma Initiative, the ” Outsider” that Charles Widmore was visiting? This would make Charlotte the half sister of Penelope Widmore. But who could the other sister be? My guess : Libby.

Daniel said his mother is wrong. She said that Daniel was wrong? Now what?! 🙂

Jack has been laying low these past few episodes. But as soon as Daniel proposed the idea of The Variable(s) , he was all for it. Right now, Jack might be thinking something along the lines of …
” Destiny…what a joke! I KNEW it! ”

I just wonder what Jack’s going to be thinking when he eventually sees lost-locke-t1John Locke again?

So, it’s confirmed now. Charles is the one who set up the fake crash. But his true motivation behind it… I think we’re going to have to wait on that ( unless they reveal that ahead of time in a clip show too 😉 )

Piano players in LOST : Daniel , Jack, Ben, sun-tSun, lost-charlie-t1Charlie… ( Not my theory but IAB’s LOST caricaturist, Scott’s… what if the “musician” who programmed the Looking Glass code was Daniel? 🙂 )
Music and mathematics are intertwined and actually enhance each other. So, Ms. Hawking may have been in error for keeping Daniel from playing an instrument to concentrate on his “gift”. I wonder if this is a nod by the writers to illustrate science and faith…if used together, can be more beneficial that being to “exclusive” in one area or another?

Big clue : Daniel runs into a man at the Orchid Station who tells him he has to wear a hardhat down there. This man… is Jason ( Ariston Green) one of Ben’s Others that stormed the beach to get the pregnant women in the Season Three finale ” Through the Looking Glass” . He is most famous for getting his neck broken by lost-sayid-t1Sayid’s ankles. So, he’s alive… it’s 27 years earlier… and he looks the same. I think I’m going to need to wear a hardhat too to try and figure this out…lol. Any takers?

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LOST Thoughts : ” Some Like It Hoth” ( or All the Best Fanboys Have Daddy Issues)


Before I start, just need to get this out of my system…

( Bill Murray’s ( Nick the Lounge Singer) SNL Star Wars Song, Made for youtube by Dickkeel )

Ok… Onward! 🙂


Miles Straume : “Mommy, can I have a quarter for the vending machine?” Bumming money off people even then! 😉
Mom ( Laura) and he are on their own, father out of the picture.
Very first look at his “gift” at an apartment complex ( I’m guessing in California…Ensino?) where he is able to “see” through the door of a man who just had a heart attack ( Mr. Vonner (?), wife Kimberly). Apartment 4…Under the White Rabbit…lies the key? White Rabbit… christianshephard-tChristian Shepard, perhaps?
He’s reading a Sports Illustrated mag with then, LA Dodgers manager, Tommy LaSorda, on the cover.
lost-sawyer-t1Sawyer asks him to remove the tape of him and lost-kate-t1Kate taking Ben to The Others… but Horace stops by before he can ditch it.
He is now in ” The Circle of Trust” , able to go out to Grid 334… Hostile Territory
Radzinski meet him with a gun and has him take the body of Alvarez, whose last thoughts were of a girl named Andrea…before a filling in his tooth “shot” him through the brain ( Good thing the ditch didn’t have a gun!) Chalk it up to magnetism, I’m assuming from the Swan.
Is his pierced, skunky punk look an homage to his role as Kid Omega in the movie, X-Men 3?
His mom is ill, he comes to her bedside with these 3 questions …
1) Why am I this way?
2) How i do the things I do
3) How come you won’t talk to me about my father
Laura says that he didn’t care about them…about you ..and that his father threw them out when he was a baby ( Or was he protecting them from the Purge…or something involving The Incident, considering the Comic Con video from last year?)
He meets a Mr. Gray and tells him that he can “talk” to his dead son, Russell. But Russell has been cremated, ashes spread out on his school’s football field. It’s much better if there is a body. Later on, he gives the man back his money because he thought if the man wanted his son to know he loved him, he should have told him when he was alive. Is this truly his inability to “talk” to Russell, because of his own “daddy issues”…or a combination of the two?
After his initial meeting with Mr. Gray, Naomi pops up out of nowhere, offering him a job with her employer , who has been watching him for some time. (Widmore) A trip to a restaurant, without a meal…just a corpse ( Felix) . He “hears” about …
To deliver a bunch of papers,photos
Pictures of empty graves
And a purchase order for an old airplane
Wonder if the man that he was “talking’ with is the person we saw getting beat up on Ben’s video tape that he showed to Locke? And are the things that were delivered proof of ben-t13Ben’s plan…or Charles’ guilt?

