Posts tagged James Ford

LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep14- The Candidate or The Island’s Submarine Ballot

Here’s a few extra thoughts about ” The Candidate”. If you would like to hear more about this episode, check out The LOST Revisited Now podcast, Episode #106. 🙂

Interestingly, the word “candidate” comes from the word “candida” in Latin ( “The language of the enlightened”) is the word for “white”. Jacob’s light side, signified by the white stone … these are ( or were) his “chosen”. Another little footnote, “Candida” was the song by Three Dog Night ,that Jerry and Rosie danced to in the Season 5 episode ” LaFleur”.

Sun had Charlie’s ring and she is gone now. Desmond went into the water with the ” Greatest Hits” note. Are Charlie’s sentiments and legacy supposed to be “buried” with him, underwater? Water seems to be associated with Jacob. Is this why Charlie, Sun and Jin died drowning? If MIB is associated with fire, is this why Sayid blew up? But then, what about Ilana? Oh, I don’t know…lol. But I’m curious to see why/how these elements play further into the story.

On the subject of water, with MIB being thrown into it by Jack, how does it affect him? I read/heard someone mention that maybe it just keeps him from changing into the Smoke Monster. I just had a thought. With all the mechanical sounds that it makes, even all the way back in ” Ab Aeterno” times, does water throw off its internal “works”, so to speak?

With Locke and Jack ( one in FS, one in OTL) have flying experience, will this become a factor in them getting off the Island… or tricking MIB?

We see the Apollo bar again when Jack buys it and offers it to his half sister ( in both time-lines), Claire. She refuses ( And like Leslie on Keys To LOST podcast pointed out, is it because she’s on the “dark side” now?) Apollo, in Greek and Roman mythology, was the god of light and the sun, truth and prophesy. He also had a twin sister, Artemis, a hunteress ( twin and hunter…hmm). Apollo was known for being a healer, often with the help of his son, Asclepius. The rod that Asclepius carried has entwined snakes and is used as the symbol caduceus, like on the medical hatch ( I wonder if this is why Jack’s son, David has emerged in the FS time-line. Will he play a role in the “healing”, either physically or with the time-lines?) . But Apollo could bring sickness with him, as well. Apollo was a leader over his people and was a defender and keeper of herds and flocks ( like a shepherd/Shephard?) . He also was connected with music (the Shephard’s proclivity for piano?) I wonder if Grandpa Ray was part of Apollo candy and/or the buying of the company by the Dharma Initiative, in someway, back in the sixties? The family business may not just be in medicine.

If Sayid, in his last moments, came back from the dark side , like Hurley suspected that he could, will we see that happen for Claire? Will she leave on that helicopter with Aaron? Did Charles Widmore have the last of the Oceanic Six behind another double-locked door, next to the sub’s Pylons R’ Us Warehouse? 🙂

With Sun and Jin gone, Claire staying with MIB and Kate shot, Jack not leaving the Island, Desmond being a “sacrifice” of some sort, etc. is this making more and more room for the children of the Losties to play a more forefront role in the end game? It seems like many of our Losties were “orphaned” in a way, – in actuality like James, through neglect, abandonment, separation, etc. It looks like the children are following a similar path. Or is this where “It only ends once…” . I believe it is most likely the latter but I hope that we get to still find out why, especially Walt and Aaron, are “special”.

And finally, R.I.P. to Frank, Jin, Sayid and Sun.

I’ve got a bad feeling it’s not going to get any easier from here. But still going to dive into the next episode #15.

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LOST Thoughts : S6/Ep8 – Recon or (Looking Out for) Number One with a Bullitt

I know, that alternate title sounds like a solution to a “Before and After” puzzle on “Wheel of Fortune”. Now, on to some quick thoughts about this episode. If you would like to hear some more about ” Recon”, hop on over to the Lost Revisited Now page on Talkshoe and find Episode Recon: Episode 94. 🙂

James in the flash-sideways is a cop. I had a feeling that this would be the case. However, why did he let Kate go, when he saw her with handcuffs on in LA X? Will that ” I made this birthday wish four years ago” comment he made to her become more relevant?

Smocke told James that it is ” Kill or Be Killed” atmosphere on the Island. And he stated that ” And I don’t want to be killed!”. Even though we saw Smocke was stabbed without harm, how would he/could he be killed? Is the “killing” for him be the losing of his identity i.e. becoming Locke?

Miles mentioned his father working at the same museum that Charlotte, James’s blind date, worked at. Will we see Pierre Chang anytime soon? Did he leave the Island the same time Roger and Ben did? Does Miles even know that he was on the Island? Does Charlotte?

Both Charlotte and James have occupations that required them to look for clues to solve mysteries : a cop and an anthropologist.

Will we see Miles girlfriend and will she be someone we know? Will she “go Dutch” for coffee with Sawyer?

Smokey is able to read peoples minds/memories. Is this what he did with Kate… just find something that could be “relate-able” to win her over? Is he speaking from a genuine place.. only that place is from Locke’s memories that starting to “seep out”? Either way, “Aaron having a crazy mother” talk will keep Kate from her original purpose of reuniting Claire and her baby. And if “danger surrounds this baby”,Claire “goodness” needing to be the sole influence in his life, and that it was because of her giving up Aaron that the Losties “are all paying the price” ( Claire’s dream)… I’m guessing this might not turn out well if Kate goes this route.

Double locks on the door on the sub ( Two Lockes? 😉 ) . Who/What’s behind it?
A devise to “short circuit” Smokey?
Faraday from another time line?
Widmore Industries ” White Smoke in a Can”?
Any thoughts are welcome. 🙂

James is searching for Anthony Cooper in the X time line. He didn’t know who the real Sawyer was until ” The Brig” when it was revealed on the Island. Who/ what was his source of information?

As James was looking for stuff about Anthony Cooper, he was using the lure of some found property and was the person in Alabama in 1976. Now, in this episode. James ( and the newspaper clippings) said that he was 9 years old when the murder/suicide occurred. And yet, in Season One’s ” Confidence Man”, we were told that he was 8 years old. Also, in ” Every Man for Himself” , Ben asks Sawyer how old he was . James said ” 32″ to which Ben promptly says ” Don’t liiiiie.” Thus, Sawyer then returns with ” 35″. If James was 35 in 2004, that would make him 7 years old in 1976. Unless, of course, he was still lying…lol. But this would make him younger, not older, in 1976.

So, was there a “Wrinkle in Time” ( like one of the books he was reading in ” Recon”, as well as the Island)? Did the Jughead make a discrepancy in the time? Would he have made a difference if he went back on the sub with Juliet in 1974? Or is this just, sadly, an error with continuity? We shall see.

Another big, yellow flower made its way into this episode ( as well as the name ” LaFleur”). It worked for Juliet… but not Charlotte (obviously under less awkward circumstances). Sayid also brought yellow roses to Nadia in ” Sundown”, symbolizing friendship, not romance.

The flower Sawyer gave to Charlotte was a sunflower. I decided to find out its symbolism if any. According to an article (written by Kathleen Karlsen, MA) , ” Sunflowers belong to the genus helianthus, a reference to Helios, the sun god.” They were also worshiped by the Inca Indians because they represented the sun to them.

The sun, being a symbol of light, was rejected by Charlotte. Is this a clue to what “side” she was on? But she became interested in James when he said his final choice of criminal vs cop was cop ( good/light)? More questions… 🙂

The sunflower is also the state flower of Kansas. Kansas is the destination of the Ingalls family in ” Little House on the Prairie” ( as well as the home of Henry/Dorothy Gale in ” The Wizard of Oz”.) Sawyer first mentioned his viewing habits of this program to Kate, in the Season 3 Episode ” Tricia Tanaka is Dead ( as opposed to ” Stranger in a Strange Land, which I mistakenly mentioned on this week’s podcast…Oops! 😉 ). Whether it was while he was sick with mono or going through a bad break up, looks like James will seek out the pure.. the sweet… the ” good” , that is ” Little House”. Is this where he will go to, to seek out the “good” as well, on the Island?

That’s all for now. To Episode 9 or Bust! 8)

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep6 Sundown or Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Temple

After this episode, there’s something that has kind of stayed with me. It just keeps playing over and over in my head…like some kind of creepy little tune . However, I will try to ignore it and focus on a few thoughts/questions that have come to mind.

Charles Widmore was “banished” from the Island. Sayid was “banished” from the Temple until he was asked to come back because something changed ( the rules maybe?) So, will Widmore eventually be asked back to the Island?

