Posts tagged Sun Kwon

LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep14- The Candidate or The Island’s Submarine Ballot

Here’s a few extra thoughts about ” The Candidate”. If you would like to hear more about this episode, check out The LOST Revisited Now podcast, Episode #106. 🙂

Interestingly, the word “candidate” comes from the word “candida” in Latin ( “The language of the enlightened”) is the word for “white”. Jacob’s light side, signified by the white stone … these are ( or were) his “chosen”. Another little footnote, “Candida” was the song by Three Dog Night ,that Jerry and Rosie danced to in the Season 5 episode ” LaFleur”.

Sun had Charlie’s ring and she is gone now. Desmond went into the water with the ” Greatest Hits” note. Are Charlie’s sentiments and legacy supposed to be “buried” with him, underwater? Water seems to be associated with Jacob. Is this why Charlie, Sun and Jin died drowning? If MIB is associated with fire, is this why Sayid blew up? But then, what about Ilana? Oh, I don’t know…lol. But I’m curious to see why/how these elements play further into the story.

On the subject of water, with MIB being thrown into it by Jack, how does it affect him? I read/heard someone mention that maybe it just keeps him from changing into the Smoke Monster. I just had a thought. With all the mechanical sounds that it makes, even all the way back in ” Ab Aeterno” times, does water throw off its internal “works”, so to speak?

With Locke and Jack ( one in FS, one in OTL) have flying experience, will this become a factor in them getting off the Island… or tricking MIB?

We see the Apollo bar again when Jack buys it and offers it to his half sister ( in both time-lines), Claire. She refuses ( And like Leslie on Keys To LOST podcast pointed out, is it because she’s on the “dark side” now?) Apollo, in Greek and Roman mythology, was the god of light and the sun, truth and prophesy. He also had a twin sister, Artemis, a hunteress ( twin and hunter…hmm). Apollo was known for being a healer, often with the help of his son, Asclepius. The rod that Asclepius carried has entwined snakes and is used as the symbol caduceus, like on the medical hatch ( I wonder if this is why Jack’s son, David has emerged in the FS time-line. Will he play a role in the “healing”, either physically or with the time-lines?) . But Apollo could bring sickness with him, as well. Apollo was a leader over his people and was a defender and keeper of herds and flocks ( like a shepherd/Shephard?) . He also was connected with music (the Shephard’s proclivity for piano?) I wonder if Grandpa Ray was part of Apollo candy and/or the buying of the company by the Dharma Initiative, in someway, back in the sixties? The family business may not just be in medicine.

If Sayid, in his last moments, came back from the dark side , like Hurley suspected that he could, will we see that happen for Claire? Will she leave on that helicopter with Aaron? Did Charles Widmore have the last of the Oceanic Six behind another double-locked door, next to the sub’s Pylons R’ Us Warehouse? 🙂

With Sun and Jin gone, Claire staying with MIB and Kate shot, Jack not leaving the Island, Desmond being a “sacrifice” of some sort, etc. is this making more and more room for the children of the Losties to play a more forefront role in the end game? It seems like many of our Losties were “orphaned” in a way, – in actuality like James, through neglect, abandonment, separation, etc. It looks like the children are following a similar path. Or is this where “It only ends once…” . I believe it is most likely the latter but I hope that we get to still find out why, especially Walt and Aaron, are “special”.

And finally, R.I.P. to Frank, Jin, Sayid and Sun.

I’ve got a bad feeling it’s not going to get any easier from here. But still going to dive into the next episode #15.

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LOST Thoughts: S6/Ep10 – The Package or It’s Not a What…It’s a (Dr.) Who

This week, we were treated to a Jin/Sun extravaganza called “The Package.

Here are some additional thoughts that I’ve been mulling over since it aired. If you would like to hear more, you can check out ” The LOST Revisited Now”podcast, Episode #99.

If Mr. Paik was having Jin “rubbed out” by Keamy in this X time line, was he going to do the same thing in the original? Is there a “whatever happened, happened” sort of thing going on? If that is the case, what would be Paik reasoning for Jin’s execution? I’m thinking that he didn’t give the complete “message” to the guy who was the auto inspector. That was bad enough. But when Jin couldn’t “finish the job” by killing Jae Lee, the man who was sleeping with his wife, Paik may have deemed him useless, at that point, and would have ordered the hit.

Now, the watch itself. I don’t think that it was for Keamy. We know that at one point in the original time line, Martin worked for Widmore. Widmore and Paik were business associates, even playing golf together. So, I’m guessing that watch was most likely going to Charles in this time line, as well as the original.
The inscription on the original watch read ( in Korean) Congratulations…mutual cooperation…business development… Mr. Paik . That would seem to apply. I’m still wondering who got the first watch in Australia in Season One…and if there was another watch in this time line?