Now he needs to find a very difficult man ( Ben?) to find…help will come through the number of deceased people “residing’ on the Island that can give information on his whereabouts. How much is the bounty on this man? 1. 6 million dollars. The use of “residing” is much like the way Ben said that ” Every living person on this Island will be killed” in the Season Three finale. At first, I was thinking about Dharma and the mass graves. But Naomi was looking for desmond-t1Desmond… and stumbled on the 815’s, in which she told lost-charlie-t1Charlie ” Well, you’re not really dead, are you?” Oh no… lol.
Not long after, he is abducted a week before his trip on the freighter.( There goes that fish taco! ) Men in a black van, headed by Bram…Illana’s “right hand man” on the Island! Bram “You do not want to get on that boat, my friend” …just like Caesar. Don’t know what lies in the shadow of the statue? Then you aren’t ready. Just need to stop him for working for Widmore. He wants double the money for not going …3.2 million dollars. They countered his offer by throwing him out of the van. But before they did, Bram tell him that they can answer those same three questions that he asked his mother…
Who you are
Why he has this “gift”
Know about his father
He says that Bram’s intel is old because he doesn’t care about his father anymore. Did Bram and the Gang get that “old intel” from his mother Laura’s caretaker who answered the door?
Bram told him that he is on the team that is going to win. They don’t want him to work for Widmore, Ben may or may not know about the 3.2 million dollars. So… is this a third interested party?!
He has been able to “hear” soldiers by standing over their graves. He found where danielle-t1Danielle and Karl were buried. He was able to get information from Naomi after lost-locke-t1Locke killed her. It makes you think that he can only hear with a body present. Is it the body itself? Is it the proximity to the place of death? The most curious thing in this scenario is our introduction to him ( Confirmed Dead, Season 4) . He goes to an elderly woman’s home and says what he has to do will cost extra ( much like Mr Gray). He goes into the room of her dead grandson and “hears” him there. Finds money and drugs ( similar to the kind Charlie found in the statues) , takes the cash, leaves the stash. Gives back the “extra” to the grandmother and leaves. But what is different is that he brings a vacuum-like device with him. He hasn’t needed it with any of the others we’ve seen. Was this because there was no body there? Was there a body in the wall, with the money and drugs ( I know, way out there…but hey! ) Does this device make a vacuum in time so he can retrieve those last memories? ( Clue: The picture frames change?) Since he doesn’t “chat with ghosts” but a feeling and recall of someones last thoughts, maybe my theory is only mostly dead. 🙂
For three years, he has been avoiding his father, Pierre Chang, on the Island (but his mom did stand behind him at the cafeteria three days after the Leftbacks arrived.) He finally breaks down and watches his dad, reading his baby self a nice story about polar bears. He did care. (*sniff*)
” Miles, I need you” ” You do?! ” … aww…. But it was to help drive Pierre to not get the new recruits but scientists from Ann Arbor ( Degroot Country!) . Who gets out first…why danielfaraday-tDaniel Faraday, of course! 8)