Ash around the Temple…Claire could pass over it. Just more confirmation the infected are not affected. But that is not true of Smocke. What is in that ash that can keep him at bay?

Talking and Smocke : Is there "power" in his words? He said he would only kill those "who wouldn't listen". Or is this merely figurative? It was important enough for Sayid to lie to Dogen about stabbing Smocke first and then he spoke.

Claire could order Dogen to speak English, just like Hurley ordered him out of the Temple hall. Benefits of being a past/present candidate or something else?

Hugo and Jack’s names were mentioned together by Ilana and Sawyer’s separately. Is this because she’s away of the potential “sides” they may occupy… or just me reading too much into it again? 😉

Again the word “safe” or some variation of it in this episode. I counted 5 times. What is the overall importance of the frequency of the use of it, if any?

For his son’s life, Dogen left for the Island forever to do a new”job”. What was this work and the ability that he had to keep Smocke from entering the Temple ( and that he had to be killed over it)?

Another mystery box… a wooden one ( Hi Nancy Drew! 😉 ) . Could what these boxes contain be weapons of some sort that have the potential of killing Smocke? Do they contain other important Island related artifacts? Or are they just fancy containers to hold pencils in? You decide!

Let out of airport jail only to be thrown into a restaurant cooler! Was Keamy who Jin was supposed to deliver the watch to… or someone Martin worked for?

Looks like Smocke and Jacob both used similar bargaining techniques. But Jacob’s deal with Dogen required him commit an act of self-sacrifice for love. Smocke’s required an act of sacrifice of others ( in this case , actual Others) for it. But in the FS, Sayid did something similar to what Dogen did for Nadia. Is this just Island story mirroring or a clue?

Ilana finds the same symbol on the Temple wall that Hugo found earlier that Jacob led him to. It appears to be the Omega, which is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Behind it was a “panic room” of sorts. Was Jacob showing Hugo where this was because if Jack wouldn’t leave, it would have been the only way to get out when the “end’ (Omega) comes?

Nadia’s picture: Why did they use this picture that the FBI used to get Sayid to catch his friend that was part of an attempted bombing and not the one that Nadia gave him when he helped her escape in Iraq? Was Sayid still involved in stopping his friend and Nadia still a student? Error or another clue?

Getting her first look at the new “Locke”, Kate is understandably dumbfounded. But his look back at her seemed to me of more of a ” I’m not quite sure what you’re about”. As if he is almost being “shielded” from who she might be. If that is the case, then why?

Sayid said the Others put needles into him. Claire claimed that they did the same thing to her. Is this what happened or is she recalling what Ethan did? And do these needles that both of them experienced have any involvement of the 481516342 serum , like what was in the Swan Hatch?

The brother of Sayid, Omar, said that he paid Keamy off and that he keeps wanting interest. Keamy was an extortioner but denied hurting Omar, even seemed indignant about it. So, is it possible that Omar hurt himself because what he originally wanted was Sayid to kill Keamy and his henchmen? Maybe he had it set up, knowing that if Nadia and the kids could be in danger, he would react exactly how he did? Far-fetched … or yet another “long con”? At this point, will we ever really know…lol?

A frightened Ben approached Sayid with means of escape…but is “too far gone”. Is Ben now going to play on Jacob’s team , for real this time, now that he found out he was used by Smocke? Or will Ben be a Wild Card, doing whatever works for him, at the time?

Rain falls after Sayid agrees on the deal he has made with Smocke. Rain often accompanies the Smoke Monster, especially notably in Season One. Jacob was burned up with fire and Ilana took the ash, most likely for more protection.

Let’s see fire made the ash and Smokey brings rain. Fire + Water. Does that mean I have to go back and watch that Charlie episode to figure this out?

That’s all for now. I’m eggcited for Episode 7 this week ( Sorry for that pun. Guess Claire’s not the only confused girl). 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : S6/Ep4 – The Substitute or To Locke, With Love

Considering the time of year, this episode acted as a sort of “valentine” for the now “retired” Hunter/Boxman , John Locke.

Stopgap: Trying to get out of his blue van ( Dharma likes their vehicles blue too) Locke decides to jump his wheelchair off the uncooperative chair lift to the ground instead of asking for help. And we get an illustration of either ” a leap of faith” or ” Pride coming before a fall “( You decide 😉 ) . Then John gets hit with the lawn sprinklers. Not quite as exhilarating as the Island rain. But LOST’s ” Charlie Brown” has got something going for him. He got his ” Little Red Haired Girl” , Helen, to fall for him…and the wedding is in October.

As John is getting cleaned up from his trip from Australia, drinking from his (mostly) black and white mug, Helen is thinking of another plan for their nuptials. Why not just elope? They can just take her parents and his dad and go to Vegas for a shotgun ( Willie?) wedding. But John says Helen deserves better and wants to go through with the big day, as scheduled.

But hold on…rewind… Locke’s dad?! Since when is Anthony Cooper welcome anywhere around them? Did John, as well as Helen, forgive him ? It appears so since Locke even has a screen-cap of the two of them hunting from “Deus Ex Machina” in his cubicle) Did Cooper have nothing to do with Locke’s paralysis and/or lack of kidney and there is no need for fence mending ? I guess we are right back to wondering how John got in that chair again…just like in the first half of the series.

Mock: Monster “Locke” POV… brilliant! We got a brief glimpse of that in ” The 23rd Psalm” a few seasons ago but not to this extent. And he/it was on a mission: It’s Recruitin’ Time!

Pinch – hitter:
From the makers of Locke in a Box comes Alpert in a Bag! Yes, Alpert in a Bag. First take Richard and “marinate” him in spicy, cryptic talk about chains. “Tenderize” by chopping him directly in the Adam’s Apple . “Shake” as you carry his unconscious body over your shoulder. Then take Alpert, place him in a canvas bag, half beaten (make sure that’s only half) , and let him “stew” overnight…right in the bag! Just four easy steps and you too can have your own Island adviser! (Level of servitude results may vary)

Reserve: They had a place for Locke at the conference in Australia…but he was a no show. Randy: “We sent you to Sydney on the company’s dime” . This is similar to the travel agent telling Locke he couldn’t go on the Walkabout ( “We can send you back to Sydney on our dime”). Where did Locke go for that week? Was it to see Issac of Aluru after the travel office turned him down? Is that where he got his tan that Randy made mention of? Widmore talked about Ben having a tan too in ” Shape of Things to Come”. This was after Ben turned the donkey wheel. Was Locke in a place where he had a similar experience?

Makeshift : Since there has recently been an “adjustment” in the Richard/Jacob working relationship, Smocke decided to let Mr. Alpert know that there is a spot open in his organization. “But why do you look like Locke?” Richard inquires. Smocke said it was because Locke would give him access to Jacob. But we saw them talking to each other in ” The Incident”. Access= loophole? Richard refuses his offer. Richard didn’t know about what a candidate was. Jacob never mentioned it. Richard also couldn’t see the blond boy with the bloody arms, standing in the jungle ( Jacob? Aaron? Someone else?). Is it because of the time shift? The shift of power?

Changeling: Ben lies to Ilana about his role in the murder of Jacob. Jacob’s body is now white ash that Ilana is collecting. Will this contain Smocke again or will this be to “heal” the water at The Temple? If it was Jacob’s ash that was protecting them all this time… how many times has this “man” died? Smocke said he used to be a man. Did Jacob “used to be” a man too?

Second When Smocke finally pays Sawyer a visit, we hear the song ” Search and Destroy” by Iggy and the Stooges playing again. We heard it the first time when Smocke was scoping out Dharmaville. (The first time he went to “Search” out James… was the second time meant to be “Destroy”?).

The same song was repeating. Was Sawyer just playing it over and over?
A couple posts ago, I talked about his original ” Dear Mr. Sawyer” letter. In it, he repeats the same paragraph multiple times. Is this a loop? Purely obsession, even at an early age?

This scene in the house reminded me of the miniseries “The Stand” ( haven’t read the book ) when Randall Flagg goes “recruiting” and finds Lloyd Hendreid, a thief/murder who was abandoned in a jail cell after the plague took the lives of its inhabitants. Lloyd was suicidal and vulnerable. Flagg released him from his confinement ( Richard/chains?) and Lloyd became his right hand man, despite figuring out who Flagg really was (just like Sawyer knowing that this wasn’t Locke anymore and went with him anyway, even with Richard’s fearful warning later on).