More symbolism with the fruit ( granted, it was from a vine, not a tree) that was offered to Sun by Jack. Jack saying ” I guess it wasn’t told it was supposed to die” with the stubborn tomato symbolizing Sun. This could be a play on ” Ye shall not surely die” said by the serpent to Eve ( even though Adam was told they would if they ate the fruit) . Also, what has been one of Sun and Jin’s biggest obstacles? Fertility issues or ” being fruitful and multiplying”. I have a feeling that their “reunion” may end up taking place in a cave. 😦

The tomato in Italian is called “pomodoro” or “golden apple”. In Greek mythology, the golden apple was known as “the apple of discord” because it was inscribed with the words” to the prettiest one”. This did not sit well with the many goddesses that considered themselves to be the one the golden apple was for. This small squabble is what eventually lead to the Trojan War. And like a wise man once said… a war is coming…and it’s already here.

This week’s mirror images was, first, Sun in the hall mirror ( almost looking like she was seeing something she couldn’t comprehend…even looking through, perhaps). The other, Jin’s, was a side by side image of him from the freezer ( thanks Anna for that one 😉 ) . He is “parallel” to it. Speaking of mirrors, Jin and Sun are standing in front of one the first time she, and the audience, find out what kind of “work” Jin is doing for Mr. Paik, as he is washing away the blood from his hands.

Thought it was funny how Ben was so concerned with Sun’s head injury and if she was ok when not to long ago, Sun whacked him in the noggin with an oar. Oh, how things have changed 😉

I have another lame theory about the plane. Richard said that they need to destroy it. But that is not an easy task without getting caught. And seeing MIB can loosen shackles, can he fix airplanes too. But what if you can’t fly what isn’t there? Maybe Jacob will finally give Ben an actual order, that will require a sacrifice on his part. What if he turns the donkey wheel one last time, causing them to move back in time and the plane “disappearing”. Before, Smokey was just that and wasn’t effected. But this time, he is stuck as “Locke” and has to travel back with them. And the war will take place at the “beginning” of when Widmore and that group first came to be. This would also explain Jack saying the clothes on “Adam and Eve” were about 40-50 years deteriorated. It could be “them” , as Hurley said in “Lighthouse”… and still be aged like that, in 2004. Most likely wrong…but when else can I put it out there. 🙂

Now that Smocke may or may not “need” certain people, will Claire kill Kate? Or will we see her leaving the Island in a helicopter with Aaron (like Desmond saw), quelling Claire’s anger? But how can this happen? I’m thinking there might be more than one “double locked room” on that sub ( but he’d most likely had to share it with several pylons).

Speaking of Desmond, aka The Package…why is he called that? Yes, it paralleled Jin having to deliver a package to Keamy in the flash-sideways. But it just seemed so strange to call him that. So, I decided to see if there was something about packages involving time travel, science, etc. Sure enough, there is. A physics package is the actual working parts of a nuclear or thermonuclear device. ( Interestingly, the Swan device was one of the first nuclear devices made by the US in 1956, the year Richard went to see Locke be born and the name of the Hatch where Des turned the fail safe key). Hmm… didn’t we have the core of the Jughead setting things off for time travel last season? Is this how Desmond is “uniquely and miraculously special”? Can he, in a sense, act as a “bomb”, capable of affecting time, personally and on a whole?

And last but not least… Frank misses bacon. 🙂

Now, onto unwrapping the gift that is this week’s new episode…#11.

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LOST Thoughts : Some Pre Season 6 Wacky Theories

Part of the fun of LOST is making theories: Large and small, serious and silly, and sharing them with each other. I had one of these exchanges a couple days ago with other fellow fans/podcasters. And I thought I’d post some ideas that I wrote here too. Some of these thoughts are built off of old theories. Some things just occurred to me now.

Locke’s Death

I’m still sticking with the Locke was strangled like his dad and was dead. Like “Dead is Dead” dead. My crackpot theory ( or just wishful thinking…lol) is just like he was healed before when he touched the Island, he will be again. But then we’d have two “Lockes” running around…kinda cheesy. But if this happens, somehow the writers will defy logic and make it cool…lol.