Another major player in the Milerific episode…


Hugo ” Hurley” Reyes : He makes a nice ham and cheese with garlic mayo.
He can “talk” to the dead too…even play chess with them. Miles tells him it’s not like that. He thinks Miles is jealous because his “powers” are better that his.
He can keep a secret ( Really?) and he’s not a fan of polar bear droppings.
He got Pierre to say he likes country music ( Shotgun Willie)
Both he and Miles fathers abandoned them ( or so Miles was told). But he reconciled with his after coming back from the Island … and he wants Miles to do the same.
He is able to get Miles and Pierre talking, despite them “traveling in different circles”.
He is writing his “New and Improved” version of The Empire Strikes Back” for when George Lucas is looking for a Star Wars follow-up in a couple years.
He has concluded that Miles and his dad are like Luke and his father. That they just need to talk. Luke just overreacted when he found out his father was the equivalent of “Space Hitler” and got his hand cut off. If Luke talked to his dad, then…
The second Death Star wouldn’t have blown up
Boba Fett wouldn’t have been eaten by the sarlacc
and we wouldn’t have The Ewoks .

Now I can not stress this strongly enough, I am by no means a Star Wars expert. But wouldn’t those things, in the context of the story, be bad if they happened?

The Death Star was the headquarters of the Empire domination over the Galaxy
Boba Fett was against the Rebel Alliance . And though he was a child and didn’t fight, Boba came from the clones that were used by Senator Palpatine to destroy the Republic and turn it into an Empire. He is also the one that Lando Calrissian hands over Han Solo to at the behest of Darth Vader. To which, Han is frozen in carbonite and sent to Jabba the Hut.
The Ewoks, despite their uber-cuteness, helped Luke, Han, Leia and the rest from getting beat by the Empire..
And Luke did talk to Vader but he was only interested in killing Emperor Palpatine if it would be a Father/Son takeover of the Galaxy. Same format as before… no ” good side” at play there.

So…is this a clue as to who he is? And wasn’t he playing Mr. Eko from the dark side of the chess board? Like “The Cobra” in Expose’ that he was reading about in Nikki’s script… is the person who has been there all along, pretending to be “good” …. Himself? Yeah, I know…I’m probably wrong… but we’ll see… 😉

Other happenings
lost-jack-t2Jack is talking to a suspicious Roger Linus about Kate’s sudden interest in his son. He is erasing a blackboard with a historic Egyptian eras breakdown. Roger tells him to get lost, it’s his ‘turf”. Hey, at least it got him away from drinking beer on the swings! 🙂
” It Never Rains in Southern California” by Albert Hammond and ” Love Will Keep Us Together” by The Captain and Tennille were playing in the van.
Phil has the surveillance tape of Ben Goes to the Hostiles, Starring James and Kate. He was going to give LeFleur the benefit of the doubt (nice guy after all ?) and gets rewarded with a punch to the face. Now what?! Stay tooned… 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : Dead is Dead ( or ” I Was a Teenage Smoke Monster” )


SEE a Collections Supervisor of a Box Company raised from the DEAD!!!
SEE Brutal Mutant Hostile Man/Boy push his beautiful daughter on a SWING!!!
SEE Berserk Control Freak Blasted with a shotgun meant for ZOMBIES!!!
SEE it ALL in Ectoplasmic COLOR in IllustrO 720 HDTV!!! (1080p on Blu Ray, Dec 8 2009)


And now after that implausible anticipatory build -up … some thought about this week’s fabulous episode. ( * Some people really, really enjoyed it…. 🙂 )

Middle aged Charles on horseback is Russell Crowe’s stand-in… but in a good way. 🙂

” The Island chooses who the Island chooses. You know that. ” richard-t7Richard Alpert to Charles Widmore. What exactly is the criteria in that process?

The Hostiles/Others don’t have a name for it… you (Losties) call it ” The Monster”. Do they not name it out of reverence to it? Is this much like not speaking Jeremy Bentham’s name in Season 4 finale. Come to think of it, lost-kate-t1Kate tried to keep people from saying Aaron’s name as well on several occasions. Plot devise or clue?