Ghost-writer Sawyer doesn’t care if Smocke’s “dead or time travelin’ or the Ghost of Christmas Past”! (referring to Charles Dickens ” A Christmas Carol” ) So, Smocke is The Ghost of Christmas Past and Sawyer called himself The Ghost of Christmas Future last season. Now, we just got to wait and see who The Ghost of Christmas Present is (Desmond, perhaps?) .

Speaking of Desmond and Charles Dickens, I got an email from Hooray4Hawking that mentioned about the 140 years earlier that Jacob and MIB were talking in The Incident (according to the pop up version of LOST). Smocke said that ” Of Mice and Men” was “after his time”. But that beach talk would make it around the time that Dickens had written “Our Mutual Friend”. ( Thanks Hooray4Hawking 8) )

Temp Hugo not only owns the box company that Locke works for…worked for…but he also owns an employment agency. John didn’t want to answer the “What kind of animal ” Dharma Initiative recruiting type questions asked by the fortune teller from ” Tricia Tanaka is Dead”. Locke wants to see the supervisor who is…. Rose Nadler! John insists on having that manly construction job ( Reminded me of the ” I like boxing and sports!” speech he gave to his adviser of why he wasn’t going to go to Mittlelos Science Camp). But Rose thinks that you’ve got to deal with where you’re at and keep living…and that John should make a living doing something else.

Understudy: And that something else is teaching children about “Human Reproduction” from Chapter 4 in the textbook ( Locke’s number). Going to take a break in the Teacher’s Lounge, John runs into the fastidious Keeper of the Coffee Pot, Benjamin Linus: European History (nice scene segue since Ben’s main concern was with the fertility issues on the Island)!

Let’s see. We knew Hurley owned the box company in Tustin. But now, he owns a temp agency there too. Ben is in the Tustin area (born in Portland). Rose is in the Tustin area ( from the Bronx). Ethan is nearby. In this timeline, it appears that they are all merging in or around this town. This got me thinking about what is so special about Tustin, CA?

In Tustin, there is a place called The Bae Institute Advanced Space and Energy Technologies. They have invented a workable photon laser thruster. They are also working on things like Photon Tether Formation Flight and satellite technology the size of ping pong balls. A lot of concepts that were comic book fodder since the 1950’s, they are attempting, and even succeeding in some areas.

The Bae Institute of Immune Inhancement
is where they are working on alternative healing techniques.

Tustin has also been a place with quite a few UFO sightings as well ( which was one of the alluded to topics that were discussed on the “Mysteries of the Universe” ARG this hiatus).

To me, it sounds very similar to what the Dharma Initiative were studying. Coincidence? Maybe…but then again… 🙂

Symbolic The young blonde boy with his bloody arms/hands. Was this to represent MIB murdering Jacob ? Is that Jacob we saw? Aaron? Someone we have yet to meet? “You know the rules. You can’t kill him!” Who? Richard? Sawyer? Jacob? Locke ( in a crackpot sort of way 😉 ? Why could James see the boy but not Richard. With them both Sawyer and Alpert wearing essentially the same dark blue button down shirt, is James now going to become an “advisor” like Richard? Both Jack in Locke’s vision in ” Further Instructions ” and Desmond wore dark blue button down shirts. Is this a sign of rank or a type of uniform?

Imitation: According to Ilana, MIB can’t change his face and that he is stuck being Locke. Is this why he is starting to pick up mannerisms, phrases, etc. that once belonged to John? Is he going to continue to be more like Locke, not just on the outside?

Supplanter : This was what the name Jacob meant in the Bible. It also meant one who grasps, trips up, or deceives. MIB said that that is what Jacob was doing, coming to people when they were vulnerable ( you mean like when he went to a drunk , grieving Sawyer 😉 ). Smocke accused Jacob of pushing people to come to the Island ( Jacob to Jack: ‘Guess it just needed a little push” ). This was all to find a candidate to take over protecting the Island. But why did Jacob go to so much trouble if it was as meaningless as Smocke said?

Additional : We got to see The Numbers in what we are told is Jacob’s cave. Dozens and dozens of names written and mostly, crossed out. Were these only crossed out because of death? Being claimed? But 6 names read clearly …
4: Locke
8: Reyes (Did Hurley and Lenny emphasize “EIGHT!” when saying The Numbers because it was Hugo’s # ?)
15: Ford
16: Jarrah
23: Shephard ( presumed Jack but MIB doesn’t answer)
42: Kwon ( “not sure if it’s Jin or Sun…why not both?”)
If these “numbers” are put together (108) will they be the combination to bring this to its potential outcome in the “War”?
Austen wasn’t there. Kate is either completely irrelevant, vitally significant… or just written somewhere in the back.

Question about Locke’s number. If this is Jacob’s cave, he knew that Locke was dead. Ilana and the rest were there to carry Locke in the box. So why didn’t Jacob cross his name off?

Other: Here’s a few more quick points of interest …
Locke loved those checkered shirts ( more “boxes”)
” Sullivan” was one of the names on the wall … the hypochondriac with the rash that liked golf
Mirror image of Ben and Sawyer talking about answers ( two islands) and Of Mice and Men in ” Every Man for Himself” ( Season Three)
There was a stringed instrument in the cave ( Charlie’ s guitar, French teams violin)
The word “Dream” was on two posters at Hugo’s temp agency and ” Live for the present” on a banner in the teacher’s lounge.
Ilana said that The Temple was the “safest” place on the Island ( safe again)
Sawyer to MIB : You’ve got about 20 seconds and then I’m outta here! ” 20 was a number that showed up a lot in Season Five. Look like its back.
Helen ” I’m sick” …of all the wedding preparations, Locke : I’m sick”… about thinking about life outside of this chair. Jack : ” I’m sick” …of lying! ( TTLG, Season 3) I AM SICK on the mural of the Hatch. The Sickness…any connections? We’ll see.
And finally, Ben’s graveside confession mingled with Frank’s reaction… instant classic! 8)

There’s more that I could talk about from this episode… but I’ll stop here. Next stop… Episode 5.

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LOST Thoughts : LOST : The Auction… and a little bit about Sawyer’s letter

Here is a link to the sneak peak of the LOST Auction that will be taking place this summer after the show is done.

Profiles in History

Probably tops on the list for me would be the copy of ” Watership Down” … for obvious reasons. But any one (or more) of those LOST artifacts would be incredible to own.

Eight pages of purchasable LOST goodies (coincidence?!) . Like to/ going to bid on any of the memorabilia? Love to hear about it. 🙂

*An aside * Looking at another one of Sawyer accouterments, his letter, was rather strange. This is the original that first appeared in The Pilot. The handwriting seemed rather neat and uniform for an eight year old. Now, most likely, is because it was just penned by someone in the Props Department. It was the contents of the letter that disturbed me. The familiar ” You don’t know who I am, but I know who you are” and the details about his parents demise are just like we heard read to us several times. But the odd thing about the letter is that that paragraph is written over…and over… and over. It is similar to Jack Torrence’s ” All work and no play….” line from Stephen King’s ” The Shining”. Is this a clue of what Sawyer may become ( And it’s dark, Jack…it’s very dark ) ? Is this a clue that James is “special” like Danny Torrence…and Hurley…and Miles? Is it repeating because each paragraph is for each person that reads it ( Uncle Doug, Kate, Anthony Cooper) and only see it as one paragraph, before it is torn up ( Why? I have no idea…just reaching…lol) Does it have to do with this parallel time line? Or is it all just good old fashioned rage induced obsession? Whatever the answer, it was deliberate.

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LOST Thoughts : S6/E2 – What Kate Does or Alone Again, (Super?) Naturally

Solely: The first image we see in this episode is of an Other with bare feet, running through a curved hallway in The Temple. It appears that this group of Others do not wear shoes on their feet. Are these the same ones that don’t leave tracks when they roam the jungle?

Doing a little looking around, I found out that there is a Japanese mythological figure , used often in Manga ,( Yuki Onna) that is purported to never leave tracks in the snow and becomes a cloud of mist when threatened. Any connection ? We shall see.

And speaking of threaten, Dogen ( most likely named after 13th Century Buddhist monk Dogen Zenji) grabs the silver cylindrical piece hanging from his necklace whenever things get tense. Does he look at it as a symbol of protection? Since we have/will see more alluding to things that happened in Season One, it would be fun to see Dogen blow into it to call something, like Locke called Vincent with the whistle he made in ” Tabula Rasa” ( maybe to call the very same creature) . 🙂

Vacated: When Sayid “left this earth”, he said that he didn’t see anything. And his most recent memory was of getting shot. This is similar to little Ben after he was taken to The Temple. Ben knew he was hurt but not the circumstances around it, just as Richard said. So, like Ben, will Sayid always be an Other? Or, considering the change in the water, has become something else entirely?