But then I came up with how they could do it. Locke falls out of the box. He touches the Island and is “healed”. Jacob’s Nemesis seems to need a dead body to do whatever it is to appear as John Locke. Once Locke is alive again, Nemesis’ actual identity is revealed ( and we might have Titus Welliver too for the rest of Season Six. Yay! 🙂 ) But it won’t happen until Walt’s ” You- were- standing- on- the- beach,- in- a -suit,- with- people- all- around- you, -wanting -to -hurt -you” Dream comes true… by way of Flock.

Christian’s Death and Recreation of Circumstances

However, I have always thought that Christian Shephard’s death was suspect.

When Christian saw Claire and told her that he had “ways” to help her mother die ( at least, that seemed to be the implication) , I’m guessing that he also had “ways” to appear dead and “come back to life”. And it might be through a method similar to the Medusa spider venom or a modification of it that he was able to create ( Seeing that he had most likely been on the Island before) .

He supposedly died from a massive heart attack brought on by drinking/getting in a fight with someone. But no autopsy scars?! ( Juliet’s ex husband got hit by a bus and they gave him an autopsy! 🙂 ) Also the guy who showed Jack his father dead body in the morgue …was also at the crash site. See man with white hair holding his arm, shouting ” Move away from the gas! ” ( Actor Geoff Heise) Hmmm… Wonder why he’d be there? I’m guessing it wasn’t for budgetary reasons. He had lines and wasn’t just someone in the background. Was this man an accomplice? Dr. FrankenShephard’s Igor? One can only hope. 😉

How about this : What if he was playing the role of “the dead guy” that needed to be on Flight 815 to get back to the Island just like Locke was playing his “role”? That Ajira 316 was not the first time “the circumstances of a flight having to be recreated as best as you can” ?

Ben’s Box

I’ve been thinking that the box was the box of chocolate with the gun that Sun received , along with the papers/ pictures of Jack and Ben near the van. Just like he did with the whole Kate & Aaron “lawsuit”, I think Ben gave them to Sun so she would come to him. Then Ben could show her Jin’s ring and get her back to the Island. And where did that gun go after Sun decided to go with Ben and Jack to see Ms. Hawking? Why into Ben’s pocket, of course, so he could go and take care of that promise he had made to a friend ( i.e. killing Penny…or at least he thought he was going to ) .

As mentioned above, these are wacky. Do with them what you will. 😉

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LOST Video : If LOST Were More Like Seinfeld

mswendygravitar8 If the show that is pretty much about everything… were a show about nothing.

( Made for youtube by sagaciouspenguin)

If you would like to watch some other LOST Related Videos , please click here. 🙂

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LOST Thoughts : DarkUFO’s Season Six LOST Fantasy League Sign Up


DarkUFO already has the groups for Season Six’s LOST Fantasy League. ( Thanks, Dark UFO! 🙂 ) If you want to sign up your ” team”, click here. They are giving away prizes again to the top three spots on the boards.

Last season was my first year playing. I came in at 2261…. right about the middle of the pack. It was a lot of fun checking my “stats” and seeing how the It’s About Bunnies Team did with each new episode.

Last year’s “team” consisted of …

Richard Alpert
Hurley Reyes
Walt Lloyd
Ji-Yeon Kwon
Horace Goodspeed
Daniel Faraday

For this final ( 😦 ) season of LOST , my picks are …

Team It’s About Bunnies & LRN

Group 1 : lost-jack-t2Jack Shephard
Group 2 : sun-tSun Kwon
Group 3 : lost-locke-t1John Locke
Group 4 : christianshephard-tChristian Shephard
Group 5: vincent-t1Vincent
Group 6 : Pierre Chang
Group 7 : Libby

Hope to see you “on the field” ! 🙂

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LOST Poll : Awkward!

mswendygravitar8 We’ve all experienced some kind of bout with social uneasiness. And LOST is not the exception to the rule.

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LOST Video : LOST- The Wonder Years Intro

mswendygravitar8 The Arnolds meet The Losties in this delightful crossover video. ( Here’s another mystery : Will ” The Wonder Years” ever come out on DVD? )

( Made by secretneo1 for youtube)

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LOST Thoughts : The Little Prince


Chapter One : The Little Prince

Once Upon a Time….. there was a little boy named Aaron. Aaron was a special little boy. He was born on an island. But not just any island. He was born on a fantastic Island, full of monsters and deep lochs … and very confused, time traveling, nose bleeding villagers.