Big silver box that Illana and her crew are fiddling around with. Putting polls on the side to carry it. Ark of the Covenant ? Mini Jughead bomb? Dead body? I hope it the rest of lost-locke-t1Locke’s 400 knives. 😉

Caesar assuring a “concerned” ben-t13Ben he “Got your back” about their potential ” Locke Problem” ? And Ben “got his front” with the sawed off shot gun that Caesar took from the Hydra Station. Sometimes… I just think Ben lies purely for the love of it.

Younger Ben and little Ethan… reminded me of River Phoenix (Indy) and his scout friend in the beginning of ” Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. But instead of a gold cross… they took a baby. Ben even had the emo bangs and the neckerchief.

Indiana Ben telling young danielle-t1Rousseau if she looks for him and Alex, he will kill her. “Every time you hear whispers, you run the other way!” Are the whispers the Others? What brought Ben “back”? Are they they near the “wormhole” that might be a way of help/escape? Time will tell (no pun intended)

Ben finds Photo-shopped picture of him and Alex at the The Others Company picnic (seeing that Locke seems to see Mr. Linus’s leadership style as a bit on the “corporate” side). Ben then informs an apology-seeking Locke that he didn’t want John to die until he got some vital information from him. The two points of interest that came up in that info : lost-jin-tJin Kwon is alive and Eloise Hawking is danielfaraday-tDaniel Faraday’s mother and that’s who was to help Locke. I assume that the former was to give validity to his plan for getting sun-tSun on the plane. But did Ben not know who he was talking to this whole time in LA? Was it because she is Daniel’s mother and this has much bigger significance?

John making Ben take him to his ” judgment” by Smokey is much like Locke making Ben take him to Jacob’s cabin. At the cabin, Locke was able to see and hear things Ben thought John was “too limited” for. I wonder what new knowledge Locke will acquired on this field trip? Is Locke’s insistence on going actually part of Ben’s “plan”… or has finally thrown away his playbook after his Smoke Encounters of the Weird Kind, underneath the Temple wall?

First Widmore wants to kill young Ben…then new mother Rousseau…then baby Alex. From Charles perspective, I’m curious as to who else exactly would be the “wrong” side of winning in the war?

Ben and Locke at the old New Otherton. Risk on the table… last thing they were doing before The Keam Team showed up. Light in Alex’s old room… is from Sun. franklapidus-tFrank Lapidus is there too. Waiting for a dead Locke to appear, by orders of a dead (?) christianshephard-tChristian Shepard. How did Frank know who Locke was if they never met? For one thing, I’m sure that word got back to him that Locke was the man who killed Naomi. Also, Frank does a pretty bang up job at memorizing manifests, with I’m sure he recalled a John Locke (Deceased) on the list.

John’s “got some ideas” how Sun can see Jin again even though he’s in 1977… Just like Ben told lost-jack-t2Jack before they left on Ajira 316. Are those “ideas” coming from the same “source”?

Just for a second, when Sun was told that Ben had to do something first before she was going to see her husband again, I thought he was going to kill her too. 🙂

Ben pushing Alex on the swing in a now New Otherton. When was this? Most likely, post purge, 1992 and beyond
Alex born : 1988
The Purge: December 19 , 1992 ( Ben’s thirtieth birthday)
The Crash : September 22, 2004
The Return : 2007
Charles said he was leader for over 30 years. ( The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham)
Charles said he has been trying to get back to The Island for almost 20 years
So, Charles was exiled after the purge. 2007-1992 = 15 years.
Originally from dialog, I thought…
Jughead : 1954 -1984 thirty years as leader.
Exiled in 1984, still trying to get to Island in 2007
2007-1984 = 23 years
But then again….
Maybe Richard came back in 1961, five years after Locke’s birth when he gave John “the test” and in frustration , made Charles permanent leader. So…
1961-1992 Leader of Others
1992- Exiled
2007- Searched for 15 years…kind of a stretch for “almost 20”