Special: ” As you can see, Hugo here has assumed the leadership position. So… that’s pretty great!” Miles Straume. 🙂

Travelin’ Light :
( Goofy non-theory) Arzt was holding a bug pamphlet on the plane in LA X. Was he in Australia, not to go on an international blind date, like in the mobisode, but to study new species of bugs? He did this on the Island, finding several creatures, including the infamous Medusa Spider ( Expose’, Season 3). Last time, he blew himself up, eliminating the world from knowing about these undiscovered animals and his eventual fame and fortune. This time, Kate had the cab run over Leslie’s luggage, did he have samples of them in those bags? I guess you could say Arzt got to experience his own ” Butterfly Effect”. 😉

Every Man For Himself : Ford ( as called by The Others) isn’t going to hang around The Temple. He’s got better ( or sadder) things to do. He can handle himself. But The Others don’t think so. Kate decides she can track him and convince James to come back. “It’s very important that he comes back safely.” says Lennon. More about that word later.

I-solated : At the chop shop where she got her handcuffs taken off by someone who could have been Tom Friendly’s brother (right down their interaction in Season 3’s “Tale of Two Cities”), Kate is going through Claire’s bag that she took to change clothes had a picture of a pregnant Miss Littleton ( who still is…for now) . She is standing, by herself, pointing down to her protruding belly with pride. Behind her head, on a tapestry or quilt wall hanging, is the letter “I” but the rest is obscured. Could it read ” Am Sick” , like from the painting inside the hatch? And that stuffed Killer whale… it was driving me crazy where I saw that before in the show. Reading E’s Long Live Locke blog reminded me… Aaron had it in Season 4’s ” Something Nice Back Home” . Now, there’s a brain twister ( Thank you, Erica! See, just another wonderful aspect about the LOST fandom. If you forget, there’s always someone whose gonna remember…lol) !

Abandoned: Realizing that Claire was pregnant, Kate goes back to give her her stuff and find out if she needs a ride. Turns out she does, since the adoptive couple of her baby “forgot” to show up at the airport. ” They didnt abandon me”. Claire has “abandonment/daddy issues”, according to Thomas, the father of Aaron from Season One’s ” Raised By Another”. But then it turns out she was abandoned by the newly maritally abandoned Lindsey Baskum. She’s a new name/face to LOST but will we see her again or her husband. Will he be someone important that we will see or already know? His last name doesn’t have to be Baskum. I’m still trying to figure out the whole Widmore/Hawking/Faraday thing… 😀

Solitary : Very reminiscent of the Season One Sayid-centric episode where we first meet Danielle Rousseau. She has him tied/chained down on a rusty cot, electrocutes him, drugs him as she interrogates him about her missing daughter, Alex. Was what Danielle was doing to Sayid akin to the “test” that Dogen was giving him to see if he was “infected” then? Sayid “failed” this test. And he needs to take this little green pill to stop the spread of it. But it turns out to be poison. So, was it to cure him or to kill him? Whatever it was, it wasn’t for the “uninfected” Jack.

Stag: Kate uses the alias ” Joan Hart” again. We first heard it in Season One’s ” Born To Run”. Joan Hart was also the name of the reporter who was the only one who figured out who Damien Thorn really was ( i. e. The Antichrist) in the movie ” The Omen II ( Thanks, Lostpedia! 🙂 ) Is this some bad foreshadowing or is Goober on the up and up?

Empty : Kate follows James to a once vibrant Dharmaville. He lifts up some floorboards to recover a little black bag…with an engagement ring for Juliet. But that’s all over now. ” Some people are just meant to be alone”. But is he?
James tosses the modest diamond into the water, just like Desmond did in “Flashes Before Your Eyes” ( Season 3)
Des got to be with his Penny. However before that, he was told by Eloise that if he didn’t go to the Island and push that button ” Every single on of US is DEAD!”. And it looks like, in the parallel time line, that is exactly what happened. The one day that Des didn’t push the button, the plane crashed, which through subsequent events, led to the Jughead being hit with a rock and the “Island” sinking to the bottom of the ocean shortly afterward, causing the apparent death of the Hostiles (which Ellie is a part of) and any left over Dharma people.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see on that Dutch coffee date to find out how that turns out.

Single: Well, it looks like Claire is going to raise Aaron after all, once he’s finally delivered by our good friend, Dr. Ethan Goodspeed ( Not Rom. Did he leave in the evacuation of Dharma? Was he born on the Island in the first place? Will he turn out to be Sarah Shephard’s “Other Man” this go around?) . And Claire is not to worry. Those drugs that he gave her/the baby are “safe” ( There’s that word again) .
She names him Aaron, this time before he is born. Both times, Claire wasn’t sure why she picked that name, as she expressed to Kate here, and to Mr. Eko in Season Two. Guess it’s another one of the “supposed to’s “.

Separate: (Nod to an email from Wray 8) ) ” He walks among us, but is not one of us” . Jack and Dogen have a little chat about leadership, much like he and Locke had in Season One’s ” White Rabbit”. Dogen speaks a different language than his people most of the time because it is easier when he has to give orders that they may not like. He must remain separate, like Jack needs to, if he is going to be leader once again.
Dogen also talks about them all being brought to the Island, just like Locke did “We were brought here…all of us. Each one of us was brought here…for a purpose, for a reason.” (Exodus, Season One)
During this time, there is talk of baseball, trust and Sayid being “claimed” (another term that is given for something that has no word, just like Ben said about “what you call ‘The Monster’ “.) You know…just like Jack’s SISTER!!! ( or is she?)

The word “safe” comes up ,at least once , in just about every episode of LOST. I have been wondering a long time as to why this is. So, with this revelation that “Claimed” means infected. So, does not being infected mean that you are ” Safe ” ? Were the drugs that Claire was being given by Ethan and the ones in the hatch, for keeping people “safe” as well?
Now, just have to figure out what being “marked” means. And with Jacob being dead now, is what happened with his touch ( possible “mark”) risk the Losties “safety”?

Jin’s along for the trip to find Sawyer. But he’s really trying to forge his own path towards the Ajira plane to find Sun.

Eliminated : Hey! We got to see Aldo again. Turns out he’s The Others “Frogurt”. Gets shot with a gun instead of a flaming arrow. But why shoot Justin?! He was nice and had answers! He knew about Rousseau and Ajira. At the rate he was going, we probably could have found out who Adam and Eve were and where Claire hairbrush went off to!

Hermit :
Oh well. It looks like that “hairbrush” mystery has yet to be solved from the condition (or lack there of) of Claire’s coif. Danielle Rousseau : Gone but not forgotten. Her memory ( or is that, memories) are living on through Miss Littleton. And of all people to stumble upon in the jungle , it’s Jin (now, in a bear trap) just like in 1988.

Now, I’m going to try to sequester myself from any spoilers until I can reach for the remote to enjoy Episode 4 on Tuesday and prep for the LRNow with Mr. Heath Solo. 🙂

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LOST Parody: Kiss Me ( aka The Triangle Song)

Personally, the shipper stuff in LOST doesn’t really bother me. I just consider it all part of the story and character motivation. Just felt like having a little fun with the one that started it all. 🙂

(If you would like to listen to more LOST parodies, click here). 🙂

KISS ME ( aka The Triangle Song)

Kiss me
Out in The Jungle of Mystery
Nicely, and you’ll get that inhaler
Quickly… Shannon is getting worse
You should be glad that I’m not greedy

Oh, kiss me
Been tortured by an Iraqi
He beat me alongside Dr. Jack
Shoots are in my hands
Under my nails, threats to poke out my eye
Silver blade sparkling
So, kiss me

Kiss me
Blew up my family’s farmhouse
Oopsie! Just set my dad on fire
Treating Sawyer with mashed up fruit
He’s passed out but speaks in my father’s voice

Oh, kiss me
Cuz I just saw my horsie
Quickly… I think I’m crackin’ up
Hallucinating now
Strikes me that I’m not really the best judge
Daddy Issues happening
So, kiss me

Kiss me
Cuz we’re caged up like bunnies
No, me.. cuz I gave you a ring
Listen here, you three
Strikes me as you might be needing special help
Psych profiles pending
Therapy… therapy….
(Spoken: Please, for me? No? How about for Aaron? Clementine? No? Um…ok. )
Kiss me

(Parody of the song “Kiss Me ” by Sixpence None the Richer, Written by Matt Slocum, 1999, Album: Sixpence None the Richer, Squint Entertainment . New lyrics by Wendy Lincoln, 2008)