Aaron was the son of a beautiful young peasant girl , who worked at a Fish N’ Fry Eatery on the Isle of Australia, named claire-tClaire. Aaron’s father, Thomas, was a poor artist but he held deep devotion towards his new budding family. Well, until a few months later, when Thomas felt things were too “intense” and walked out on them. ( Or was it some other reason?…hmmm) Seeing she was now on her own , Claire decided to give Aaron to a mysterious couple who live in the smoggy but enchanted LA LA Land. However, everything was going to change when she boards a gigantic and shiny flying machine dubbed Oceanic Flight 815, to get to the fair city ( Royality : 1st Class, Peasants: Coach)

The beautiful Claire and everyone aboard the flying machine were magically ripped from the sky and plummeted to the fantastic island below. And it was a fantastic island indeed, because at least 48 survivors from the fuselage, 23 from the tail section and the pilot, initially survived.

From that point, a sparkly, gossamer veil is lifted , called a flashback devise, and we discover all sorts of whimsical, yet morally questionable, adventures these survivors have taken. And it is here, that we uncover the fact that Claire is actually a Princess. That, canonically, she is the half sister of Prince lost-jack-t2 Dr. Jack, through a clandestine meeting between her mom, Carol and his father, King Christianchristianshephard-t, after too much mead.

Now, you would think that son, Aaron and Claire would be together forever, living happily ever after. No such luck. Claire has apparently disappeared into the mystical jungle, last seen in a creepy shack with her “DEAD beat dad”, King Christian, leaving Aaron crying on a leaf. But Aaron is rescued, first by Sir Sawyer of Nicknames, then by Duchess Sun and finally by the lost-kate-t1Lady Kate and some of the Merry Band of Travelers, called the Oceanic 6, in a smaller flying machine. But as they are flying away toward rescue, the fantastic island ” disappears”.

Aaron and the rest of the O6 finally make it to the smoggy but enchanted LA LA Land. He is living a lovely life with Lady Kate and, occasionally, Prince Dr. Jack ( when he’s not visiting the apothecary ) . Prince Goober is in the lap of luxury in a McMansion style castle and all the vintage cartoons he can watch ( Thank you, Oceanic!)

But all is not fair in the fair Land of Los Angeles. For evil lurks about, rearing its vile, hideous head, in the form of The Law Offices of Agostini and Norton. It seems, that Claire’s mother, who was a “sleeping beauty” after a bad carriage accident, has arisen and figured out that the little Prince is her grandson. No, wait…. scratch that….she didn’t. Carol’s just a client of the sinister legal offices , aforementioned, suing the owners of the big shiny flying machine. It just so happens…. the minion of darkness, Norton, also represents the O6’s good “friend”, ben-t13Jester Benjamin Linus (and I’m just guessing now, that half uncle , Prince Dr. Jack, giving some of his royal blood, just to make it ” legal” , either willingly off island or unwillingly in Season 3 at the Hydra Station 😉 ) .

As he is plotting lost-hurley-tKnave Hurley’s means of escape from a downtown LA dungeon , it appears that Ben has also been devising a scheme with sun-tDuchess Sun in acquiring Lady Kate and Aaron, so all of Oceanic 6 will return to the Island. Or maybe Sun’s with Baron Von Widmore, Ben’s arch enemy, and is on a revenge kick on the O6 and CJ Ben over the death of lost-jin-tDuke Jin, her “dead” husband…who now isn’t…but she doesn’t know that. Or she might just go “medieval’ on um’ all. However it turns out, it’s not looking good for Little Prince Aaron. He’s probably going to be taking a carriage ride with someone he shouldn’t be ( or should he be? )

Back on the fantastic Island, we are taken to the times when…
boone-t1Knave Boone dies
Little Prince Aaron is born, with the help of Lady Kate
Sir Sawyer of Nicknames is crying.
lost-locke-t1Sir Locke of Destiny is philosophizing
charlotte-tLady Charlotte’s stops bleeding
miles-tSir Miles of Snark and juliet-tLady Juliet have started bleeding
And danielfaraday-tDaniel , Knight of the Jittery, is having trouble explaining what in the world is happening to them.

They soon band together and take a great adventure to the far side of the Isle of the Polar Bears in their (actually someone else’s) splendid vessels of wood. But they are being shot at, by probably, the rightful owners of the boat they’re in. Yet at their most perilous moment, the Leftbacks are carried away, in a whisk of purple light, back to an ancient time of myth and legend: The late 80’s.
Duke Jin is alive
Montand still has his arm
And danielle-t1 Dame Danielle Rousseau….was who she said she was ( probably.. 😉 )

THE END (for now)

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LOST Thoughts : Ji Yeon’s Arrival