Probably making a “thing” out of this but ” Time is the Essence” . So, should I chalk this up to writer error or something else like what happened in Daniel’s rocket experiment when 31 minutes went “missing”? Please, any theories…love to hear them. 🙂

And speaking of Widmore exile who is the “Outsider” that Charles had a child with… and who is that child? And was it inevitable that Alex was going to die, whether by Charles orders or some other means (Course correction)? And if that is the case, recruit juliet-tJuliet and tell her ” You’re mine!!” if she appears to be an “Outsider”? The only recruitment we have seen so far by The Others are of John and Juliet…both who are on The Island in the past…which means they were already here…? So, technically, they aren’t “Outsiders” but might just have been rounding up a couple of their own people? (miles-tMiles….help me out here! 😉 ) Or is it one of those “beyond science” issues, that
Daniel spoke about? Hmmm..

” I assure you Sun, I’m the same man I’ve always been.” says John Locke. Yeah but….To quote lost-hurley-tHurley “Who is this guy?!” Or should we start saying ” What is this guy?!” John mysteriously wanders off after Ben pulls the plug to call Smokey. Red herring or another clue? Too soon to be sure.

Ben saved Locke’s phone that Widmore gave him. He dials up #23 and gets Charles on the phone. ” I’m going to kill you daughter” Ben tells him. And while he’s there, he shoots a grocery toting desmond-t1Desmond for good measure .”Our Mutual Friend” was almost the last thing Des did ever read… on the back of their boat. But instead, Des gives Ben the beating of his life ( and that’s sayin’ somethin’) and dumped in the ocean. 316 Mystery solved!
( Got to love LOST. Even when characters are hunting down the answers to time travel or their ultimate destinies… they still need to stop at the store.)

Locke, Sun and Ben going to the Temple… Well, the wall around the Temple. The real thing 1/2 a miles inward. Ben says that this was where he was healed. Thought he wouldn’t remember. Maybe someone told him… or maybe the forgetting part didn’t “take”?

Frank is back with the Ajira passengers, as any good pilot would. Ilana and her friends and more interested in knowing ” What lies in the shadow of the statue”. Sorry, Frank. No shadow…no snowman…no mercy. Ilana says ” Tell the others its time” . Question is ” Who are the others…and what is it time for”? Think maybe Walt dream of Locke in his suit about to get hurt is a part of it.

Ben and Locke under the wall. Room full of hieroglyphs. Some images…
Upside down ankh
A snake
An eye
A river
A staircase
Egyptian god Anubis, kneeling
A creature with a lighting body and dragon like face

Anubis looks subservient to the creature. The stairs are taken to get to Smokey. The eye (possibly the “eye of the island) is next to the “river” which are under the creature and Anubis. Perhaps these two are watching over the Island?

After his ” This if Your Life” experience. Ben “repented” and lived. lost-eko-tEko didn’t and died ( Seasons Three’s “The Cost of Living” ). But until we know what Smokey is… not sure who actually did the wise thing. ” Alex” caught Ben wanting to kill Locke again. But if he does anything other than follow, listen and do whatever Locke says…. ” Alex” will destroy Ben. ” She” , in the end, let Ben live. And this might be the thing that changes Ben permanently. Now, if it’s for the better, is yet to be seen.


Biggest mystery of the episode : Why is one of the red shirts still wearing a lei ?

* Donald from Donald is Lost Podcast 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : Geronimo Jackson Single

mswendygravitar7 Geronimo Jackson has released a song on itunes ( Thanks , DarkUFO 🙂 ) . It’s called ” Dharma Lady” and can be downloaded now, for a limited time, free of charge (if you live in the USA , anyway) .

P.S. It’s the song that is playing in the van when Jin lost-jin-tpulls up and finds lost-kate-t1Kate, lost-jack-t2Jack and lost-hurley-tHurley. ( “316” ) 8)

And the band’s icon on the album…Why, a bunny’s skull, of course! 😉

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