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LOST Parody : Have Yourself A Fishy Little Biscuit

This was the first LOST parody I’d ever written. I was going to send it into The LOST podcast with Jay and Jack for their Christmas episode way back in ’06… but I lost my voice for 2 weeks and couldn’t record it. So, I decided to brush the dust off it now and post it here. (It’s so old, there’s a ” Benry” reference 😉 ). This parody is about, who else, Mr. James ” Sawyer” Ford and his Bear Village treats. 🙂

(If you would like to listen to more LOST parodies, click here). 🙂

Have yourself a fishy little biscuit
Glad your heart’s not fried
That pacemaker trouble was a Benry lie

Have yourself a fishy little biscuit
Karl and you’ll escape
Then act like The Others are just miles away ( You got tased )

Through the bars of a big bear cage
Full of pent up rage, I’m sure
Red button with its victor’s tune
Will deliver you the cure

Through the bars, you could escape together
If ol’ Kate allows
She won’t leave Jack
Now Pickett’s gun’s against your brow
So, have yourself a fishy little biscuit now

Kate won’t leave Jack
Now Pickett’s gun’s against your brow
So, have yourself a fishy little biscuit
Have yourself a fishy little biscuit
Have yourself a fishy little biscuit now

(Parody of the song “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” Written Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane, 1944, for the film Musical ” Meet Me in St. Louis” . New lyrics by Wendy Lincoln, 2006)


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LOST Thoughts : It’ll Come Back Around

mswendygravitar8 I was staying up way too late the other night and caught the Season 3 episode ” The Brig” on HD ( Why do I do this? I own all the seasons and can watch them at anytime! I guess there’s just something special about stumbling onto a program. ) Maybe because of the hour I started deducing this theory that can account for its ridiculousness. And yet, here I am, writing about it anyway.

In this episode, lost-sawyer-t1Sawyer finally does in the elusive “original recipe” Sawyer, Anthony Cooper… the man he sees as the one who ruined his life, by strangling him with a chain. This is because Cooper’s son, John Locke, cannot. But it’s assumed, Locke would if he could. ben-t13Benjamin Linus, kills Mr. Cooper’s son, lost-locke-t1John Locke… the man he perceives who ruined his life, in a similar manner with an extension cord ( Season 5, ” The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham”) . In turn, will Ben die, like Roger Linus, in an incident much like ” The Purge” ?

In the Season 3 finale, lost-jack-t2Jack Shephard is just about to make a suicidal move by throwing himself off a bridge in a drunken stupor, when he is stopped short by an accident on the road behind him. christianshephard-tChristian Shephard, died in a suicidal drunken binge and threw himself into a fight he probably knew he couldn’t win (or at least, that’s what we were told).

So, this got me thinking… is this how things will end for the Losties? Will each of their demises ( if they take place) mirror those of their fathers/parents? Will Sawyer end up in a murder/suicide, possibly with lost-kate-t1Kate as his wife ? And will she die the same way as she killed her father i.e. in some kind of premeditated explosion?

There is another side to this scenario…

We saw lost-charlie-t1Charlie’s mom in one episode but in ” Greatest Hits” she wasn’t there, especially noticeable absence during The Paces holiday/swimming lesson. Liam named his baby girl after Charlie and his mom in ” Fire + Water”. The way they spoke it sounded like she was no longer alive. Had Megan Pace given her life, possibly even in a sacrificial way, for her son(s) ? ( This is purely speculative…but it would be cool if we found that to be true somehow in Season Six).

David and Carmen are still around. So, does this bode well for lost-hurley-tHugo?

Pierre Chang sent his son and wife away knowing that they would despise him, if it would save their lives. miles-tMiles finds out who his dad is and what he did for him. Miles, in turn, puts himself in a place of rejection by telling Pierre he is a time traveler to save his life ( and later, physically does rescue his father).

Does this work in reverse? Will Eloise get shot like she shot danielfaraday-tDaniel?

In this respect, is it fate or living by example?

I know… I know… I need to get more sleep. 😉

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LOST Thoughts ( and video) : Sawyer Nickname Origin # 34


Yes, I’m back with more nickname origins and this one’s from, who else….Sawyer. 🙂

In the Season One episode ” Whatever the Case May Be”, lost-kate-t1Kate is walking through the jungle alone…or at least she thinks she is.

Kate picks up a rock to defend herself against whatever is rustling in the jungle. She pitches at what she thinks might be a boar or worse. Instead, it is Mr. James Ford ( although no one knew that was his name yet.) To which, Sawyer jokingly grunts ” Me Kate! Me throw rock!”

Now, this nickname is a bit tricky. “Me Kate” is reflective of similar “branding” coming from the fictional quintessential Ape Man, Edgar Rice Burrows’ leading character from the classic tale ” Tarzan and the Apes” . ( ” Me Tarzan! You Jane! “)

Essentially, it is the story of a child who lost his parents during a violent animal attack in the jungle home they built after they were marooned in a shipwreck. He was raised by apes into his young adulthood but eventually was found several years later by some English explorers. Tarzan becomes ” civilized” but longs to be back in the wild with Jane, a woman who accompanied the team on their expedition of Tarzan’s homeland of Africa.

Orphaned boy… raised by another… needed to learn to be part of civilized society…” Me?! I’m in the wiiiild!” ? Nope…no similarities there! 😉

And here’s a video just for fun to bring home the point.

( LOST -Toybox ” Tarzan and Jane” Posted by LexusLuthorus for youtube)

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LOST Revisited Now News: Heath Meets Sawyer?!


Heath Solo from The LOST Revisited Now, recently had the unbelievable opportunity to sit in on an actors’ workshop with the one and only , Mr. Josh ” Sawyer/James Ford/LaFleur” Holloway!


Here’s the description of the episode…

Hosted by: Heath Solo
Title: Episode 64 – “Heath Solo’s night with Josh Holloway”
Time: 07/29/2009 04:28 PM EDT
Episode Notes: Heath Solo was one of 65 people who attended the Ardavany Approach actor series in Santa Monica, CA on Tuesday July 27th, 2009. The special guest was actor Josh Holloway, who of course plays Sawyer on the hit series Lost. Heath spent 2 hours listening to Josh talk about his craft and “The Incident” scene with Juliet. There was a Q and A and it was awesome! This is the first attempt not to record a podcast with Talkshoe. So enjoy Heath Solo’s account of the evening. ( Approximately 37 minutes)

Thanks for sharing about this special night with us, Heath! 8)
If you want to contact Heath, you can email him at :

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LOST Thoughts : The Incident, Part Two


(This is quite a bit longer than the first part. But once the theories start rolling around… it gets tougher to be brief. 🙂 )

Origin of ” Five Seconds for Fear ” in next scene. It’s so funny how lost-jack-t2Jack acts like he thought of
it in the Pilot episode. It was christianshephard-tChristian who told him how to handle the pressure. That if younger Shephard could not take Christian’s advice… Dad will just have to step in. No harm, no foul. Gives Jack a ” Hey, Kiddo” out in the hall, trying to take the edge off a tense situation. ( “Kiddo” is Christian’s favorite nickname for Jack, and others) Jack , who said he was initially humiliated by it, eventually relays the story as a much more singular and heroic tale later, to Kate. How big was that fish you caught, Dr. Jack? 😉

Jack’s apollo bar is stuck . Jacob comes back to “assist” . ” I guess it just needed a little push “(the candy machine/ Jack by Christian?) says Jacob to Jack. It reminds me of the desmond-t1Desmond/Jack meeting at the stadium in MOSMOF, Season 2. ” Ya gotta lift it up….Your ankle!” ( another double meaning.)

From five seconds to five minutes…out in the jungle for lost-sawyer-t1James and Jack. Sawyer ” A man does what he does cuz he wants something for himself. What do you want?” One, Jack wants to fulfill what Locke was saying was his “destiny”. And two, to be with lost-kate-t1Kate. At least, that is what we are to assume from the slight affirmation when Sawyer mentions her name. Jack blurts out the phrase ” I lost her” but he says it’s too late, despite her being by the van. He never actually says it’s Kate. Maybe he is lamenting all the women in his life he lost : Kate, Sarah, Gabriella, juliet-tJuliet, Bai Ling. 🙂 Perhaps he realized there is nothing for him on the Island, just like there wasn’t anything for him in “real world”. But what the Losties are about to do, and what he has learned through this experience, might afford Jack a second chance.