Last season, we were treated to Katelost-kate-t1 “answering” questions at the Oceanic 6 press conference about her giving birth on the island to a very “hearty” Aaron. Obviously, no one noticed at the time, about Sun’ssun-t pregnancy, since she wasn’t quite showing yet. But considering their world wide fame after the crash, I wonder if this will be pointed out that Sun was “with child” from a husband that was dead for three+ months. And that got me thinking if “The Lie” will get expanded to Sun having to deny that Jin lost-jin-tis the father of her child. This is especially heartbreaking knowing their history of fertility issues and marital problems that got “resolved” prior to Jin’s probable death ( I say probable because this is after all…LOST! 🙂 )

So, who will play the phony daddy? Jacklost-jack-t1, Sayidlost-sayid-t1 or Hurleylost-hurley-t? My guess: It’s Hurley. He’ll play the role of father in exchange for Sun taking his “cursed” millions (along with her settlement) that gives her the cash to get controlling interest in her father’s company.

There was an actual frozen donkey wheel that “moves the island” … so, hey… why not this? 😉

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LOST Parody : The Juliet Song


This parody is based on the enigmatic Ms. Burke (played by Elizabeth Mitchell) and highlights the internal moral struggles of the Island’s fertility doc….that and I get to sing “Baby” quite a bit . 🙂

(If you would like to hear more parodies, you can find them in the Sidebar under ” Catagories: Lost Parodies)

The Juliet Song

I’m tough but I’m sappy
I’m smart but I’m shy
My sister’s not healthy YEAH!
I hide from my husband
I’m sane but I’m overwhelmed
I gave a male mouse a BABY

What it all comes down to
Is that everything’s gonna be fine, fine, fine
I’ve got one face lookin’ timid
And the other one’s sayin’ ” Get hit by a bus , Ed!”

I feel drunk but I’m sober
From Richard’s swell OrangeAid
I’m tired but I’m workin’ YEAH!
I guess I’m in Portland
I’m here but I’m really gone
I’m now gonna save some BABIES!

What it all comes down to
Is that everything’s gonna be quite alright.
I’ve got one face in my novel
And the other one’s talkin’ ’bout free will

What it all comes down to
Is that I haven’t got it all figured out just yet
I’ve got one face praising Benry
And the other one’s behind some cue card signs

I’m trapped but I’m focused
I’m green but I’m wise
Tryin’ hard not to steal Claire’s baby
I’m sad but I’m laughin’
I’m sweet but I’m devious
I helped Sun know it’s Jin’s BABY!

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one’s got me really figured out just yet
I’ve got one eye on The Others
And the other one’s watchin’ Jack play pianoooooooooooo

And what it all comes down to, my friends
Is that everything’s gonna be fine, fine, fine
I’ve got one face toward The Island
And the other one’s facing a helicopter

The Juliet Song.mp3 by Ms. Wendy
(Parody of “Hand in My Pocket” by Alanis Morissette, 1995, Maverick Records
New Lyrics by Wendy Lincoln, 2008 )

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LOST Thoughts (and Video) : Sawyer Nickname Origin #14

Sawyer and “Omar” (Sayid) are contemplating what to do with an irrate Jin who attacked Michael on the beach (House of the Rising Sun, Season One). They decide to handcuff him to the wreckage until some answers are produced. Sun provides them to Michael (in English, a language no one thought that she knew). It was because he was wearing a watch Sun’s father asked him to deliver in L.A. when they got there. Michael then breaks Jin free with an axe. Henceforth, Jin will continue to wear half a pair of handcuffs until Michael cuts it off in the Swan Hatch in Season Two’s “What Kate Did” (Episode 9) { That’s 27 episodes! There needs to be some kind of award for Daniel Dae Kim, as well as LOST for continuity 🙂 }

“Omar” nickname origin may be another nickname simular to that of ” Abdul” (see Sawyer Nickname Origin # 5. It may also be a reference to dashing leading man of stage and screen Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia, Dr. Zhivago).

But we have been aquainted yet again with this name in Season Four (Lost is certainly known for its use of repeated names ) . Martin Keamy’s “little buddy” , his Lackey # 1 , was named….Omar (played by Anthony Azizi) (Thanks LOSTpedia ). And he was a very good sidekick….until Keamy sidekicked a grenade in his immediate direction.

Here’s a video called ” Keamy- Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!” (Made by dharmagedon2k for youtube) with Martin & Sayid sluggin’ it out to some Vanilla Ice/TMNT, sprinkled with flashes of Freighter Omar.

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LOST Cartoon Art : Ji Yeon’s Mom

Sun ” It’s complicated” Kwon (played by Yunjin Kim)

Happy Lost Thought of the Day: Sun makes Jin wear a hat.

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