Sawyer opens up about what happened to his parents… and subsequently, himself. (This is like the pre- raft launch “revelation” he gave to Jack about his own father, Christian. ) James explains that he had the opportunity for a second chance himself. Why didn’t he get on the sub and stop what happened? ” What’s done is done” same advice he was given at his folks funeral. For James, I think the Island was that second chance.

Ironically, they both have the same ” Done is done” outlook but polarizing solutions in what to do next.
Peace summit didn’t go so well. Jack and Sawyer fight….long time coming. Sawyer beating Jack is like Jack beating Ben in the Season 3 finale , ” Through the Looking Glass”. Sawyer is just as frustrated and confused about Jack wanting to blow up Jughead as Jack was over why he shouldn’t call the Freighter for rescue.

Juliet stops Sawyer from beating Jack into a fine powder, saying the doctor is right. That they have to do this. That she’s changed her mind. ( Does that ” It’s a woman’s prerogative” thing really still apply when deciding the fate of an H-bomb?) 🙂

Flashback to a tweenish Juliet and her older sister, Rachel, sitting on opposing sides of their parents in their living room. It is supposed to be The 80’s but the clothes and decor look a lot less “dated”. There is a book on the coffee table : “Mysteries of the Ancient Americas”, published by Reader’s Digest Association, 1986.
(Thank you, Scotty6, for the info). 🙂 Probably some curious hints in that read.

Juliet is very upset that her parents are getting a divorce. Her mother tries to tell her that ” Just because you love someone doesn’t mean they’re supposed to be together.” This does not console young Juliet and she runs off. This phrase is a lot like Kate to Jack on Ajira 316 ” Just because we’re on the same plane doesn’t mean we’re together” . And it is this same reason Juliet gives James that their relationship can’t continue that she got from her parents and their impending split.

KC of the superb blog, ” LOST Tidbits” posted some intriguing screen shots from this scene, pointing out that Juliet’s father’s appearance is strikingly similar to Kate’s father, Wayne (albeit about a dozen years older) KC proposed that perhaps Juliet’s dad might have left Juliet’s mom for Diane Austen soon after this scene. This got me to theorizing. If this is true… then Kate and Juliet are half sisters. And the reason for Juliet “changing her mind” is because she believes that Sawyer doesn’t love her the way he loves Kate, after that glance over her way at Rose and Bernard’s cabana. And pointed out by Heath on our podcast ( The LOST Revisited Now) , Juliet was touching her stomach…possibly signifying that she was pregnant (and maybe that’s what Bernard noticed when he offered Juliet to stay for tea). Who knows? Maybe in this upcoming season, we’ll see a scene, like we saw of the DriveShaft ring, of some Dharma people cleaning out LeFleur’s house…and happening upon a positive pregnancy test ? 😦

There has been much talk about how the story of Jacob from the Bible relates to LOST. Another aspect of it is that Jacob was in love with a beautiful girl named Rachel. He worked for 7 years for Rachel’s father to be able to marry her. ( Having to work for wife’s father also a part of sun-tThe Kwons lost-jin-tstory) When the 7 years had passed, Jacob was allowed to marry Rachel… but he didn’t end up doing that. Rachel’s father, Laban got Jacob intoxicated prior to the nuptials and was joined in holy matrimony to her older sister, Leah. Jacob was so angry and sad at his new circumstances. He was deceived… but he did a little deceiving himself to his own brother. So, he agreed to work another 7 years to marry Rachel. And Jacob was able to do that…but then, he had to work for another 7 years after that for her father. Jacob, after 21 years was free of his father-in-law, became prosperous and added two new wives to the family. But it was still Rachel that he really loved.

Could what Juliet be feeling is like she is the “Leah” of the story? Sawyer loved Kate, he grew to love Juliet…but that look was all it took. ( And this applied to her relationship with Jack too) This would make Kate ” Rachel”. And if the screen shots are any indication, it’s more than figuratively. And for Juliet to have a sister named Rachel… well, maybe that’s just another clue, pointing to Juliet and Kate’s “connection”.
Is it true? Maybe not. Just a theory…for now. 🙂

Another point about Jacob and Juliet… we did not see them together. Is this a clue? Hmmm…

Radzinski and the Dharma crew at the site of the future home of the Swan Hatch. They just found the pocket of energy from drilling. Up walks Dr. Chang in his light colored jacket to reason with a dark jumpsuited Stewart about the dangers of trying to finish what they started at the Swan site. Pierre Chang tries to warn him “If we keep drilling and hit that pocket, all hell is going to break loose.” Remembering what Damon and Carlton said on the Season 2 extras that the hatch represents something along the lines of concentrated evil…. Pierre might be onto more with that statement than even he realizes.

Kate changes her mind too about setting off Jughead… and possibly her relationship with Jack. Her goal was supposed to be to find Claireclaire-t and reunite her with her son, Aaron. Jack claims that detonating the H-bomb is the only way that can ever happen. Nothing in his life has felt so right as what they are about to do. Kate is concerned if they go back to pre- Flight 815, Claire might just give Aaron up for adoption. Jack says that they can’t be sure about that… but if Claire did, it would be her choice ( Jacob-like statement) . I wonder if this does actually work the way they think, perhaps Claire will give up Aaron for adoption to that nice couple in LA…and it will be Kate and Jack, only permanently this time?

lost-hurley-tHurley is getting out of jail for the murders he did not commit… no matter how hard he tries to stay. 🙂 This is very reminiscent of desmond-t1Desmond’s release from prison in Season 2’s finale, “Live Together, Die Alone”. Except instead of the dramatic implications of the possession of Desmond’s book ” Our Mutual Friend” by Charles Dickens being the last thing he ever reads before he dies… Hurley is issued back a cherry flavored Fruit Roll Up. ( Just …brilliant! )
Another nod to Des and LTDA, Hurley is met outside of the prison gates by someone. Charles Widmore was waiting for Desmond, with money for a bribe to leave his daughter, Penny. The other a box of Desmond’s letters to her. Hurley is seated in a cab with none other than Jacob. He assures Hugo that he is not crazy, that he himself ( Jacob) is not dead ( is he “alive” in an immortal sense?) and that he is should consider that he is not cursed…but blessed. Jacob touches Hurley before he exits the cab, leaving the guitar case that is wedged between them. ” It’s not my guitar” said Jacob. Does he mean it’s some one else’s guitar? Is it Jacob’s case but it doesn’t contain a guitar? Season 6 will let us know for sure.

Hurley is trying to reassure a dying lost-sayid-t1Sayid that he’ll be ok once” Jack changes the future or the past…one of those”. miles-tMiles isn’t to sure. lost-jin-tJin is convinced Sayid will be fine ( I suspect he will be too somehow.) But Sayid is convinced nothing can save him, despite Jack’s telling him it will. I believe it is pretty clear that Sayid is talking about his soul more than his body. Sayid tells Jack that he rigged it so Jughead would go off on impact.

Back at the four toed statue, lost-locke-t1“Locke” is getting impatient and wants to speak to Jacob. richard-t7Richard tells him that if he’d wait a little longer, he was sure that Jacob would eventually summon John. Well, that’s just not going to cut it.
sun-tSun asks ben-t13Ben if he knew what happened to the statue. He says that it was like that when he got here..but questions Sun about whether she believes him or not…and doesn’t expect her to…lol. ( It just hit me now that maybe he did have something to do with the statue falling apart. His answer ” It was like that when I got here”…almost like a kid trying to skirt blame when they know they were responsible for messing up the house or breaking something.) 🙂
Locke wants to bring Ben with him. Richard tries to tell him that this is a breech in protocol. Only the leader can have an audience with Jacob and there can only one leader at a time on the Island. ( Is Ben still considered a “leader” by the Others then?) Locke hands Ben the knife and promises that “things will change once Jacob is gone”. However, just because there is change…doesn’t always mean it’s for the better.

Speaking of the four toed statue, my good friend Donald from the hilarious and insightful ” Donald is LOST” podcast & blog, asked me recently to look at some screen caps of the statue. Were there any differences ? Guess what? There most definitely were. ( I had a feeling that Sayid making the statement about ” hiding in plain sight” would have more meaning. 🙂 ) In Season Two, the foot was light in color and the base was deteriorating on one side…and the foot is a left foot. In Season Five, the statue was darker in color, the base was more intact…and it is a right foot. What is going on here? Scott, who does the art here for the site, suggested that if there are two sides, why not two statues : One for Jacob and one for his Enemy?

It’s 1977 again and Sawyer has shed the LeFleur alias as Miles points out what the Losties have been omitting from the discussion : That what they are all about to do may actually be The Incident?
Phil’s on his way to the Swan, most likely to kill Jack. The Losties decide to ” Live Together, Die Alone” and will act as the line of defense to make sure Jack carries out what appears to be their “destiny”.
Radzinski is glad to see Phil. Pierre is not. He thinks that they need to evacuate the area. Stewart will have no part in that. Then they get a glimpse of Jack on a mission… and the bullets start to fly between the Losties and Dharma. The Losties somehow get the upper hand, knock of Radzinski and grab Phil. Chang tries to stop the drill but something is pulling it down ( magnetism or fate?) Jack drops the bomb…and…nothing.
But all of a sudden, stuff starts flying around, drawn in by the pull ( much like in the Swan Hatch in LTDA)
Pierre’s arm gets caught, Miles frees him..but not without some severe injury ( Will he still lose the arm later?) Radzinsky awakens and tries to flee with some of his men in a no avail…and they run. Phil is about to shot Sawyer…but instead gets shish kabobed by some metal poles.
Juliet is wrapped up in chains and dragged into the hole being drilled for the Swan. Sawyer, with the help of Kate, attempt to save Juliet. Sadly, the pull was too strong and she lets go of James’ hand and plunges to her death…or so we thought. ( Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell… Would someone please just give them some kind of award. ( IMO) Both are long overdue. )

Back at the beach, 2007, Ilana and the gang make an appearance. She asks “Ricardus” what lies in the shadow of the statue… and he knows! The answer is in Latin. I’ve read ” He who will protect us all” , ” He who serves us all” and ” He who liberates us all” and ” He who will save us all” . Sayid spoke of nothing can save him. Charlie back in Season One said that if there was anyone who could save them all (on the Island) it was John Locke. I heard this theory from a contributor to the fantastic and funny LOST Unlocked podcast with Chris and Brian. After Ilana shows Richard was is in the metal crate… John Locke’s body dumped out on the beach, he is …lying ( laying) in the shadow of the statue. Does it point to John Locke…the real one…still going to “save” them all? Perhaps Jack is right about not giving up on John?

It is then that Sun wonders aloud if that is Locke on the ground…who is that in the statue? Why it’s Jacob’s Enemy…loophole found. Jacob is sitting in a rocking chair like the one from the Cabin ( Christian sat in as well), speaking about how making the “thread” is the hardest part of the tapestry. Thread… Is this pointing back to the string/street time theory that danielfaraday-tDaniel was talking about in Season 5’s first episode, “Because You Left”? “Locke” and Jacob exchange “pleasantries” as Ben slowly approaches. Mr. Linus is distraught at how for 35 years, he did what he was told, sight unseen. Well, what was so wrong with him? Why is Locke, a virtual stranger to the Island, in Ben’s eyes, given the privilege of Jacob’s company ” as if he were Moses!” It is very likely Jacob knew why Ben was there and what he was about to do. But he told him that he had the choice to either listen to “Locke” or not. After Ben’s ” What About Me” speech and a ” What about you” right back from Jacob, Ben chooses death…stabbing Jacob in the heart, with “Locke” finishing the job, kicking his lifeless body into the fire. But not before Jacob informs him ” They’re coming”. Who? The Losties from 1977? Ilana’s team and The Hostiles? Those who are like them that are even scarier, like was spoken of on the way to Jacob’s cabin? And was Ben playing the “Judas” role, spurred on by “Locke” in their earlier conversation about what “Jacob” didn’t do for Mr. Linus, despite his loyal service…fueled by Ben’s resentment of his own biased perception of the way thing should have gone i.e. Ben coming into power?

I alluded to this in the first part of the review. That there were other biblical connections. That scene on the beach , between Jacob and his enemy, is much like the dialog of God and Satan in the first chapter of the book of Job. The devil claims that man is pretty much corrupt and will always do wrong. God offers up Job’s name as an example of a “perfect” or righteous , man. The devil accuses, saying that Job is only faithful because of God’s kindness towards him. If God allowed Satan to ruin all that he has, including his health just short of death, he would curse God. God makes room for the devil to do what he chooses to Job’s life : Poverty, deaths of children, cattle, lose of home, sickness in his body, etc. Long story short, God was correct. Job remained faithful. And in turn, Job got back more than what he lost.

The mention of Moses by Ben also got me to thinking about something else. In the Old Testament, it says that Moses died when he went into the mountains alone at the age of 120. However, no body was ever found. In the New Testament, there is a passage in the book of Jude ( Jude 1:9) that states that the archangel Michael and Satan fought ( or strong petition before God) for control for the body of Moses. It probably was so that Moses’ remains would not become something to be worshiped like an idol for the Israelite people. But I wonder if it was also so the devil could not possess it , making Moses appear resurrected, and deceive the nation, as well? Is this what we are seeing with the “Locke” we met in this episode, a “possession” of John’s identity?

In LOST, it seems like they are borrowing from both of these stories. So, is this symbolic of the battle between God and the Devil? Between the archangel and the fallen angel? Neither? An amalgamation of the two accounts with players that are merely depicted as “dark” and “light”? Are Jacob and his enemy more akin to something found in Egyptology, like Set and Horus ? Roman ( Latin code words) or Greek mythology ( Inscription on the tapestry) ? Is it just some new brand of symbolism, introduced by the writers who’ve been “inspired” by these themes ? None of the above? Season Six… why aren’t you here yet?! 😉

In an April 21, 2009 interview with Variety ( I found linked at Izi’s outstanding blog, “Not Confused, Just LOST” ) this is a quote from Darlton that gives us ” The Short List” on “research materials” to help us in our quest for ” What is going on?!” … i.e. some of their biggest “influences” in writing LOST.

( Carlton Cuse) For both Damon and me Stephen King’s “The Stand” was the most influential model for “Lost.” Because “Lost” is not the tenth carbon copy of a medical, legal or cop show there wasn’t a clear roadmap for how to make it work for 100 episodes by looking at other TV shows. So instead we turned to “The Stand,” a 1,000-page novel with a high-concept idea at the core: most of the world’s inhabitants have been killed by a super flu. What we loved about the book was that what sustains the 1,000 pages is not the mythology of the super flu but the stories of the characters. The mystery of what was happening on this island had to be secondary to the mystery of “who are these people?” In terms of creative inspiration we owe a debt to many other sources: the Bible, “Twin Peaks,” “The Prisoner,” the Narnia Chronicles, and of course “Star Wars” and all of its mythological antecedents, Kurt Vonnegut and Flannery O’Connor.”

And last but by no means least, Jack and Kate try to extract a grieving and broken Sawyer away from the hole as more debris flies into it. Surprisingly, Juliet, though bloody and pinned beneath heavy wreckage, she rolls over and sees the unexploded Jughead. With what little strength she has left, picks up a rock to try and set it off ( hitting it 8 times). In what I like to refer to as the ” Jaws” style ending , like Brody shooting at the shark’s mouth to blow up the oxygen tank/ similar phrase spoke by both the Chief and Juliet right before the explosion… the screen fades to white…and the LOST logo inverts.

Did Jughead do what it was supposed to? Are they in 2004 at LAX? Another parallel time line? Did they all just die, with the rest of the story told in flashbacks? Will we come back, Season 6, to a paint covered Desmond?

Whatever the answer ( and I am in tremendous anticipation to find out) … Bravo, LOST! Thank you Team Darlton for another amazing season.

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LOST Poll : The Incident-al Lament

mswendygravitar8 So much to absorb in this season’s compelling two part finale. Speaking of “absorbing”…

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LOST Poll: Parental Guidance Suggested

mswendygravitar8 Congratulations to Josh and Yessica Holloway on the arrival of their baby girl, Java, on April 9th, 2009!

In celebration of this joyous event… today’s poll is about babies on LOST.

A few episodes ago, we witnessed the delivery of Horace and Amy Goodspeed’s bouncing baby boy, Ethan ( is this the Ethan? Probably…. but LOST does like to repeat names) . Strictly storywise….

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LOST Thoughts : He’s Our You ( or Sayid’s Excellent Adventure/Ben’s Bogus Journey


For starters, (IMO) one of the tensest episodes to date.
And you just knew someone wasn’t going to make it out of it alive.
It just happened to be Ben this time… or should I say IN this time?

I am going to attempt to categorize this episode in “Bill and Ted” speak… The 80’s meets The 70’s….Whoa!

lost-sayid-t1Sayid kills a chicken with his bare hands…but he lures his prey first. Much like Nathan/Goodwin in Season Two. Similar scenario to lost-eko-tMr. Eko killing for his younger brother, Yemi and lost-sawyer-t1Sawyer killing Cooper for lost-locke-t1Locke. Born killers or circumstantial? Also, another broken neck on the show. What’s the deal with all the broken necks?


ben-t13Ben made Sayid believe that he had some kind of noble purpose in his life. Fooled ya! So sorry about that. Turns out Ben was just using someone for personal gain. ( Imagine that !) In this case, to kill the majority of Widmore’s flunkies, who may or may not truly be responsible for Nadia’s death. Which still doesn’t answer the question of who is The Economist. And seeing that Widmore gave Locke a beyond current telephone to contact him with ( Just dial the # 23) , I’m guessing Charles is A-OK with technology. But Jacob isn’t. Were these people Ben had Sayid kill Jacob’s people and not Widmore’s? I’m thinking that Sayid ” I believe what I can see” Jarrah is not going to be as quickly convinced about seeking vengeance on ” The Invisible Man”.

lost-hurley-tHurley’s working in the kitchen making Dharma Ham Flavored Waffles with dipping sauce… informing lost-kate-t1Kate and lost-jack-t2Jack of the obvious… Sawliet or Jawyer… I’m not sure what term we’re using yet. Is it just me, or was that Locke’s almost tour guide from the ” Walkabout” episode walking over, then sitting down, at a table diagonal from them? Hey, who knows…it’s LOST! 😉


Good ol’ Roger Workman… what a sweetheart, huh? So, we get a longer glimpse into Ben’s sad past. Roger was not only an alcoholic, neglectful and verbally destructive, the elder Linus likes to throw in a beating, if the mood strikes him ( Please, Mood…you have my permission to strike him 🙂 ) And it clearly affects Sayid…but it does not dissuade him from what he believes is his “purpose”.


A lot of physicality in the episode… Sawyer urging Sayid to punch him…and vice versa… but that was to keep Sayid safe.
Sayid getting tasered….I’m gonna say, in the gut. Yeah, I’m sticking with that answer… 🙂
Sayid takes a boot to the face by Ilana. I think that move in is the hitman/spy equivalent to the ” Ol’ Wookie Prisoner Gag” … that was so effectively used against Aldo in Season Three’s ” Not in Portland”.

Sayid walked right into the arms of Ilana… only to be escorted onto a flight to Guam to avenge the death of Mr. Avileno. Sayid doesn’t want to get on board , once he gets a load of who are his traveling companions. Ilana offers the idea of getting a rabbit’s foot to ward off Sayid’s sudden “superstition”. It’s About Bunnies!

Wiggin’ Out!

Sayid is taken by LeFleur, Horace, Phil and Radzinsky ( aka Stu) to see Larry…I’m sorry…Oldham, the Dharma’s “Medicine Man” , of sorts. His pharmacy is strictly of the “bathtub” variety. Sayid is given a sugar cube with “truth telling serum” on it. It worked…but they didn’t know what he was talking about…thankfully for Sawyer and the rest of our Losties.
Watching this scene made me think if the stuff that Sayid was detailing actually gave them “ideas”about what to build in the future. 🙂

Town Counsel Meeting about what to do with the ” Hostile”. Stu wants to “stew” him. Amy at first looks concerned, then quickly changes her tune and says ” Kill him. What about the children.” I am now in the camp of theorist that Amy is short for Amelia, the older woman at Juliet’s book club. ( Tale of Two Cities, Season 3) . Add almost 30 years to her…. it fits. This would make her…an Other. The question is…has she been one all along, not just since ” The Purge” to come?

As If!
Ben is the one to get Sayid to leave his life of house building to do his bidding again! And of course, Ben wasn’t sure what happened to Locke, but he thinks it was murder! You don’t say!! Interestingly, the usually well pressed, dapper Ben, is seen wearing a wrinkled old blue striped shirt under a beige blazer… a shirt just like….christianshephard-tChristian Shepard. “You’re a killer, Sayid”…very reminiscent of ” You’re the killer, Ana Lucia” in Season Two. Fate vs Choice? Also, on the wall behind Sayid are two handsaws , facing opposite directions. One has a light handle, one has a dark handle.

No Way!
Flaming microbus, started by ..little Ben? Much like walt-t2Walt burning the raft ( Ben was also sporting a stripped shirt just like Walt used to wear) Fire was also used in diversion by lost-charlie-t1Charlie when he took Aaron ( Fire + Water, Season Two) and smoke by danielle-t1Danielle ( to also take Aaron , Exodus , Season One) and by the Losties ( Live Together, Die Alone, Season Two) Ben wants to join the Hostiles, with Sayid’s help. Sayid tells him that his father was a hard man too. Ben replies ” I hated him” . To quote Hurley ” Um…what?” *Unless I heard it wrong, Ben speaks of Roger in past tense. Why? Let the theories begin! 🙂
*UPDATE I did hear it wrong. It was “I hate it here” … Thanks to rewatch on better tv and confirmation from Capcom. I’ve GOT to get a DVR or something! Tube tv & VHS… you’re lettin’ me down! 😉


Sayid, like that chicken , lures little Ben to his death. And there is no question of whether he was shot. The question remains, ” Will Ben survive?” And from that inquiry, other questions emerge…
Will the Island heal Ben?
Will Jack operate on Ben again?
If he is dead, how does this affect the story?
If he is not dead, how will this affect the story?

And in the end…maybe ” He’s Our You” really isn’t about the commonalities between Sayid and Dr. Sugar Cubes… but the ” He” is really Ben.

Later! 🙂

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LOST Poll : Awkward!

mswendygravitar8 We’ve all experienced some kind of bout with social uneasiness. And LOST is not the exception to the rule.

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LOST Video : LOST- The Wonder Years Intro

mswendygravitar8 The Arnolds meet The Losties in this delightful crossover video. ( Here’s another mystery : Will ” The Wonder Years” ever come out on DVD? )

( Made by secretneo1 for youtube)

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LOST Thought : Austen: Hands of FATE


Both Edward Mars: U.S Marshall and lost-sawyer-t1James ” Sawyer” Ford tried to choke Kate while they were in a near death, delusional state . Was the Marshall “taken over” by Wayne, her real father that she killed, much like it seemed that Sawyer was?
(” Why did you kill me!?” , What Kate Did, Season Two)

Sawyer also said to lost-jack-t2Jack that he loved Kate while he was feverish from the infection from his bullet wound & Home Style extraction . Ed Mars spoke to Jack about Kate when he had a temperature of 104 : That she’s dangerous, you can’t believe anything that she says and that she “got to him ( Jack) too” { Tabula Rasa, Season One} (Ed Mars…a possible love interest .. at least, a one-sided one, anyways ?)

This “connection” make me wonder even more that maybe Kate’s relationships disintegrate because all the men in her life eventually “become” her father. And that the closer the man is to what she considers as “good”, the quicker she is to run from them, in fear of her “tainting” them. (Jack, Tom Brennan, Kevin) But the “bad boys” she courted to do her bidding, she might have figured ” Serves ’em right! ” because they were already creeps like Wayne. And that’s probably why she had no problem putting a bullet in Jason, during the bank robbery, without blinking an eye.

So, is “bad boy” Sawyer ultimately in danger if Kate finds her way back to him? Or will The Island finally put the whole “Wayne issue” to rest instead of Kate trying to do it herself through a violent version of ” The Never-ending Story” ?

Where am I going with this? I don’t know…lol. Just thought the whole “choking thing” was quite an interesting coincidence. Or was that fate?

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LOST Thoughts : Boone Nickname Origin # 1

boone-t1 Boone is betting against Sawyerlost-sawyer-t1 that Jacklost-jack-t2 will choke at the First Annual Island Open golf tournament because ” Princess” Shannonshannon-t and he need the sunscreen Mr. Ford just “threw into the pot”.

Princess is slang for someone who is on the spoiled or privaleged side. Someone who would prefered to be waited upon and whom you are often waiting for.

Now, I’m not sure how this would apply to Shannon. Yes, she did come from a family of considerable means. But she was always thinking of how she could be helpful with the rescue effort. Why, one of the first she did was make sure that all her nails were brightly painted and put on her most vibrant bikini, placing herself right in the middle of the chaos (with no thought of her own safety) just in case a plane happened by.

Who’s the “Princess” now, huh? 😉

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LOST Video : Gaston Sawyer

mswendygravitar8Hysterical video merging James Ford , Charlie Pace and the LOST gang with a song from the Disney classic ” Beauty and the Beast”.

( Made for youtube by belfx)

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